
Catholic Chicago

Catholic Chicago Radio

First and Fourth Monday Monthly: 8 – 9 a.m.
Second and Fourth Thursday Monthly: 8 – 9 a.m.

Fr. Greg Sakowicz, rector of Holy Name Cathedral, is the host of this lively discussion program that presents news and information about the Archdiocese of Chicago, while exploring topics of faith from the Catholic perspective. Co-hosting with Fr. Sakowicz is Mark Teresi, assistant to the rector at Holy Name Cathedral.

Year of the Priest

Monday, August 3, 2009
Host: Graziano Marcheschi. Topic/Guests: Year of the Priest/Fr. David Toups; Fr. Ron Kalas; Fr. Ed Salmon; Fr. Ed Maxa

Caritas in Veritate/The Clare at Water Tower

Friday, July 31, 2009
Hosts: Fr. Greg Sakowicz and Wayne Magdziarz. Topics/Guests: Caritas in Veritate/Adrienne Curry. The Clare at Water Tower/Janet Sisler

Holy Name Cathedral/Adrian Dominican Sisters

Friday, July 24, 2009
Hosts: Fr. Greg Sakowicz and Wayne Magdziarz. Topics/Guests: Holy Name Cathedral/Fr. Dan Mayall. Adrian Dominican Sisters/Sr. Durstyne; Sr. Frances; Sr. Grace; Sr. Norine

Job and Career Transition/Catholic Extension Society

Monday, July 13, 2009
Host: Wayne Magdziarz. Topics/Guests: Job and Career Transition/Al Gustafson. Catholic Extension Society/Fr. Jack Wall

Racial Justice/Apparition

Friday, July 10, 2009
Hosts: Graziano Marcheschi and Wayne Magdziarz. "Catholics Praying for Racial Justice" is an initiative of Catholics United for Racial Justice and the Office for Racial Justice. These are pilgrimages in each of the six vicariates, during which groups will travel by bus to several churches where they will participate in a short program of prayer, Scripture reading, witnessing and silence. Guests: Michael Rabbitt; Dorothy May Thomas. Maura Smith is a documentarian who just completed a documentary called "Apparition." It’s about apparitions of Mary seen around the world. There will be a benefit premiere of "Apparition" at the Holy Name Cathedral parish center at 6-pm on Wednesday, August 5. Admission is $10 with the money going to the Cathedral. The showing is sponsored by the Evangelization and Spritual Life Commission. Guests: Maura Smith; Susanne Smith; Ara Cook.

Mental Illness Awareness Workshops/Vacation Bible School

Monday, July 6, 2009
Host: Graziano Marcheschi. The National Catholic Partnership and it’s Committee on Mental Illness will present three mental illness awareness workshops in July, in Washington D.C., Chicago and Portland. The Chicago workshop is July 21 at St. John of the Cross Parish in Western Springs. Guests: Connie Rakitan; Deacon Tom Lambert; Janice Benton. It’s summer and that means vacation time AND Vacation Bible School. Guest: Veronica Pantellis

Kolbe House Ministry/North American Forum on the Catechumenate/"God on the Go"

Friday, June 26, 2009
Host: Fr. Greg Sakowicz. Deacon Pablo Perez, Assistant Chaplain at Kolbe House Jail Ministry presents the newest initiative of Kolbe House, "Sanctuary/sanctuario." Vicki Tufano, a Pastoral Associate at Ascension Parish in Oak Park, and Chairman of the Board of the North American Forum on the Catechumenate, shares information about an NAFC institute at Catholic Theological Union June 29 through July 2. Mark Mastroianni, member of St. Edna Parish in Arlington Heights and inventor, will discuss how he came to create a unique combination of the Bible and technology called "God on the Go."

Sports and Spirituality

Monday, June 22, 2009
Hosts: Fr. Greg Sakowicz and Graziano Marcheschi. Guests: Fr. Nick Marro, Fr. Jim Baraniac; Gary Graf

The Catholicism Project

Friday, June 19, 2009
Hosts: Fr. Greg Sakowicz and Wayne Magdziarz. Guest: Fr. Robert Barron

Feast of Corpus Christi and A Eucharistic Journey with St. Paul

Friday, June 12, 2009
Host: Graziano Marcheschi. Guests: Ceil Brieste; Tom Curtin; Fr. Tom Norris; Jack Lynch

800th Anniversary of the Founding of the Franciscan Order and June Celebratory Concert

Monday, June 1, 2009
Hosts: Fr. Greg Sakowicz and Graziano Marcheschi. Guests: Fr. Bob Hutmacher, OFM; Stacy Eckert; Fr. Jim Ciaramitaro, OFM Conv.

