
The Light Snow

Young Adult Ministry (YAM) was the Archdiocese of Chicago’s outreach service to women and men in their twenties and thirties, married and single. YAM director Darius Villalobos and YAM coordinator Pablo Padilla led discussions on a wide range of topics that connected faith with everyday life for young adults.

Young Adult Connections to the Parish and Campus Ministry

Wednesday, January 13, 2010
In today's show, Fr. John Cusick and Dr. Kate DeVries lead a discussion on ministering to young adults, and the ways young adults are connected to parish life and campus ministry. They are joined by Fr. John Hoffman, pastor of St. Francis Church in LaGrange, Ms. Jackie Posek, campus minister at the University of Illinois John Paul II Center, and Fr. Terry Keehan, pastor of Holy Family Church in Inverness.

Annual Catholic Appeal 2018 - English

Monday, January 4, 2010
ACA English

Annual Catholic Appeal 2018 - Spanish

Monday, January 4, 2010
ACA Spanish

Annual Catholic Appeal 2018 - Polish

Sunday, January 3, 2010
ACA Polish

Part I: Be (A)ware this Advent/Part II: Catholics Come Home

Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Part I: Be (A)ware this AdventEvery December, we host a very special show dedicated to the season of Advent. This month, Fr. John Cusick and Ms. Kate DeVries are joined by Mr. Terry Shelley (Isaac Hecker Center for Young Adult Ministry) and Ms. Elise Ainsworth (Kateri Center for Young Adult Ministry). Join us for Advent readings, music, and reflection. The Music used is available through World Library Publications ( or 1-800-566-6150). Awake to the Day by Ed Bolduc and Jesus, Hope of the World by Laura Mara and Paul Tate can be found on the CD, Jesus, Hope for the World. Today’s instrumental music can be found on the CD Holy Light: Musical Reflections for Christmas, by Jerry Galipeau (on piano) and Denise La Giglia (on flute). Part II: Catholics Come HomeWe invite all of our listeners to help us reach out to young adults who may have been away from active participation in the Church. This segment of The Light Show will offer insights and options for all of us to get more involved and connected. The song 10,000 Angels by Aaron Thompson can be found on his CD by the same name, available through World Library Publications ( or 1-800-566-6150). Kate

Upcoming Events

Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Today Fr. Cusick and Dr. DeVries take a quick look at three upcoming events. First we will explain Catholics Come Home, an outreach to Catholics who are not currently practicing the faith through regular Mass attendance. Next we discuss preparing for Advent, which begins Sunday, Nov. 29. Finally, we will add some thoughts on Thanksgiving, Nov. 26.

A Showcase of Opportunities!!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Join Fr. Cusick and Dr. DeVries for a look at options for connecting with your peers, getting more involved, and growing deeper spiritually. Opportunities include Archdiocesan and Regional ministries, parish outreaches, retreats and spiritual direction, college offereings and ministry formation, vocation and discernment support, and service opportunities. Guests: Mr. Terry Shelley; Ms. Elsie Radtke; Ms. Christina Bax; Ms. Rachel Kramer; Mrs. Lauren Gaffey; Mr. Aaron Malnick; Ms. Birgit Oberhofer; Sr. Theresa Sullivan; Fr. Wayne Watts; Ms. Lisa Pauletto

Discussion about the events of 9/11

Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Fr. John Cusick discusses the events of 9/11/2001 with Eileen Bender and Scott Stephens

Great Things Are Happening!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009
On August 9th, Young Adults from throughout the Archdiocese of Chicago attended the Finale Celebration of Theology-on-Tap. In Today's show, Fr. John Cusick, Dr. Kate DeVries and Mr. Terry Shelley (Isaac Hecker Ruah Center Director) will take a look back at the Good News of Theology-on-Tap, 2009. Phone guests include intern Aaron Malnick, Theology-on-Tap participant Ashley Mitchell, and speaker Jen Pesek. Then, we will hear from Young Adult Mary Bridget Beddome, who will share what she did on her summer vacation...that was far from a vacation!

Presenting Theology-on-Tap, 2009!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009
In today's show, Fr. John Cusick, Dr. Kate DeVries, and Aaron Malnick(Theology-on-Tap coordinator) will take a close look at Theology-on-Tap,the summer speaker and discussion series created for people in their 20sand 30s. Specifics on this summer's program, hosted from July 12 to Aug9, 2009 are available at . Phone guests include: Barbara Slipek (Queen of All Saints) and Fr.Patrick McGrath (Loyola Academy).

A Look at Ministry

Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Today's show examines Ministry through the lens of two Catholic priests,and two lay women. Fr. John Cusick and Dr. Kate DeVries are joined byguests Fr. Frank Jenks and Ms. Elise Ainsworth. Listen to explore thecall to ministry, the meaning of "vocation," highlights of doingministry, and suggestions for making a difference by sharing your gifts.

