
Catholic Conference Hour

Catholic Conference Hour Radio

Third Monday Monthly: 8 – 9 a.m.

Bob Gilligan, executive director of the Catholic Conference of Illinois, a group that lobbies on behalf of all dioceses in the state, hosts this program, where guests give expert analysis on how proposed laws relate to the principles of Catholic social teaching.

Public Policy Issues Important to Catholics

Monday, February 19, 2024
Host Bob Gilligan, Executive Director of the Catholic Conference of Illinois, speaks with Bobby Sylvester with Empower Illinois about the status of Tax Credit Scholarships in Illinois, and with Jeanette Malafa about the issue of assisted suicide.

Public Policy Issues Important to Catholics

Monday, August 21, 2023
Segment 1: Migrant Crisis Response In Chicago Segment 2: Status of SB1909 Segment 3: Food Insecurity in Ukraine

Public Policy Issues Important to Catholics

Monday, July 17, 2023
Segment 1: SCOTUS 303 Creative Case Segment 2: Tax Credit Scholarship Program - Invest In Kids Segment 3: Physician Assisted Suicide

Public Policy Issues Important to Catholics

Monday, March 20, 2023
Host: Bob Gilligan. Segment I: March for Life Illinois. Guest: Molly Malone Rumley. Segment II: Human Composting Bill. Guest: LeNette Van Haverbeke. Segment III: Invest in Kids Act. Guests: Bobby Sylvester, Dr. Noreen Dillon

Public Policy Issues Important to Catholics

Monday, February 20, 2023
Host: Bob Gilligan. Segment I: Nicaragua situation with priests being detained. Guest: Christopher Ljungquist. Segment II: Tax Credit Scholarship Program. Guest: Ryan Quigley. Segment III: Letter from Cardinal Cupich to Members of Chicago City Council. Guest: Brendan O'Sullivan.

Public Policy Issues Important to Catholics

Monday, January 30, 2023
Host: Bob Gilligan. Segment I: Restorative Justice. Host Bob Gilligan talks to Marylou Gervacio with the Catholic Conference of Illinois about the topic of restorative justice. Segment II: Marylou stays on the program to talk to Bob about the upcoming push in Illinois to legalize physician assisted suicide. Segment III: Bob welcomes Karen Potter and Brandon Clark from The Covenant Eyes Podcast to the program.

Public Policy Issues Important to Catholics

Monday, December 19, 2022
Host: Bob Gilligan. Segment I: Assisted Suicide. Maria Jose Fernandez Flores discusses with Bob the potential of assisted suicide coming to Illinois and how her organization is helping prepare discussion and talking points to use when speaking to legislators on this subject. Segment II: Abortion. Guest Mary Bauer, CNM, talks about the response she helped author to the Notre Dame Op Ed in the Chicago Tribune. Segment III: Catholic Charities. Guest Amy Palumbo talks to Bob about how Catholic Charities helps clients during the holidays, which is a time that can be particularly difficult for those who struggle to provide for their families and those who are estranged from their families.

Public Policy Issues Important to Catholics

Monday, November 21, 2022
Host: Bob Gilligan. Segment I: Civility and the Past Election Cycle. Guest: Emily Schumacher-Novak. Segment II: Human Composting. Guest: Matthew Server. Segment III: Restorative Justice. Guest: Emily Cortina

Public Policy Issues Important to Catholics

Monday, October 17, 2022
Host: Bob Gilligan. Segment I: Invest in Kids Act Fundraising. Guests: Fr. Wayne Watts and Chris Vallace. Segment II: : Illinois's Reproductive Health Act – RHA. Guest: Sarah Michalak.

