
Mission Matters Live

Mission Matters Live

Second Wednesday Monthly: 8 – 9 a.m.

Megan Mio, Director of the Global Mission Office, explores with her guests how to educate and inspire people to be “on mission” in whatever context they live and work on Mission Matters Live!

Mission Among Women

Wednesday, June 12, 2024
This month Megan talks with Sr. Anila Christy, a Daughter of Mary of the Province of St. Joseph who ministers in Tamil Nadu, India. She is a former Provincial who now serves as Director of the Marian Spirituality Center and teaches canon law at St. Mary's Malankara Major Seminary Trivandrum. Sr. Anila has offered mission appeals many times in the US. Megan asks about Sr. Anila's journey to become a religious woman and her calling to serve the most vulnerable. Sr. Anila speaks in more detail about the congregation's three homes for women with mental illness. They talk about the dire situation for women with these challenges and how the Sisters have responded to this reality.

For the Greater Glory of God

Wednesday, May 8, 2024
This month Megan meets Fr. Paul Kalenzi, SJ who is a Ugandan priest from the Jesuit Province of Eastern Africa and who has been living, studying and working here in Chicago. He is completing a Doctorate in Business Administration at De Paul University and has been working with the advancement team of the Midwest Jesuit Province. Megan asks about Fr. Paul's discernment to become a priest and Jesuit. And he speaks about his most recent efforts to raise funds for Hekima University, which will be the first Jesuit four-year university in Eastern Africa.

Mission in the Military and Beyond

Wednesday, April 10, 2024
This month Megan sits down with Fr. Filbert Ngwila, a priest of the Archdiocese of Chicago who is currently serving as a Chaplain in the U.S. Army and at Edward Hines, Jr. Veterans Administration Hospital. He has also served as a representative of multiple mission causes from his home country of Tanzania for mission appeals. Megan asks about Fr. Filbert's call to the priesthood and to chaplaincy. He shares about his service in the army and why he feels honored to minister with veterans and their families. They also discuss the three missionary organizations in Tanzania for which Fr. Filbert has made mission appeals.

God, Education and Work

Wednesday, March 13, 2024
This month Megan talks with John Young, Executive Director of Franciscan Works, a lay-led Catholic organization supporting Liberia Mission, which is a community of love, learning and prayer for poor and orphaned children in Liberia, West Africa. Working together, Franciscan Works and Liberia Mission empower young Liberians to break the cycle of poverty and become faithful future leaders in their families, community and country. Their mission is built upon three pillars: God, Education and Work.

Vocation of a Missionary Sister

Wednesday, February 14, 2024
This month Megan talks with Srs. Teresa Quintero, Adriana Galay and Revelina Santiago, who are members of the missionary Congregation of the Sisters of Jesus Good Shepherd. They seek to communicate Jesus Christ as the Way, Truth and Life to the world. They share in the pastoral mission of Christ, building up Christian communities in communion with the Pastors of the Church, and in collaboration with those who are dedicated to pastoral care. Srs. Teresa and Revelina are Pastoral Associates at Mary, Mother of Martyrs Parish in Des Plaines and Sr. Adriana is Pastoral Associate at the Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe also in Des Plaines.

On Mission In Brazzaville

Wednesday, January 10, 2024
This month Megan talks with Fr. Maciej Fleszar, a Polish diocesan priest who now ministers in the Archdiocese of Brazzaville in the Republic of Congo. He shares how he discovered his vocation to missionary life in Africa. Megan asks about life in Congo as well as his ministry with the community at St. John Paul II Parish. Fr. Maciej describes the challenges and ongoing projects at his parish. And Megan inquires about the Advent reflections Fr. Maciej is offering to Chicago area parishes during his visit.

This is What Family Looks Like

Wednesday, December 13, 2023
This month Megan sits down with two representatives of Nuestros Pequeños Hermanos, a missionary organization that transforms the lives of vulnerable children in Central and South America and the Caribbean both inside and outside of NPH homes, ensuring that they have a safe and nurturing place to live and a strong family support system. Megan meets Juan Manuel Pineda, a musician who grew up in the NPH home in El Salvador, and Heather Anderson, the Director of Donor Relations for NPH USA here in their Chicago national office. They discuss the history and current work of NPH, and Juan Manuel tells his story of tragedy and resilience and what brought him to live at the NPH home in El Salvador.

Radiating the Light of Christ in Mission

Wednesday, November 8, 2023
This month Megan meets with Mother Leena Cherian, Superior General of the Benedictine Sisters of Christu Jyothi, who minister in India, and Mr. Victor Kuchar, a lay missionary from the U.S. who has visited India more than 20 times to work with many local Church leaders. They join Megan to share about the difficult realities of the most vulnerable in India, and how the Benedictine Sisters and other missionary leaders have worked to protect and affirm the dignity of so many in India. The Benedictine Sisters have committed themselves to caring for the poor and the weak. Vic tells his own story about how he felt called to work for the betterment of his brothers and sisters in India.

Youth and Mission

Wednesday, October 11, 2023
Megan hosts a panel discussion on the topic of young people and mission. She talks with two companions in mission: Dcn. Don Grossnickle ministers at Our Lady of the Wayside Parish in Arlington Heights and is the Founder and Executive Director of MicroFinance Alliance Africa Projects Foundation. Br. Peter Lamick is a member of the Viatorians and serves as the Director of Vocation Ministry. Each shares their experience and reflections on how young people engage in mission and service with and for others. By the end, they suggest some practical ideas for how a parish or ministry can engage young people in mission and service anywhere.

