Downtown Way of the Cross/Faith and Fitness
Monday, April 3, 2023
Hosts: Fr. Greg Sakowicz and Mark Teresi. Segment I: Traditionally, many Christian groups plan and stage a “Way of the Cross” event on Good Friday, connecting the sufferings of Christ during his passion with the suffering of our brothers and sisters at the hands of violence, greed, poverty, sickness and war. Today on Catholic Chicago, we have a group that organizes a Way of the Cross event in downtown Chicago. Each year they follow the passion of Christ in the heart of our city, where thousands of people carry their cross every day. Through choral music, Gospel passages, reflections, and silent procession, we hope to enter more deeply into the events of Good Friday and their meaning for us today. They ask to experience the exceptional Presence of Christ among us as a real answer to the needs of our hearts. Guests: Bishop Mark Bartosic, Roberta Gattodoro, Clare Chiodini, and Davide Bonicelli. Segment II: Michele Sotak and Fr. Lou Cameli talk about how faith and fitness intersect.