The Sacred Journey of Holy Week

Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Holy Week is an incredibly sacred time in our Church. On Holy Thursday we move through the Last Supper, the foot washing, the Garden of Gethsemane, the arrest of Jesus, and Peter's denial. On Good Friday, we remember the way of the cross and crucifixion, and in our parishes, we venerate the cross. Holy Saturday we wait until sundown, then experience the Easter Vigil where new members are brought into our Church as we begin the Celebration of the Resurrection of Christ. Join Fr. John Cusick, Dr. Kate DeVries, and Mr. Terry Shelly for some conversation, prayer, Scripture, and music. Phone guests include: Mr. Edgardo Reyes from St. Agnes of Bohemia Church, Fr. Francis Li from St. Barbara Church, and Young Adult volunteer Ms. Megan Gaughan.

The Journey of Lent

Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Today's show will focus on the Journey of Lent, and ways to grow deeper spiritually through this sacred season. Guests today include Mr. Nathan Hernandez, YAM intern; Ms. Jackie Posek, campus minister at UIC's John Paul II Center; Mr. Paul Jarzembowski, director of YAM for the Diocese of Joliet, and Ms. Lauren Gaffey, Charis Ministries.

Relationships - What a Trip!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009
This show, which aired three days before Valentine's Day, focuses on relationships. Fr. John Cusick along with Dr. Kate DeVries address the joys and struggles of relationships, along with the qualities of a healthy relationship. The conversation will begin with questions asked by singles, and move to issues of engagement and marriage. Guests today include Mr. Frank Hannigan (Family Ministries Office - Arch. of Chicago), Dr. John Duffy (Clinical Psychologist), and young adult, Jennifer Burke, who was recently engaged.

A New Year's Resolution!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009
This month Fr. John Cusick and Dr. Kate DeVries address the issue of Young Adult participation at Mass, in parish leadership, and in Catholic organizations. All of us can make a difference in terms of inviting and supporting young adult peers and friends/children/neighbors in participating more fully. Phone guests today include Mr. Mike Ciciura, Ms. Elise Ainsworth-Bryson, and Fr. Frank Jenks.

An Advent Hour

Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Join Fr. John Cusick and Dr. Kate DeVries for an hour of Advent music, prayer, reflection, and traditions. Music for today's show was generoulsy provided by World Library Publications, Franklin Park, IL,, 800-621-5197.

Be Watchful! Advent 2008

Monday, December 1, 2008
Advent is a sacred time of preparation, and an opportunity to grow deeper in faith. During these cold, dark December weeks, we invite you to take an Advent journey with us toward the Christ Child. We present Scripture, music, reflections and prayer, some wisdom on our Catholic tradition and suggestions for prayer throughout the season. Special thanks to World Library Publications ( and GIA Publications, Inc. ( for generously providing the music on this work.

Gratitude, Thanksgiving, and Eucharist

Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Today's show is focusing on gratitude. In the spirit of the Thanksgiving holiday, we will discuss that for which we are grateful, and explore the meaning of Eucharist, our Catholic feast of thanksgiving. Today's special guest is Fr. Richard Fragomeni, professor of liturgy and homiletics at Catholic Theological Union in Chicago, Spiritual Director of the Shrine of Our Lady of Pompeii and author of Come to the Feast: An Invitation to Eucharistic Transformation, published by Continuum Press.

Money Matters

Wednesday, October 8, 2008
The topic of today's show is managing your money given the current state of economic affairs. Youg Adults Mr. Peter Cullen-Conway (from the Office of Stewardship and Development of the Archdiocese of Chicago) and Mrs. Julie Christin (director of the I & M Canal YACHT Club) will share the concerns young adults are facing. Phone guests include financial managers Mr. Mike Hagen and Mr. Bill Strotman. They will offer suggestions for navigating through these difficult times.

Understanding Vatican II

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

The Ruah Project--The Kateri and Isaac Hecker Centers for Young Adult Ministry

Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Young Adult Ministry is proud to announce the opening of two new Centers for Young Adult Ministry. Listen in as Fr. John Cusick and Dr. Kate DeVries interview the center directors about the project and what it means for young adults in your area. Phone guests include: Ms. Elise Ainsworth-Bryson, director of the Kateri Center, and Mr. Terry Shelley, director of the Isaac Hecker Center.

A Taste of the Tap!