Public Policy Issues Important to Catholics

Monday, September 19, 2022
Host: Bob Gilligan. Segment I: Events that took place this summer in Kansas that affected the Kansas Catholic Conference. Guest: Chuck Weber, Executive Director of the Kansas Catholic Conference. Segment II: Effects of the Legalization of Marijuana. Guest: Ben Court, Chief Executive Officer of Foundry Treatment Center, Steamboat Springs, CO

Public Policy Issues Important to Catholics

Monday, August 15, 2022
Host: Bob Gilligan. Segment I: Tax Credit Scholarships. Guest: Britta Kreps. Segment II: Marriage and Family., Guest: Carlos Tejada Segment III: HHS Regulation on Section 1557. Guest: Patrick Cacchione

Public Policy Issues Important to Catholics

Monday, June 20, 2022
Host: Bob Gilligan. Segment I: Catholic Relief Services for Ukraine with Caroline Brennan. Help is needed in Ukraine where there are already more than 2.9 million people in need of assistance! There is great risk of additional suffering both within Ukraine and for those who are fleeing to neighboring countries for safety. CRS and our partners need immediate support to meet both ongoing needs as the situation intensifies. Years of conflict along the eastern border have already displaced 1.3 million people from their homes and claimed 14,000 lives and now 2.3 million people have fled Ukraine. Almost ninety percent of the refugees are women and children. Throughout this time, Caritas Ukraine, with support from CRS, has been providing emergency relief and recovery. CRS and Caritas partners on the ground are preparing across Ukraine and in bordering countries, providing safe shelter, hot meals, hygiene supplies, transport to safe areas, counseling support and more. The situation there is rapidly unfolding, and we could not do this work without your help. When you donate, you provide immediate assistance for your Ukrainian sisters and brothers affected by this crisis. Your prayers and support will make so much difference. To learn more and to donate, visit Segment II: Religious Freedom Week with Aaron Weldon. Religious freedom allows the Church, and all religious communities, to live out their faith in public and to serve the good of all. Beginning June 22, the feast of Saints Thomas More and John Fisher, the USCCB invites Catholics to pray, reflect, and act to promote religious freedom. Topics for Pray-Reflect-Act during the week: June 22 – Walking with Moms in Need June 23 – Church Vandalism June 24 – Adoption and Foster Care June 25 – Taxpayer Funding for Abortion June 26 – Religious Freedom in China June 27 – Pregnancy Resource Centers June 28 – Health Care Workers June 29 – Free Speech Details and action items for each day can be found at

Public Policy Issues Important to Catholics

Monday, May 16, 2022
Host: Bob Gilligan. Segment I: Dobbs Decision and Roe v. Wade. Guest: Amy Geherke. Segment II: Disability Outreach via Patients' Rights Action Fund. Guest: Ian McIntosh. Segment III: Combating Sin of Racism Workshop. Guest: Veronica Burchard

Public Policy Issues Important to Catholics

Monday, April 18, 2022
Host: Bob Gilligan. Segment I: Safer Foundation’s Second Chance State Education Act is part of our 6-bill Second Chance State legislative initiative. The initiative aims to reduce crime by responding to the social determinants of justice-involvement, incarceration and recidivism. The philosophy underlying this initiative is that the most effective means of reducing crime is to make returning residents successful and healthy. Guest: Mark McCombs. Segment II: What is going on in Florida? Guest: Michael Sheedy. Segment III: Illinois Church Action on Alcohol and Addiction Problems. Guest: Shane Hartman.

Public Policy Issues Important to Catholics

Monday, March 21, 2022
Host: Bob Gilligan. Segment I: Scholarship Tax Credit. Guest: Anthony Holder. Segment II: School Mask Mandates. Guest: Vito DeFrisco. Segment III: Predatory Lending. Guest: Meegan Dugan Adell

Public Policy Issues Important to Catholics

Monday, February 21, 2022
Host: Bob Gilligan. Segment I: The Legalization of Marijuana and it's Impact on Chicago. Guest: Jame O'Grady. Segment II: Pro-Life Legislative Updates. Guest: Molly Malone Rumley. Segment III: Illinois Nonprofit Security Grant Program. Guest: Amy Zimmerman

