
Marriage and Family Matters

Marriage and Family Matters was sponsored by the Marriage and Family Ministries Office to discuss topics of interest to families and couples in the context of our Catholic faith. Frank Hannigan and Kim Hagerty cohosted this half-hour program. 

Open to Life

Thursday, June 9, 2016
Ted and Kristin Reilly, PreCana presenters and parents of 5 children, join Frank and Kim to talk about what a gift (and challenge!) being open to life has been. They'll share what it's like to prepare couples for marriage and share their great experience praying a family rosary every night with their children.

Father Greg Sakowicz

Thursday, May 19, 2016
Kim and Frank turn the tables and interview one of our most popular hosts, Father Greg Sakowicz. Father Greg discusses his vocation to the priesthood, the priests and pastors that mentored him in his growth as a priest, Renew My Church, and his future as the new Rector of Holy Name Cathedral (and you may be surprised to hear why he is the rector, not the pastor!).

Sister Rosemary Connelly of Misericordia Home

Thursday, April 14, 2016
Kim and Frank talk to Sister Rosemary Connelly, the Director of Misericordia Home, Heart of Mercy, about the challenges facing families taking care of children and adults with developmental and other significant physical disabilities, and how Misericordia has provided for these vulnerable family members. She talks about her years as a Sister of Mercy working at Mis, the efforts of some groups to shut down Misericordia, her trip to Springfield to advocate for the residents, and how her faith in God has helped her work. Kim and Frank share their Misericordia experiences.

John and Teri Bosio and Marriage Strengthening Programs

Thursday, March 10, 2016
Frank interviews John and Teri Bosio from happy– about resources parishes can use to help couples strengthen their marriage. John and Teri are the former Family Life Coordinators for the Archdiocese of Kansas City and develop marriage–strengthening programs based on books John has written. John and Teri produced Six Dates for Catholic Couples based on John’s first book: Happy Together: The Catholic Blueprint for a Loving Marriage. His second book, Blessed is Marriage: A Guide to the Beatitudes for Catholic Couples has a video series: The Beatitudes: A Couple’s Path to Greater Joy. John also wrote Why Get Married in the Church and they will soon be releasing The Virtues: Four Dates for Catholic Couples.

The Choice Wine and Paradisus Dei

Thursday, February 18, 2016
Kim and Frank talk with Brian Topping from Paradisus Dei, a lay Catholic ministry dedicated to finding God within the context of marriage and family life. They’re launching a new program, The Choice Wine: 7 Steps to a Superabundant Marriage, for couples and have a unique way of offering this to parishes no matter what their financial situation is.

What is the Year of Mercy?

Thursday, January 14, 2016
Kim and Frank talk with Deacon Keith Strohm, Director of the Office for New Evangelization of the Archdiocese of Chicago about the Jubilee of Mercy and gives practical suggestions of how to incorporate aspects of mercy into our daily lives, and into the life of the parish.

Finances: How to Make Them a Bonder Not a Buster

Thursday, December 10, 2015
Kim and Frank talk with Kelley Long, a personal financial planner, CPA, and newlywed, about money and how working together to handle finances can bring couples closer together and enrich their marriage.

Domestic Violence Outreach

Thursday, November 19, 2015
Kim and Frank talk with Father Chuck Dahm, a Dominican priest who is the Associate Pastor at St. Pius V in Pilsen in Chicago, about his work in the field of Domestic Violence. They discuss the causes and what the church outreach to families dealing with this can be. (Note: the National Domestic Violence 24 hour hot line is 800-799-7233.)

What was it like to be at the World Meeting of Families and see the Pope?

Thursday, October 8, 2015
Kim interviews Frank and Sister Emily Brabham, Sister of St. Francis of Clinton, Iowa, and Youth Ministry Director at St. Francis Xavier parish in LaGrange, Illinois about their pilgrimage to Philadelphia to the World Meeting of Families and the Papal Mass. Learn what it was like to be with 22,000 families at the WMOF and then with 1,000,000 people trying to attend the Papal Mass. Sister Emily also shares what it’s like to be the youngest sister in her order and how we can support vocations.