Justice Day 2009/The Summer Scripture Program

Friday, May 29, 2009
Host: Fr. Greg Sakowicz. This is a two topic program, with both topics touching on Catholic Social Teaching. The first half-hour is about Justice Day, 2009, to be held at Cristo Rey Jesuit High School. Guests: Elena Segura; Bob Moran; Dr. James Burke; Dr. Mark Hayford. The second half-hour is about the Summber Scripture Program at Mundelein Seminary, with this year’s theme, "The Bible and Social Justice". Guests: Megan Deichl; Fr. Marty Zielinski.

Memorial Weekend Show

Friday, May 22, 2009
Hosts: Fr. Greg Sakowicz and Graziano Marcheschi. A show about veterans. Caesar Hill; Mary Kay Vincente; Dan Olipra; Danny Scheurer; Fr. Tom Mulcrone

Mother’s Day Show

Friday, May 8, 2009
Hosts: Fr. Greg Sakowicz and Graziano Marcheschi. This show is dedicated to Mom. Eileen Higgins; Margie Maczko Breen; Carol Potrykus

Ecumenical Show

Monday, May 4, 2009
Hosts: Fr. Greg Sakowicz and Graziano Marcheschi. Show dedicated to the ecumenical dealings of the Archdiocese of Chicago. Jason Renken; Joyce Duriga; Daoud Nassar; Fr. Thomas Baima

New Priests/Old Priests

Monday, April 27, 2009
Hosts: Fr. Greg Sakowicz and Graziano Marcheschi. New priests and old priests are interviewed. Andrew Smith; Kyle Tybor; Augustine Mahonge; Fr. Lou Cameli; Fr. Ed Filakowski; Sr. Elyse Ramirez

Testimony/Dramatic Presentations

Friday, April 24, 2009
Hosts: Fr. Greg Sakowicz and Graziano Marcheschi. Segment One: Testimony: A Film Documentary about the Life of Pope John Paul II/Thomas Neil Mulligan. Segment II: Two Dramatic Presentations from St. Luke Productions: The Confessions of Saint Augustine and Vianney/Leonardo Defillipis

Safe Environments for Children

Monday, April 6, 2009
Hosts: Fr. Greg Sakowicz and Wayne Magdziarz. This entire show is about creating safe environments for children. Guests are Jan Slattery, Womazetta Jones and Matt Hunnicutt.

Casa Jesus/Unethical Behavior of Busness Leaders

Monday, March 30, 2009
Hosts: Fr. Greg Sakowicz and Wayne Magdziarz. Segment I: Fr. Octavio Munoz, Director of Casa Jesus, talks about Casa Jesus as a place of discernment and preparation for hispanic men considering and preparing for the priesthood. Fr. Munoz talks in particular about the upcoming fundraiser, "The Year of St. paul Awards Banquet and Dance" on Saturday, April 25 at the Palmer House. Segment II: The Unethical Behavior of Business Leaders in the Current Economy. Guests: Joe Holt and Dr. Abol Jalilvand.

Reflective Lenten Program

Friday, March 27, 2009
Hosts: Fr. Greg Sakowicz and Wayne Magdziarz. Our guest for the show is Fr. Dom Grassi. Fr. Grassi presents reflections for Lent accompanied by music by Mark Teresi.

Holy Name Cathedral Benefit/Respect Life Issues

Friday, March 13, 2009
"All Join Hands to Raise the Roof" Benefit dinner Monday, Mardh 30, at the Palmer House Hilton, to raise funds for the repair of Holy Name Cathedral. We’ll talk about the fund-raiser…as well as the Cathedral, it’s history, the extent of work that needs to be done, the bravery of the firefighters who "saved" the cathedral. Guests: Father Dan Mayall, pastor HNC; Millie Striegl, benefit chairperson; Mary Canavan, Chair of the Parish Pastoral Council; Greg Veith, Manager of Facilities and Construction for the Archdiocese of Chicago. Segment II: Mary-Louise Kurey, director of our Respect Life Office. There is plenty to talk about regarding respect-life issues this week. President Obama expanded federal funding for embryonic stem cell research. Mary-Louise also was in Springfield, testifying before a committee regarding the possible elimination of the health care right of conscience act. This is a hot topic in Springfield right now, and also was one of several issues targeted last week at the Catholics at the Capitol rally.