Public Policy Issues Important to Catholics

Monday, January 17, 2022
Host: Bob Gilligan. Segment I: Developing a robust pro-family economic agenda and supporting families as the cornerstone of a healthy and flourishing society. Guest: Patrick Brown, Fellow at Ethics and Public Policy Center. Segment II: Roe v. Wade Anniversary. Guest: Dawn Fitzpatrick, Director, Respect Life Office, Archdiocese of Chicago. Segment III: Preview of legislative session. Guests: Zach Wichmann - Director of Government Relations, Marilou Gervacio - Director of Social Services and Social Justice

Public Policy Issues Important to Catholics

Monday, December 20, 2021
Host: Bob Gilligan. Segment I: Migration and Refugee Resettlement Services. Guest: Christopher Ross. Segment II: Discussing the Dobbs Decision. Guest: Dr. Steven Jacobs. Segment III: Promoting the Upcoming March for Life Chicago. Guest: Kevin Grillot.

Public Policy Issues Important to Catholics

Monday, November 15, 2021
Host: Bob Gilligan. Segment I; Repeal of the Parental Notification of Abortion Act. Guest: Rep. Chris Bos, 51st District. Segment II: Healthcare Right of Conscience Act. Guest: Patrick Cacchione. Segment III: Visas for Religious Workers. Guest: David Spicer, J.D.

Public Policy Issues Important to Catholics

Monday, September 20, 2021
Host: Bob Gilligan. Segment I: Host Bob Gilligan talks to Jennifer Allmon, Executive Director, Texas Catholic Conference of Bishops, about Texas’ law to protect the unborn. Segment II: Bob speaks with Janet Biljeskovic, Director of Refugee Resettlement Program, Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Rockford, about Catholic Charities’ refugee resettlement program. Segment III: Bob finishes up the program with Marilou Gervacio, Director of Social Services/Social Justice, Catholic Conference of Illinois. They discuss Illinois’ new law on clean energy.

Public Policy Issues Important to Catholics

Monday, July 19, 2021
Host: Bob Gilligan. Segment I: On the Fulton decision of the US Supreme Court and foster care services by faith-based organizations. Guests: Thomas Olp, Vice President and Senior Counsel, Thomas More Society, Steve Roach, Executive Director of Catholic Charities, Diocese of Springfield in Illinois. Segment II: On the Hyde Amendment and federal funding of abortions. Guest: Greg Schleppenbach, Associate Director for Secretariat of Pro-Life Activities, USCCB. Segment III: Cuban-American bishops’ recent call for humanitarian aid to the people of Cuba. Guest: Rhina Guidos, Reporter/Editor at Catholic News Service

Public Policy Issues Important to Catholics

Monday, June 21, 2021
Host: Bob Gilligan. Segment I: The pitfalls of legal marijuana. Guest: Deacon Ernest "Ernie" Martinez. Segment II: Tax Credit Scholarships. Guest: Anthony Holter, Ph.D. Segment III: Update on Physician-Assisted Suicide laws across the country. Guest: Barbara Lyons. Segment IV: Voices of Immigration. Guests: Mary Lou Matheke, Mauro Pineda.

Public Policy Issues Important to Catholics

Monday, May 17, 2021
Host: Bob Gilligan. Segment I: Mary-Louise Hengesbaugh of Girls' Health First talks about House Bill 1797, legislation to repeal the Parental Notice of Abortion Act. Segment II: Scott Phelps of A&M Partnership talks about Senate Bill 818, legislation on Comprehensive Sex Education. Segment III: Sue Barrett of Aid for Women talks about their upcoming Walk-A-Thon and the latest with crisis pregnancy centers.

Public Policy Issues Important to Catholics

Monday, April 19, 2021
Host: Bob Gilligan. Segment I: Josh Hale, President and CEO of Big Shoulders Fund, talks to Bob about tax credit scholarships in Illinois. Segment II: Dan Misleh, Executive Director of Catholic Climate Covenant, discusses Earth Day and environmental issues. Segment III: Tom Morrison, Illinois House Representative from District 54, talks about the proposed repeal of the Parental Notification of Abortion Act.