31 Years of Marriage Ministry

Thursday, September 10, 2015
Kim interviews Frank about his 31 years of marriage ministry in the Archdiocese of Chicago: the changes he’s seen in marriage preparation due to the declining number of marriages, the prevalence of divorce, cohabitation, and other factors, and his vision of the future of marriage in the Catholic church. He shares the changes in PreCana over the years, how technology is being used in marriage preparation, and how this ministry has affected his own marriage.

Catholic Family Celebration

Thursday, August 13, 2015
Join us for a wonderful program with guest, Steve Angrisano, composer for Spirit and Song. Steve and his wife, Jenni will be talking about the Catholic Family Celebration that will take place on Saturday, September 5 from 10am-4pm at the Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Des Plaines. There will be keynotes in English, Spanish and Polish as well as a keynote for teens and workshops for the children. Steve will be talking about his keynote and his work with teens and their parents.

Strong Catholic Families in the African American Community

Thursday, July 9, 2015
Willie Cobb, the Director of Campus Ministry at Notre Dame High School and Jacinta Warnie, the Minister of Youth at St. Sabina Parish will be with me talking about the adaptation of the Strong Catholic Family, Strong Catholic Youth initiative to the African American Community. You will learn what this initiative is about and how it will help parishes around the Archdiocese become more family friendly.

Resources for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing

Thursday, June 11, 2015
Join us for a look at the resources that are offered for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing in the Archdiocese. Fr. Joe Mulcrone and Margaret Swatek from the Catholic Office of the Deaf will be sharing about their work with this community.

Extraordinary Synod on the Family

Thursday, May 21, 2015
Alice Heinzen, the Director of the Office for Marriage and Family Life for the Diocese of Lacrosse, Wisconsin talks about the amazing experience of being chosen to be a delegate with her husband, Jeff, at the Extraordinary Synod on the Family. She will share information about what the Extraordinary Synod was, their experience of being with families from around the world and meeting Pope Francis!

Marriage Enrichment

Thursday, April 9, 2015
Steve and Kathy Beirne have been involved in marriage and family education for many years. They are the editors and publishers of Foundations Newsletter, FACET premarital resource and Catholic and Newly Married, an award winning book published by ACTA publications. They will be sharing their insights on the trends they have seen in marriage and family as well as their wonderful resources.

Marriage Ministries

Thursday, March 12, 2015
I am joined by Matt Brooks the founder of The Marriage Group and our partner in Marriage Ministries. Matt joined with Marriage and Family Ministries to create an outstanding online Marriage Preparation Class specially designed for couples who are separated by distance because of a job, the military or other life circumstances. This class is offered in English, Spanish and closed captioned for the hard of hearing. Matt will share with us the wonderful resources for couples and those that work with these couples as well as their testimonies about their experience.

Knights of Columbus

Thursday, February 19, 2015
Robert Adams and Paul Santucci join me on a show about the Knights of Columbus. Robert works for the Knights and will tell us about how the organization came to be and what they do now to strengthen the faith of the men in the parish community and help those who are most in need. Paul joined the Knights a year ago and is a father of two young children and a baby on the way. Find out why Paul joined the Knights and why he encourages all young men in parishes to do the same!

World Meeting of Families

Thursday, January 8, 2015
The Pope is coming to Philadelphia in September! Would you like to go? On this month's show, we will be talking about the Archdiocesan pilgrimage Marriage and Family Ministries is preparing with the pilgrimage company, Faith Journeys. Frank Hannigan, the Director of Marriage and Family Ministries will talk about his experience at the last World Meeting that took place in Milan. Kevin Lee, the General Manager for Faith Journeys will be discussing the details of the pilgrimage.