Lent: The Spirit, the Discipline, the Love

Friday, February 27, 2009
Hosts: Fr. Greg Sakowicz. Segment I: Fr. Any Alexander, SJ and Maureen McCann Waldron, authors of Praying Lent: Renewing Our Lives on the Lenten Journey, cofounded the Creighton University Online Ministries Web site. Their book emphasizes that lent is about prayer and is written to reflect Ignatian spirituality. Segment II: Lent is a time when we focus on PENANCE, an often misunderstood aspect of the Christian life. Fr. Robert Powell, OFM, director of Programs at St. Peter in the Loop Church discusses the richness of Penance. Segment III: Celeste Cotter, CSJ, director of vocation ministry for the Sisters of St. joseph and the presenter of "The Mirror Image of God’s Love" one of several "Lent at the Well" offerings from The Well, "a center for our sacred unity with God, eearth and one another."

Kelly Hall YMCA/Grief Counseling

Friday, February 20, 2009
Our guest for the first half hour is Fr. Bob Lombardo, a Franciscan Friar of the Renewal. He established the our Lady of the Angels Mission in the former rectory and is seen as the catalyst behind the kelly hall YMCA in the West Humboldt Park neighborhood. Kelly Hall YMCA evolved out of the combined efforts of the Archdiocese of Chicago, the YMCA of Metropolitan Chicago, and the Greater Chicago Food Depository. This is Father Bob’s baby and he is very passionate about how such a project can positively influence an underprivileged neighborhood. Our second half-hour will focus on helping children deal with grief. Our in-studio guest is Lauri Olbrisch, vice president of Rainbows, the largest international non-profit charity dedicated exclusively to helping the world’s children cope with grief associated with the loss of a parent through death, divorce, deployment or incarceration. Joining us by phone is Amy florian. She is a liturgy and bereavement consultant, grief coach, and the former executive director of Stauros USA. She is the author of numerous articles, is an adjunct professor at Loyola University, Dominican and St. Xavier University. she has published two books (Sign & Symbol, Word & Song with Ave maria Press and The Mass: An Invitation to Enjoy It with ACTA Publications.) Hosts are Fr. Greg Sakowicz and Wayne Magdziarz.

Evangelization/New World/African American Heritage Mass

Friday, January 30, 2009
Hosts Fr. Greg Sakowicz and Graziano Marcheschi explore various topics in this show. Fr. Jordan Kelly, O.P. talks about the three "Visits for Evangelization" scheduled for the Archdiocese of Chicago. Joyce Diriga of the Catholic New World talks about the edition that just hit the streets. Joycelyn King, director of religious education for St. Dorothy Parish talks about the African American Heritage Mass at Holy Name Cathedral. Marcia Berry talks about the Solemn Vespers Service at St. Jude Thaddeus Church on Monday, February 9th.

The Still Point Theatre Collective/Movies

Friday, January 23, 2009
Hosted by Fr. Greg Sakowicz and Wayne Magdziarz. First 20 minutes: The Still Point Theatre Collection. Guest is founder/actress Lisa Wagner-Carollo. Lisa highlights the current touring production on the life of Dorothy Day called "haunted by God: the Life of Dorothy Day. Phone guest Stephen kendrick, writer/producer of "Fireproof" joins the show. Fireproof is a stronlgy pro-marriage movie that is about to be released on DVD. For the last half-hour the guest is Steven Greydanus, film critic for the National Catholic Register. Steven talks about the movies of 2008 that were nominated for Oscars and he talks about his "Top Ten Pictures of 2008" that will be released today.

Parish Leadership Day/Ninth Ecumenical Prayer Service and Week of Prayer for Christian Unity

Friday, January 9, 2009
Hosts Fr. Greg Sakowicz and Wayne Magdziarz discuss the upcoming Parish Leadership Day at Maria High School with Dennis Marks and Howard Kovochich. Next they explore the Ninth Annual Ecumenical Prayer Service and Week of Prayer for Christian Unity with Sr. Joan McGuire and Rev. Edgar Hiestand, Jr.

A Look Ahead to 2009

Monday, January 5, 2009
Hosted by Fr. Greg Sakowicz and Graziano Marcheschi. First quarter hour: Sr. Mary paul McCaughey, Superintendent of Catholic Schools. Second quarter hour: Frank Koob, Catechetical Ministry Coordinator. Third quarter hour: Fr. Joe Noonan, Director of Archdiocesan Vocations. Fourth quarter hour: Graziano Marcheschi, Director of Lay Ministry Formation.