Public Policy Issues Important to Catholics

Monday, March 15, 2021
Host: Bob Gilligan. Segment I: Bill Woolf, a human trafficking expert who has done trainings for the USCCB, talks about the link between parental notice of abortion and raising a red flag about trafficking victims. Segment II: Rabbi Shlomo soroka of Aguduth-Israel, discusses the importance of the Tax Credit Scho0larship program to Jewish schools as the scholarship program for nonpublic schools faces a cut proposed by Gov. J.B. Pritzker. Segment III; Tony Cube of the USCCB's Justice for Immigrants initiative talks about the actions President Joe Biden has taken in favor of immigrants since assuming office in Late January, including the U.S. Citizenship Act of 2021. Segment IV: Sen. Terri Bryant, R-Murphysboro, talks about sponsoring Senate Bill 133, the Ultrasound Opportunity Act.

Public Policy Issues Important to Catholics

Monday, February 15, 2021
Host: Bob Gilligan. Segment I: Krisanne Vaillancourt Murphy, executive director of the Catholic Mobilizing Network, which seeks to end the death penalty and promote restorative justice, talks about the potential for ending the federal death penalty under President Joe Biden, who is the first sitting U.S. president to openly oppose the death penalty. Segment II: Anthony Holter, president of Empower Illinois, the scholarship-granting organization for the Tax Credit Scholarship program used by most Catholic schools in Illinois, discusses the organization’s recently released annual report. Segment III: Rep. Adam Niemerg, R-Teutopolis, talks about House Bill 697, which calls for a 50% income tax credit on contributions to pregnancy resource centers. Segment IV: Geno Fernandez, president of the Archdiocese of Chicago’s school board, talks about raising money for the Archdiocese’s $1.4 million Gratitude Fund, which distributed $250 to full-time employees in Archdiocesan schools and $100 to part-time employees as a thank-you for their efforts toward in-person learning during the pandemic.

Public Policy Issues Important to Catholics

Monday, January 18, 2021
Host: Bob Gilligan. Segment I: Jennifer Daniels, USCCB associate director for public policy, talks to Bob about what aid is available to Catholic schools in the recent stimulus package passed by Congress. Segment II: Justin Lombardo, chief human resources and staff development officer for the Archdiocese of Chicago , on the success of Archdiocesan schools to hold in-person classes during the pandemic. Segment III: Abe Scarr, state director of Illinois PIRG, on the recent passage of the Predatory Loan Prevention Act during an intense lame-duck sesson.

Public Policy Issues Important to Catholics

Monday, December 21, 2020
Host: Bob Gilligan. Segment I: Greg Schleppenbach, associate director of pro-life activities at the USCCB, talks about the moral guidance on COVID-19 vaccines recently released by the USCCB. Segment II: Kevin Grillot, executive director of weDignify and is heading up next month's March for Life Chicago, discusses taking the March on a Midwest tour that culminates in Chicago on January 23. Segment III: Louis Jones, a resident of the Diocese of Belleville, was recently named the 2020 winner of USCCB's Cardinal Bernardin New Leadership Award for his work with the Catholic Campaign for Human Development, the bishops' anti-poverty initiative. Segment IV: Glenn Van Cura, executive director of Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Joliet, talks about his 10 years at the social service agency before he leavesw on February 1.

Public Policy Issues Important to Catholics

Monday, November 16, 2020
Host: Bob Gilligan. Segment I: Ryan Burge, assistant professor of political science at Eastern Illinois University, talks about how Catholics voted in the 2020 presidential election. Segment II: Kent Redfield, professor emeritus of political science at the University of Illinois, Springfield, tallied the dizzying amount of money spent on the "fair tax" ballot initiative, the retention bid of an Illinois Supreme Court justice, and targeted legislative races. Segment III: David Spotanski, COO for the Archdiocese of Atlanta and right-hand man for Archbishop Wilton Gregory during his time in Belleville and Atlanta, talks about the Archbishop's elevation to America's first African-American cardinal later this month. Segment IV: Fr. Mike Meany, pastor at St. John Brebeuf in Niles, talks about the Archdiocese's online photo exhibit honoring his late uncle, WWII chaplain Fr. John Beyenka for Chicago.