Wednesday, July 9, 2008
In today's show, Fr. John Cusick and Dr. Kate DeVries will interview a number of the Speakers who will be presenting at Theology-on-Tap, the summer speaker and discussion series created for people in their 20s and 30s. Specifics on this summer's program, hosted from July 13 to Aug 10, 2008 are available at . Phone guests include: Ms. Mary Louise Kurey ("How to Win the Love of Your Life"), Dr. Michael Cahill ("Chicago Catholicism"), Mr. Marco Matonich ("The Creed"), Sr. Teresa Sullivan ("Inviting Christ into Every World of Work"), Fr. Bill O'Shea ("How the Gospels were Written") and Fr. Frank Jenks ("The Mass and an Explanation").

Theology-on-Tap: A Winner from Every Angle!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008
In today's show, Fr. John Cusick and Dr. Kate DeVries will take a good look at Theology-on-Tap, the summer speaker and discussion series created for people in their 20s and 30s. They will explore what it is; how it works; benefits to the young adults who participate, to those who recommend the program, and to the Church in general. Specifics on this summer's program, hosted from July 13 to Aug 10, 2008 will also be presented.

Theology on Tap 2008

Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Join Fr. John Cusick and Dr. Kate DeVries for a discussion on Theology-on-Tap, a speaker and conversation series for people in their 20s and 30s. The discussion will present an overview of this popular, nationwide program, the target group (young adults), a strategy of invitation, the topics and speakers to be presented this summer, and how to connect your parish and the young adults you know to the program. Theology-on-Tap 2008 will take place from July 13 to August 10, 2008.

Reflections on Holy Week

Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Today's show is a combination of prayer, readings, music and reflection around Holy Week, 2008. Spend an hour meditating upon: what the passion and death of Christ says to us now, the agony in the garden on the Mount of Olives, Peter's response to questioning, and the Crucifixion. Music for today's show was provided by World Library Publications ( ): "Make Us Your Own" & "Go Out in the World" by Ed Bolduc can be found on the Awake to the Day CD.

Practices of Lent

Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Lent is a wonderful opportunity to slow down, reflect upon who we are asGod's beloved daughters and sons, take inventory of our lives, and spendquality time coming more into Communion with God and one another. Inthis show, Ms. Beth Knobbe, Campus Minister at the Sheil CatholicStudent Center of Northwestern, shares insights and wisdom on somelife-giving practices for Lent this year. Hosts Fr. John Cusick and Dr.Kate DeVries join Beth in unpacking the great Catholic strategies ofPrayer, Fasting, and Almsgiving. Visit for 40 ideas for the 40 days of Lent.

Financial Planning and the Holy Use of Money

Wednesday, January 9, 2008
This show, hosted by Fr. Cusick and Dr. DeVries and financial strategists Jeff Josephs, Dan Coyne, and Rich Goode (Arch. of Chicago's Development Office), looks at healthy financial planning. Specific topics include sound financial strategies, saving for retirement, getting out of debt and sharing the gifts you've been given.

Christmas Reflection

Tuesday, December 25, 2007
What Child Is This? A Meditation on Christmas through Scripture, Christmas Carols, and a Reflection on the Christ Child from God's People.

Advent Reflections

Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Join us for an hour of scripture, reflection, songs and prayers to enter more fully into the season of Advent.

Advent Reflections: Journey Into The Light, Part 1

Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Awake to Advent

Advent Reflections: Journey Into The Light, Part 2

Monday, December 3, 2007
Kindle The Flame

Advent Reflections: Journey Into The Light, Part 3

Sunday, December 2, 2007
The Blessed Virgin Mary

Advent Reflections: Journey Into The Light, Part 4

Saturday, December 1, 2007
The Four Annunciations

Favorite Saints

Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Who is your favorite saint? And who is a modern day saint in your life? November is the month when we celebrate our great Catholic heroes: the Saints. Join Fr. Cusick and Dr. DeVries for a look at some key Catholic saints and the gifts they given the Church. They will also share responses from young adults about their favorite saints.

St. Francis of Assissi: A Spirituality for Today

Wednesday, October 10, 2007
In honor of his feast day Oct. 4, this show is dedicated to St. Francis and all that he taught us. Sr. Sara Hale will address the importance of service. Fr. Joachim Studwell will describe humility and peace making. Fr. Larry Janowski will present wisdom on living the Gospel, responses to the struggle of which direction to take in life, and a whole hearted embrace of the Gospel.

The 3rd Moment of a Sacrament

Wednesday, September 12, 2007
The 1st moment of a sacrament is preparation; the 2nd is receiving thesacrament itself. The 3rd moment is follow-up. In this show, Fr. John Cusickand Dr. Kate DeVries present a simple approach to the 3rd moment of thesacrament of baptism - staying in contact with parents who have recently hada child baptized.

Within These Walls: Strategies for Increasing Young Adult Involvement

Wednesday, August 8, 2007
Today's show addresses the ways young adults are currently active in parishlife, and ways of increasing participation among those in their 20s and 30s.