Christmas music

Monday, December 22, 2008
Graziano Marcheschi and Wayne Magdiarz host this annual program showcasing Christmas music provided by World Library Publications

Annual Retirement Fund for Religious/175th Anniversary of the BVM congregation/Fifth Annual Cathedral Christmas

Friday, December 12, 2008
Hosts Graziano Marcheschi and Wayne Magdiarz spend the first 20 minutes discussing the annual collection for the retirement fund for religious with Sr. Margaret Coleman, OSF and Sr. Frances Fitzpatrick, OP. The next twenty minutes are about the 175th anniversary of the BVM order with guests Sr. Mary Alma Sullivan, BVM and Sr. Ann Harrington, BVM. The final 20 minutes are about the fifth annual Cathedral Christmas taking place at Holy Name Cathedral the evening of December 12. Guest is Dr. Ricardo Ramirez.

Advent Resources/Kolbe House Jail Ministry Electronic Retreat/Advent Africa Summit

Monday, December 1, 2008
Fr. Greg Sakowicz and Graziano Marcheschi host this Advent related show. In the first half hour they explore Advent Resources with John Feister and Fr. Bob Hutmacher, OFM. The topics of the second half hour are the Kolbe House Jail Ministry Electronic Retreat with Deacon Pablo Perez and Fr. Bob Coiaresi, O.Carm. and the Advent Africa Summit with Adrienne Curry.

Catholic Campaign for Human Development

Friday, November 21, 2008
Hosts Fr. Greg Sakowicz and Graziano Marcheschi talk with Elena Segura and leaders of various groups that benefit from grants and assistance from the Catholic Campaign for Human Development.

The Integritas Institute for Ethics/Catholics Returning Home

Monday, November 3, 2008
Host Fr. Greg Sakowicz discusses The Integritas Institute for Ethics with Fr. Tim Fiala. In the second half our Fr. Greg explores the Catholics Returning Home ministry with Fr. Matt Compton, Ara Cook, Mary Ann Costello and Jillian Kricki.


Friday, October 31, 2008
Hosted by Fr. Greg Sakowicz and Nicholas Lund-Molfese. This show is intended to be an educational resource for Catholics of the Archdiocese of Chicago regarding the vote on the consitutional convention. As Catholics our listeners have the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops Faithful Citizenship document as a tool for discerning how they should vote; it is apparent that the question of a Constitutional Convention does not fit into any one area. We would like this conversation to provide information and ideas for consideration when deciding how to vote on this issue.

Peacebuilders Program for Teens at CTU/Youth Ministry Certificate Program at Loyola University

Monday, October 27, 2008
Hosts Fr. Greg Sakowicz and Graziano Marcheschi interview guests Megan Kennedy-Ferrell, Katie Ainge and Connie Rakitan about the Peacebuilders Program for Teens at CTU. In the second half of the show they discuss the Youth Ministry Certificate Program at Loyola University with Rachel Gibbons and Amy French.

The Year of St. Paul

Friday, October 24, 2008
Host Fr. Greg Sakowicz explores The Year of St. Paul with guests Sr. Anne Flanagan, Dr. Jim Papandrea, Fr. John Kilgalen, and Dr. Margaret Mitchell


Monday, October 6, 2008
Hosts Fr. Greg Sakowicz and Graziano Marcheschi talk about vocations with Archdiocesan Director of Vocations, Fr. Joe Noonan. Guests also include Paul Stemm, Fr. Chris Doering, and Liz Heinrich.

25th Anniversary of Amate House

Monday, September 29, 2008
Hosts Fr. Greg Sakowicz and Wayne Madziarz talk with guests John Lucas, Ed Vogel, Annie Devine and Jeff Peak about the 25th anniversary of Amate House.

Domestic Violence

Friday, September 26, 2008
Hosts Fr. Greg Sakowicz and Nicholas Lund-Molfese. This show is an outreach to those who are personally or indirectly experiencing domestic violence. It is our hope that through passing on information about resources and discussing the Church’s teachings on domestic violence, people within the Catholic community will gain an understanding of the effects of domestic violence. We will also address the effects on children living in a house where domestic violence is present. Guests: Rosi Viquez; Mary Anne O’Hare; Joyce Calvin.

Religion and Humor

Friday, September 19, 2008
Hosts Fr. Greg Sakowicz and Wayne Magdziarz. Can you mix religion and humor? Can humor play a positive role in our faith lives? Did Jesus tell jokes? We will explore humor and religion during this edition of CCOF. Guests are: Deacon Tom Sheridan; Vicki Quade; Sally Edwards; Bil Mellberg

Here I Am Lord

Friday, September 12, 2008
Hosts Fr. Greg Sakowicz and Wayne Madziarz discuss the "Here I Am Lord" Discipleship and Vocations program with Liz Heinrich, Fr. Chris Doering, Nick Guerrero and Brittany Rangel.