Public Policy Issues Important to Catholics

Monday, October 19, 2020
Host: Bob Gilligan. Segment I: Jennifer Walling, executive director of the Illinois Environmental Council, talks about what the Clean Energy Jobs Act will look like after incorporating Gov. J.B. Pritzker's principles for clean energy legislation and when we should look for the bill to be pushed in the Illinois Legislature. Segment II: Chris Ross, a lawyer who works on social policy for Catholic Charities USA, discusses the historically-low refugee cap of 15,000 set by the federal government for the new federal fiscal year that started October 1. Segment III: Pat Winn, director of Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Rockford, talks about his nine years at the helm of the social services agency as he prepares to retire. Segment IV: Fr. Mike Bradley, resident priest at St. Gertrude's parish in Chicago and a canon lawyer who works for the Archdiocese's tribunal, tells of how he ran a neighborhood version of the Chicago Marathon in his Edgewater neighborhood to raise money for the parish's Heart to Heart Ministry for senior citizens.

Public Policy Issues Important to Catholics

Monday, September 21, 2020
Host: Bob Gilligan. Segment I: Gloria Purvis, co-host of EWTN Radio's Morning Glory Show, is calling on peole of all faiths -- and especially Catholics -- to confront the sin of racism in the aftermath of George Floyd's death. Segment II: State Rep. La Shawn Ford, D-Chicago, discusses the efforts of the Illinois Legislature's Black Caucus to craft comprehensive legislation targeting systemic racism slated to be unveiled during the six-day fall veto session set for late November and early December. Segment III: Sr. Stephanie Baliga, a Franciscan Sister of the Eucharist of Chicago who ministers from the Mission of Our Lady of the Angels in Chicago,ran a marathon on a treadmill in late August to raise funds for the Mission. Segment IV: Molly Perry, Aid for Women board member, talks about the organization's virtual annual benefit dinner on October 7 featuring retired Super-Bowl champion Benjamin Watson as the keynote speaker.

Public Policy Issues Important to Catholics

Monday, August 17, 2020
Host: Bob Gilligan. Segment I: Dr. Michael Boyle, new superintendent of Catholic Schools for the Joliet diocese, talks about his new role. Segment II: Matt Dietrich, spokesperson for the Illinois State Board of Elections, talks about vote-by-mail for the Nov. 3, 2020 election. Segment III: Tony Cube of the USCCB's Justice for Immigrants Campaign talks about the federal government's recent changes to DACA after losing an effort to rescind the program following a U.S. Supreme Court ruling. Segment IV: Alex Jones, co-founder and CEO of the Hallow Catholic meditation and prayer app, talks about the origin of the app and how it just reached the status of #1 Catholic app.

Public Policy Issues Important to Catholics

Monday, July 20, 2020
Host: Bob Gilligan. Segment I: Ashley Feasley, director of policy for the USCCB's Migration and Refugee Services, joins Bob to talk about the recent U.S. Supreme Court 5-4 ruling that the Trump administration's decision to end the DACA program safeguarding young undocumented immigrants from deportation was "arbitrary and capricious." Segment II: Jim Geoly, partner with the Chicago law firm of Burke, Warren, McKay and Serritella, talks about a recent U.S. Supreme Court case and its impact on religious freedom and employment discrimination. Segment III: Jim Rigg, superintendent for the Archdiocese of Chicago Catholic Schools, talks about the recently issued guidelines for reopening Catholic schools in the fall amid the ongoing pandemic.

