Notwithstanding the challenges of COVID-19, the response to natural disasters continues. Join today’s host Deacon Dave Brencic, as he is joined by co-host Deacon Richard Hudzik. They discuss the outreach known as Hope’s On the Way with Chicago Deacons Joe Winblad and John Vidmar, both of whom are deeply involved in serving through Hope’s On the Way. This ministry provides both hands-on assistance in rebuilding those devastated by floods, hurricanes, tornadoes and other disasters, as well as gathering and shipping cleaning and building supplies to affected areas of the United States, as well as serving locally in the Archdiocese. The deacons and lay people joining together in this work truly put into action the responses to Jesus’ question, “did you visit me when I was afflicted?” You can learn more about Hope’s On the Way, how to participate, and, if able, how to donate by going to their website Hope’s On the Way is a ministry that is financially assisted in its ministry by the Archdiocese’s Diaconate Council. Nevertheless, the need remains great.