Labor Day show

Friday, August 29, 2008
While Americans are preparing to rest from their labor on Monday, we will explore Why we work and How we work in today’s environment. Two guests will be with us in studio for the entire hour. It’s not your father’s workplace anymore AND it’s not your father’s Labor Day anymore, either. Rather than extolling the contributions of labor unions and of workers contributions to society, this year more than ever, workers, most of whom have no union to speak for them, or whose unions are less effective than in previous decades, are thinking about how to keep their jobs, how to adapt to a changing work environment and how to make work meaningful. We will be discussing the specifics of how we can practice spirituality at work and what exactly does today’s work environment look like. Guests: Greg Pierce and Carol Semrod.

Joyful Again/Interview with Fr. Tom Franzman

Friday, August 8, 2008
Host Fr. Greg Sakowicz talks about Joyful Again, a widowed-ministry. Guests are: Charlotte Hrubes, director of Joyful Again; Geraldine Timm (Gerry), has gone through the program; Ron Poedtke, also has gone through the program. The second half of the show is an interview with Fr. Tom Franzman. He is the newly-named Chairman of the Board of Directors of Pueri Cantores, an international Children’s Choir Program. Cardinal George is the Episcopal Moderator of that group.

Called and Gifted/Together In God’s Service

Monday, August 4, 2008
Host Graziano Marcheschi discusses the Lay Ministry programs Called and Gifted, and Together in God’s Service. Guests are Vicky Ramos, Margueritte Brown, Cathy Costello, Kevin Sullivan, Fr. Bob Miller, Lori Creseau, Fr. Jason Malave, David Heiman, Michael Fekete, Carol Walters and Christine Perenchio.

Issues of Importance to Catholics

Monday, July 28, 2008
In this election year there are many issues that Catholics need to consider as they vote. This show touches upon all of those issues. Hosted by Fr. Greg Sakowicz and Nicholas-Lund Molfese.


Friday, July 25, 2008
This show, focusing on music, is hosted by Fr. Greg Sakowicz and Graziano Marcheschi. Guests include Matthrew Baute; Deanna Light; and Fr. Matthrew Talarico.

St. Anne Novena/Ecumenical and Interreligious Events

Friday, July 18, 2008
Hosts Fr. Greg Sakowicz and Wayne Magdziarz discuss the 109th annual novena in honor of St. Anne. Later they talk with Jason Renken about upcoming ecumenical and interreligious events.

At Home Lourdes Pilgrimage/Mawusi Retreat/Totus Tuus

Friday, July 11, 2008
Hosts Graziano Marcheschi and Wayne Magdziarz spend the first 30 minutes with Todd Williamson and Alicia Torres discussing the At Home Lourdes Pilgrimage that will take place at the same time as Cardinal George and 200 pilgrims will be in Lourdes, France in honor of the 150th anniversary of Mary’s apparitions to St. Bernadette. The next 20 minutes is spent talking with Fr. Joseph Brown, SJ, about the upcoming Mawusi retreat for African-American catechists. Fr. Brown’s topic for the retreat is "African-American Spirituality in Scripture". The final ten minutes is spent talking with John Whitlock about the Totus Tuus Camp taking place July 28 and 29 for boys and girls in Jurnior High and High school at Mundelein Seminary.

World Youth Day

Monday, July 7, 2008
Graziano Marcheschi interviews a few people who are about to embark for Sydney, Australia to participate in World Youth Day, 2008. Guests are: Jaruja Sedano; Pat Pacer; Megan Miller; Rouan Quinain

Independence Day Show

Monday, June 30, 2008
Fr. Greg Sakowicz and Wayne Madziarz talk about the history of the Catholic Church in America with Fr. Martin Zielinski; Faithful Citizenship with Bob Gilligan; and finally they take a look at the Cabrini Retreat Center in Des Plaines to promote the upcoming "Cabrini Bash" with Nancy Golen, Zack Hugo and Kathleen Servatius.

Growing in our Faith: Spiritual Direction

Friday, June 27, 2008
Hosted by Fr. Greg Sakowicz and Graziano Marcheschi. This program approaches the topic of faith development with Jeremy Langford, Fr. Ed Cronin and Fr. Remil Fajardo.