Public Policy Issues Important to Catholics

Monday, June 15, 2020
Host: Bob Gilligan. Segment I: Danielle Brown, associate director for USCCB's Ad Hoc Committee Against Racism, talks to Bob about the relevance of the 2018 pastoral letter on racism, "Open Wide Our Hearts: The Enduring Call to Love." Segment II: Dan Philpott, professor of political science at the University of Notre Dame, joins Bob to talk about the executive order advancing international religious freedom recently signed by President Donald Trump. Segment III: Bishop Ron Hicks, vicar general of the Archdiocese of Chicago, joins Bob to talk about the reopening of churches for public Mass. Segment IV: Pete Newburn, ecumenical officer for the Diocese of Joliet, talks to Bob about the ecumenical virtual rally for racial justice hosted by Bishop Pates and other faith and civic leaders on Saturday.

Public Policy Issues Important to Catholics

Monday, May 18, 2020
Host: Bob Gilligan. Segment I: Coadjutor Bishop-elect Lou Tylka talks about his appointment a week to the Diocese of Peoria. Segment II: Kathleen Stauber and Nancy Lou Kelly discuss a new Archdiocese of Chicago initiative, "A Call to Prayer" phone service. Segment III: Glenn Van Cura, executive director of Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Joliet, talks about how his agency had adapted to serving clients during the pandemic. Geoff Rogers, producer of the film "Blind Eyes Opened" discusses how his film offers an authentic look at the scourge of human trafficking from the perspective of survivor-victims.

Public Policy Issues Important to Catholics

Monday, April 20, 2020
Host: Bob Gilligan. Segment I: Bob talks to bishop-elect Michael McGovern about his recent appointment to the diocese of Belleville. Segment II: Lauren McCormack, executive director of the USCCB's office of government relations, talks to Bob about the recent CARES Act and it's provisions for faith-based entities. Segment III: Jennifer Junis, RN, MSN, discusses OSF HealthCare's partnership with the state of Illinois with the Pandemic Health Worker Program (PHWP). Segment IV: Steve Roach, executive director of Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Springfield, talks with Bob about the agency's free, new COPE line, in which therapists will listen to and talk with residents of the 28-county diocese who are stressed out because of the coronavirus pandemic.

Public Policy Issues Important to Catholics

Sunday, March 15, 2020
Host: Bob Gilligan. Segment I: Bob reflects on the latest developments in regards to the corona virus. Segment II: Bishop Richard Pates, apostolic administrator of the Diocese of Joliet, talks about stepping in for Bishop R. Daniel Conlon while he is on medical leave. Segment III: Associate Judge Tom Donnelly of the Circuit Court of Cook County talks about the importance of establishing privilege for restorative justice practices in House Bill 4295. Segment IV: Bob examines the upcoming primary election races, especially the several contested sate and federal races.

Public Policy Issues Important to Catholics

Monday, February 17, 2020
Host: Bob Gilligan. Segment I: Bishop David J. Malloy of the Diocese of Rockford joins Bob to talk about his new role since November as the Chairman of the USCCB Committee on International Justice and Peace. Segment II: Nicole Stelle Garnett, a law professor at the University of Notre Dame Law School, joins Bob to talk about Espinoza v. Montana Department of Revenue, a case regarding tax credits for scholarships that was argued before the U.S. Supreme Court last month. Segment III: Anthony Holter, executive director of Empower Illinois, the scholarship-granting organization in charge of most of the Tax Credit Scholarships granted to students attending Catholic schools throughout the state, joins Bob to talk about the organization's Year 2 report.

Public Policy Issues Important to Catholics

Monday, January 20, 2020
Host: Bob Gilligan. Segment I: Jill Rauh from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops talks about the USCCB's "Civilize It: Dignity Beyond the Debate" initiative for the 2020 election year. Segment II: State Representative La Shawn Ford, D-Chicago, talks about House Bill 182 which would limit the use of solitary confinement in state prisons to no more than 10 consecutive days and no more than 10 days in a 6-month period. Segment III: Marshan Allen with Chicago-based Restore Justice Illinois, talks about House Bill 1615, which would limit the state's current felony-murder charge. Segment IV: Shana Crews, Illinois goverment relations director for the American Cancer Society's Action Network, discusses the current state of vaping and flavored tobacco in Illinois.