Theology on Tap 2007

Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Fr. John Cusick, Dr. Kate DeVries and Mr. Ted Burton share information on this summer's Theology on Tap series happening July 8 through August 5th.

Father's Day Blessings

Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Dr. Kate DeVries and Eric Weinheimer interview R. J. McMahon and Tim Shelley about fatherhood.

An Interview with Dr. Kate

Wednesday, May 9, 2007
Fr. John Cusick, Dr. Kate DeVries and Fr. Ed Foley.


Wednesday, April 11, 2007
FOCUS: An opportunity to FOCUS on the things that matter most with guests Jenene Francis and Annie Devine.

A Mid-Lent Correction!

Wednesday, March 14, 2007
How’s your Lent going? Join us for a mid-Lent check-in, strategies for the remaining weeks of Lent, and some helpful resources. Special Guest: Fr. Patrick McGrath, S.J.

Valentine's Day

Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Join Fr. John Cusick and Ms. Kate DeVries for a look at various relationship issues and wonderful pieces of music. Wina Shelley shares her experiences of working with Pre-Cana couples, and what it takes to keep what you treasure alive. Barbara Mahaney shares her experiences in an interfaith marriage. Peggy Clark Burke offers some strategies for those who have not yet found their special someone. Music includes: Love Endures by James Moore, and By Name I Have Called You, Our God Is Love, and I Send You Out, each by Jon Angotti.

RENEW International and Theology-on-Tap

Wednesday, January 10, 2007
RENEW is a Catholic organization that fosters spiritual renewal, evangelization and the transformation of the world through parish-based small Christian communities. Now in partnership with the Young Adult Ministry Office in the Archdiocese of Chicago, they are helping to spread Theology-on-Tap around the world. Join Fr. John Cusick, Ms. Kate DeVries, and special guests Ms. Margaret Rickard and Mr. Joe Arner from RENEW for a look at what Theology-on-Tap and RENEW are doing for young adults.

Advent - Being the Light of Christ

Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Every December, we host a very special show dedicated to the season of Advent. This month, Fr. John Cusick and Ms. Kate DeVries are joined by Mr.Jerry Galipeau, the Worship Resources Editor for World Library Publications.Join us for Advent reflections, music, and traditions. The Music used isfrom the instrumental CD Holy Light: Musical Reflections for Christmas, byJerry Galipeau (on piano) and Denise La Giglia (on flute), and availablethrough World Library Publications ( or 1-800-566-6150).

A Few Good Catholic Books: Great Reading for Young Adults

Wednesday, November 8, 2006
On this show Fr. Cusick, Ms. Kate DeVries, Mr. Joe Paprocki and Ms. Michelle Halm present great Catholic books for young adults. These and additional recommendations can be found on the Young Adult Ministry website:

Why Do YOU Go to Mass?

Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Why do you go to Mass? Fr. John Cusick, Ms. Kate DeVries and Fr. Michael Sparough, S.J. address the topic of our Catholic Mass, why we go, and the ways in which we are transformed. We Discuss Mass as a spiritual exercise that helps us strengthen our faith, build community, grow deeper spiritually, be reconciled with our God and one another, and fill the spiritual hunger within. Liturgy is anchored in God's Word, as we understand our story in light of God's story, and in the Eucharist, as we share the Body and Blood of Christ.

Why Young Adults Don't Go To Church, and What We Can Do About It.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006
We explore why young adults don't go to church as seen through the lens of young adults, the parents of young adults, and Fr. John Cusick, Director of the Young Adult Ministry Office for the Archdiocese of Chicago. Guests: Ms. Heidi Schlumpf and Mr. Bryan Cones.

Young Adult Ministry and Your Parish

Wednesday, August 9, 2006
Join Fr. Cusick, Ms. Kate Devries and Ms. Jackie Posek for a closer look at the work of Young Adult Ministry, and what Young Adult Ministry might look like at your parish. Building upon what has been learned in working with parishes over the past 30 years, we discuss practical strategies for a parish to reach out to their young adults and invite them more fully into the life of the parish.

Tapping Into Theology-on-Tap!

Wednesday, July 12, 2006
On this show, Fr. Cusick, Ms. Kate DeVries and Ms. Jackie Posek explain what Theology-on-Tap is, how it began, and how it works. They will then be joined by speakers Ms. Judy Chiareli and Fr. Frank Jenks, who will share some of their insights based upon their participation in the program. Lastly, Mr. John Kerr (music director) and Ms. Maureen Garavan (party coordinator) will present details about the finale celebration, which brings participants from all 50 hosting sites together for Mass at Holy Name Cathedral and the Hawaiian Luau which will follow at Cardinal George's residence.
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