Family Association-Helping Parishes become more Family Friendly

Thursday, December 11, 2014
Do you want to have a parish that is more family friendly? Listen to Kathleen Laffey, Marie Claire Mastri and Julie Servaitus talk about their experience of reviving the Family Association at St. Mary of the Woods Parish. They invited parents from the Religious Education and School to form a committee to find out what families needed and respond to them. It has been a huge success, find out what their secret is!

Life Coaching

Thursday, November 20, 2014
Life coaching is a means to this end: clarity, peacefulness, joy - and the ability to live a life that feels purposeful. Bridget Chambers is a speaker, writer and certified Life coach and we will learn what she does and how she can help you or the children in your life make sense of your experiences and become more confident people.

Interchurch and Interreligious Marriages

Thursday, October 9, 2014
Join us for a fantastic program with our guest, Naomi Schaefer Riley. Naomi is a weekly columnist for the New York Post and the author of several books on religion including "Til Faith Do Us Part". We will be discussing her research on interchurch and interreligious marriages and the impact they have on families and our wider culture.

Raising Adolescent Boys and Girls

Thursday, September 11, 2014
Rosalind Wiseman is an internationally recognized author and educator on children, teens, parenting, education and social justice. Her work aims to help parents, educators and young people successfully navigate the social challenges of young adulthood. She wrote the books "Masterminds and Wingmen" and "Queen Bees and Wannabes" to help parents support and understand their adolescents. We are excited to have her on the show, so tune in and learn about her work and the resources she has created for schools, parishes and parents!

Golden Wedding Anniversary Mass

Thursday, August 14, 2014
We will be talking about the Golden Wedding Anniversary Mass that will take place on Sunday, September 14th at 2:45pm at Holy Name Cathedral. Larry and Fran Sporh are a wonderful couple celebrating their 50th anniversary this year and they will share some wisdom from their experience of what makes a successful marriage. They will also talk about their work with the deacon couples and some ideas for how to do marriage enrichment in parishes.

Pre-Cana Marriage Preparation Classes

Thursday, July 10, 2014
This show will highlight the Pre-Cana classes that an engaged couple takes before they get married. My guests, Don and Nancy Malek, trained facilitators for the classes, will talk about what a couple does during the class and why they think it is an enriching process. Join us and learn more about this fantastic marriage preparation class!


Thursday, June 12, 2014
Retrouvaille is an international program that is available here in Chicago to help couples who are struggling in their marriage. The program offers tools needed to rediscover a loving marriage. Our guests, Robin and Phil Kain are trained facilitators for the program and will talk about their own experience going through the program and how it has helped thousands of couples to build better relationships.

Happy Together: Strengthen Marriages in Your Parish

Thursday, May 15, 2014
I am delighted to be interviewing John and Teri Bosio for this show on strengthening marriages. John wrote the books Happy Together and Blessed is Marriage. Out of these books, John and Teri created the Six Dates for Catholic Couples program, that was developed as a way to use the book. As well as the Beatitudes: A Couple's Path to Greater Joy program to continue the journey with couples. They will talk about these wonderful resources for parishes.

Resources for Celebrating Easter and other ideas for helping Catholic Moms

Thursday, April 10, 2014
We are blessed to have Lisa Hendey with us for a fantastic interview about her work with and for Catholic Moms. Lisa is the author of The Handbook for Catholic Moms as well as other books and the creator of the website We will be talking about celebrating Easter with the family and other ideas for passing on the faith in the family.

Lenten Practices in the Home and Parish

Thursday, March 13, 2014
Sarah Reinhard, the author of the book, Catholic Family Fun: A guide for the Adventurous, Overwhelmed, Creative or Clueless as well as the creator of the blog, Snoring Scholar. Sarah will share wonderful ideas on how to keep your family focused on prayer, fasting and almsgiving during Lent at home and in your parish.