Public Policy Issues Important to Catholics

Monday, December 16, 2019
Host: Bob Gilligan. Segment I: Claire Culwell, keynote speaker for the March for Life Chicago on Saturday, January 11, 2020, joins Bob to talk about her experience of meeting her birth mother in 2009, who told her she survived the surgical abortion that took the life of her twin brother. Segment II: Meghan Goodwin of the USCCB and Leila Nimatallah of Catholic Relief Services join Bob to talk about the Global Child Thrive Act currently before Congress. Segment III: Deacon Alfred Coleman, director of Zacchaeus House, talks about the ministry that offers a safe place for single, homeless men looking for a fresh start. Segment IV: Christopher Orlet talks about the experience of the emotional journey of adopting a newborn girl who is now 5 years old.

Public Policy Issues Important to Catholics

Monday, November 18, 2019
Host: Bob Gilligan. Segment I: Dr. Richard Mantoan, a dentist who owns Southland Smiles in Flossmoor, talks about the complaint he filed against the Reproductive Health Act with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office for Civil Rights. Segment II: Jackie Ingram and Janice Oda Gray, parishioners at St. Agatha's parish on Chicago's west side, talk about their efforts to bring mental health services to the community in the form of the recently-opened Encompassing Center. Segment III: Kayla Jacobs, director of programs for the new Laudato Si' Ministries of the Joliet diocese, talks about the new ministry and what she hopes to accomplish. Segment IV: Bonnie Engstrom, a resident of the Peoria diocese, wrote "61 Minutes to a Miracle to document the experience of her newborn son surviving over an hour without a heartbeat or breathing. Bonnie, family and friends prayed to Archbishop Fulton Sheen for her son's healing, and he is now a normal 9-year-old. The miracle of his healing was approved by the Vatican, and Sheen is expected to be canonized sometime soon.

Public Policy Issues Important to Catholics - October 21, 2019

Monday, October 21, 2019
Host: Bob Gilligan. Segment I: Barbara Lyons of the Patients' Rights Action Fund joins Bob to talk about the National Council on Disability's recent report on assisted suicide. Segment II: Jim Geoly, partner at the Chicago law firm of Burke, Warren, MacKay and Serritella, joins Bob to talk about the LGBTQ discrimination cases argued a couple of weeks ago in front of the U.S. Supreme Court that could affect religious freedom concerns. Segment III: Brad Cole, executive director of the Illinolis Municipal League, joins Bob to talk about the initiative to consolidate the more than 650 downstate and suburban public safety (police and firefighter) pension funds. Segment IV: Rebecca Anzel, a journalist with Capitol News Illinois, joins Bob to give a preview of what promises to ben an action-packed fall legislative veto session.

Public Policy Issues Important to Catholics

Monday, September 16, 2019
Host: Bob Gilligan. Segment I: Megan Gilbert with Catholic Relief Services talks about the differences among refugees, asylum seekers and immigrants. Segment II: Sr. Jess Lambert talks discusses with Bob how she gave up a lucrative career in engineering to pursue a vocation. Segment III: Frances Jimenez with Aid for Women promotes the organization's upcoming annual dinner on September 25. Segment IV: Sr. Rosemary Connely talks with Bob about her 50th anniversary as the leader of Misericordia.

Public Policy Issues Important to Catholics

Monday, August 19, 2019
Host: Bob Gilligan. Segment I: Dr. MaryClare Birmingham, executive director of the Kolbe House jail ministry, talks about the crucial importance of the first 72 hours after an inmate's release. Segment II: Sr. JoAnn Persch, a Sister of Mercy, talks to Bob about her recent arrest in D.C. during the Catholic Day of Action for Immigrant Children. Segment III: Natalie Jackson, research director for Public Religion Research Institute (PRRI) discusses the organization's report released last week on American opinions regarding abortion and contraception.

Public Policy Issues Important to Catholics

Monday, July 15, 2019
Host: Bob Gilligan. Segment I: Les Bernal, national director of Stop Predatory Gambling, joins Bob to talk about the effects expected from the massive expansion of gaming that is coming to Illinois. Segment II: Dr. Paul Berkowitz and Dennis Ryan talk with Bob about Holy Cross's grand opening of a 24-hour Crisis Stabilization Unit. Segment III: Sr. Donna Markham, OP, President and CEO of Catholic Charities USA discusses the agency's humanitarian aid to sites near the border to deal with the larger-than-usual influx of migrants.

Public Policy Issues Important to Catholics

Monday, June 17, 2019
Host: Bob Gilligan. Segment I: Juan Rangel with Empower Illinois talks to Bob about the complete funding of the Tax Credit Scholarships to most of the Catholic Schools in Illinois despite earlier threats to it. Segment II: Pat Winn with Catholic Charities of the Rockford diocese joins Bob to discuss the scourge of human trafficking and how his organization is fighting it on a county-by-county basis. Segment III: Ralph Rivera, lobbyist for Illinois Right to Life, talks about the final version of the "Reproductive Health Act" that was signed into law last week by Gov. Pritzker.

Public Policy Issues Important to Catholics

Monday, May 20, 2019
Host: Bob Gilligan. Segment I: Greg Schleppenbach, associate director of pro-life activities at the USCCB, talks to Bob about conscience protections afforded by new rules recently issued by the federal Department of Health and Human Services. Segment II: Stanley Carlson-Thies, senior director of the Institutional Religious Freedom Alliance, joins Bob to discuss the religious freedom concerns of the Equality Act which amends the federal Civil Rights Act to prohibit discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity. Segment III: Andy Duran, executive director of the Lake Forest-based LEAD, talks to Bob about the progress of marijuana legalization at the state capitol. LEAD is a substance abuse prevention organization that opposes the legalization of marijuan

Public Policy Issues Important to Catholics

Monday, April 15, 2019
Host: Bob Gilligan. Segment I: Kathleen Gallagher, director of pro-life activities for the New York State Catholic Conference, joins Bob to talk about the fall-out from that state's passage of extreme abortion legislation in January. Segment II: Jenn Briemann, executive director of the Maryland Catholic Conference, talks to Bob about how physician-assisted suicide legislation suddenlyl took off this spring. Segment III: Robert McCoppin, a reporter for the Chicago Tribune who coverd marijuana and it's legalization efforts, joins Bob to talk about how things are going in Illinoiis. Segment IV: Michael O'Rourke, policy advisor with the U.S. Conference of Cathollic Bishops, talks to Bob about federal criminal justice reforms embodied in the First Step Act.

Public Policy Issues Important to Catholics

Monday, March 18, 2019
Host: Bob Gilligan. Segment I: Paul Linton, a nationally-known attorney on abortion law, talks about abortion legislation that is pending before the Illinois legislature. Segment II: Melissa Hastings of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops joins Bob to talk about potential federal legislation that would help Dreamers and those individuals with Temporary Protected Status. Segment III: Don Carlson of Illinois People's Action joins Bob to talk about House Bill 2468, which would cap exorbitant rates on car title loans.

Public Policy Issues Important to Catholics

Monday, February 18, 2019
Host: Bob Gilligan. Segment I: Peter Steinfels, former editor of Commonweal magazine and a religion reporter for the New York Times, joins Bob to talk about the essay he wrote a few weeks ago in which he extensively examined the Pennsylvania grand jury report. Segment II: Clarke Forsythe, general counsel of Americans United for Life, joins Bob to talk about two abortion bills introduced this week: one that would repeal Illinois' parental notification law, and the other that would repeal the state's current law regulating abortion. Segment III: Sen. Chuck Weaver, R-Peoria, joins Bob to talk about Senate Bill 156, which would allow inmates in the state's prisons access to online job sites so they can apply for jobs for when they are released. Segment IV: Kris Cortes, board memeber of Aid for Women, joins Bob to talk about the organization's new location in Flossmoor.
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