Divorce Ministry

Thursday, February 20, 2014
This month I will be talking to Maryvel Torres, the Divorce Ministry Coordinator for Marriage and Family Ministries. Maryvel will share the resources available for couples who are in the process of getting a divorce and annulment as well as the resources available to help couples who are struggling. She will talk about ways to keep a marriage healthy and how to handle situations when divorce in inevitable. Join us to learn about this valuable resource.

At Home with Our Faith

Thursday, January 9, 2014
Join us for an exciting program with Catherine O'Connell-Cahill, the Senior Editor for US Catholic and the Managing Editor for the publication At Home with Our Faith. We will be discussing the ways that faith can be passed on in the homes and the ways that parishes can help parents articulate their faith to their children.

Keeping the Holidays Holy

Thursday, December 12, 2013
Join us for a wonderful show about "Keeping the Holidays Holy". Tom McGrath, the Vice President for New Product Development for Loyola Press, author and speaker is our guest. He will be sharing his wisdom about the holidays and family as well as practical ways of passing on the faith in the home.

Natural Family Planning

Thursday, November 21, 2013
This month you will be hearing about Natural Family Planning and the Billings Ovulation Method from three guests, Maria Garcia, Tessa McEwen and Jelani McEwen. Maria is the Coordinator for NFP for Marriage and Family Ministries. Tessa and Jelani are a married couple who are using Natural Family Planning and the Billings Ovulation Method. Tessa is a Women's Health Educator and Certified Instructor for this method. Maria will share her many years of experience in helping couples understand and use NFP. Tessa and Jelani will share their amazing testimony on how this method has brought them closer as a couple and provided a more natural and safe way to postpone or achieve pregnancy.

Archdiocesan Mother Daughter Tea

Thursday, October 10, 2013
Every year Marriage and Family Ministries hosts an Archdiocesan Mother Daughter Tea. This is an event coordinated by Maria Garcia, the NFP Coordinator for Marriage and Family Ministries, as well as two wonderful parents, Denise Wassermann and Monica Cassidy. Listen and learn about what the Tea is and how it works to open up communication with moms and their daughters about God's Incredible Act of Creation and the changes their bodies will be going through.

When the Cake is Gone: How to Be Married and Stay Married

Thursday, September 12, 2013
This month's show will focus on marriage. Dr. Jim Healy, the Director of Family Ministry for the Diocese of Joliet, will talk about his message for married couples. During this Year of Strong Catholic Parents, parishes will be offered the opportunity to purchase Jim's practical and informational CD on marriage called "When the Cake is Gone: How to Be Married and Stay Married". Listen and learn more about Jim's work with couples and those who minister to couples.

Passing on faith in an inter-church family

Thursday, August 8, 2013
Join us as we talk to Michael Terrien, the Project Director of the Office for Ecumenical and Interreligious Affairs and married couple, Ken and Rebecca Devlin about passing on the faith to children in an inter-church marriage. Michael will talk about the trends of marriage today. Ken and Rebecca will talk about the challenges of passing on two faiths and ideas on how to do it well.

Strong Catholic Families, Strong Catholic Youth initiative

Tuesday, July 2, 2013
Welcome to a new show on Relevant Radio called "Made for Life" and sponsored by Marriage and Family Ministries. Amanda Thompson is the new coordinator of Marriage and Family Initiatives and the host of the program. She will be discussing topics for married couples and parents. Join her this month as she interviews the Youth Minister, Christine Collins, the Catechetical Leader, Colleen Walery and a parent on the Strong Catholic Family Team, Amy Stanislawski about the initiative at their parish, Our Lady of the Woods in Orland Park. You will learn about the initiative and the response of the parishioners as well as the impact on the community.

Annual Catholic Appeal 2018 - English

Monday, January 4, 2010
ACA English

Annual Catholic Appeal 2018 - Spanish

Monday, January 4, 2010
ACA Spanish

Annual Catholic Appeal 2018 - Polish

Sunday, January 3, 2010
ACA Polish