Pontifical Mission Societies in Uganda

Wednesday, September 13, 2023
This month Megan meets Fr. Pontian Kaweesa, the National Director for the Pontifical Mission Societies in Uganda, and a priest of the Diocese of Kiyinda-Mityana. He has a local connection in Chicago because he studied at Mundelein Seminary. He tells Megan about the deep and vibrant faith of the people and he shares a little of the history and the present work of the Church to build peace and dignity for God's people. He also reflects on the work of mission and how every one of us is called to be missionary disciples.

Loving and Serving the Poor in Mission

Wednesday, August 9, 2023
This month Megan sits down with Vincentian missionary, Fr. Jaroslav Jasso. He is living and working in Madagascar, an island nation just off the southeast coast of the African continent. Megan is glad to welcome Fr. Jaroslav back to Chicago, as he is here making mission appeals again. Fr. Jaroslav explains that climate change has affected the communities who are unable to support themselves without water and fertile land. He describes the hopes and plans of the Vincentians to help people irrigate for fruitful farming, build simple homes for refugees and very simply offer food to starving families.

Mission in Togo, West Africa

Wednesday, July 12, 2023
This month Megan talks with Sr. Rose-Ange Woulaou, a Sister of Providence of St. Paul in Kara, Togo. She is the only member of her congregation living in the USA, and one of the few who speaks English. She is currently studying at Divine Word College in Epworth, Iowa. Megan asks Sr. Rose-Ange to talk about her vocational story and what it was like to come to the US for study. They also talk about life in Togo and the ministries of the Sisters of Providence of St. Paul.

Mission in Uganda

Wednesday, June 14, 2023
This month Megan meets with Fr. Leo Tinkatumire, PhD. Fr. Leo is a priest of the Archdiocese of Mbarara in Uganda. He is also the Founder and President of Leti Resource Center, an Illinois-based not for profit organization focused on transforming the rural poor community of Isingiro, Uganda. Leti oversees the installations of rain water harvesting cisterns, Leo Primary School, St. Oliva Medical Center, Isingiro Business Community Savings and Credit Cooperative and the launching of women's clubs. Megan asks Fr. Leo to share his vocational journey in Uganda and why he was inspired to develop these resources with his home community.

Mission and Carpentry in Zambia

Wednesday, May 10, 2023
This month Megan meets Fr. Jacek Garus, a Salesian of Don Bosco. He is visiting the Chicago area to share the good work of his community in Kazembe, Zambia in east Africa. He has been working at St. John Bosco Parish in Kazembe, the youth center and he is Principal of Don Bosco Carpentry School. Fr. Jacek shares about his current ministry at Don Bosco Carpentry School as well as life in Kazembe, Zambia.

Parish Twinning and Mission

Wednesday, April 12, 2023
This month Megan sits down with two representatives of the Parish Twinning Program of the Americas (PTPA). David Siler is Executive Director, and Diane Huggins is President of the Board of Directors. Since its founding in 1978, PTPA has formed about 300 twinning's for parishes in 78 Catholic dioceses in 31 states with Catholic parishes in Haiti and Latin America. This non-profit organization works to live the Gospel by seeking, building and maintaining twinning relationships between Catholic parishes. Megan asks about her guests’ experiences with parish twinning and the various ways PTPA can guide and resource parishes.

Network of African Catholic Voices

Wednesday, March 8, 2023
This month Megan met with two religious sisters who are part of the Pan-African Catholic Theology and Pastoral Network (PACTPAN). This is a community of African scholars and pastoral agents who promote, create, curate and celebrate their Catholic intellectual, cultural and spiritual heritage as Africans, while also offering best practices in the pastoral field for a vital Church! Megan sat down with Sr. Leonida Katunge, a Sister of St. Joseph Mombasa in Kenya, who is the Program Director of PACTPAN, and Sr. Titilayo Aduloju, a Sister of St. Michael the Archangel in Nigeria, who has been leading in a research group focused on the Church of Now.

Solidarity with South Sudan and Pope Francis

Wednesday, February 8, 2023
Megan sits down with Sr. Joan Mumaw, Founder of Friends in Solidarity, an initiative of US Catholic religious men and women who support religious working in South Sudan and beyond. They discuss the significance and impact of Pope Francis' recent visit to South Sudan from 3-5 of February.

Unlocking Communities Around the World

Wednesday, January 11, 2023
This month Megan talks with Josh Goralski, the founder and CEO of Unlocking Communities, a not-for-profit social enterprise that empowers communities in Haiti and beyond with access to eco-friendly products and entrepreneurial opportunities. This work seeks to bring about sustainable social, economic and environmental change. Unlocking Communities partners with faith communities and is inspired by Catholic Social Teachings. Unlocking Communities equips entrepreneurs with the education, funding and tools to sell sustainable products such as a simple water filtration system and clean burning stove.

Sapaterre Mission In Haiti

Wednesday, December 14, 2022
This month Megan talks with Fr. Rodlin Rodrigue, Associate Pastor at St. Raymond de Peñafort Parish in Mount Prospect as well as Founder and President of Sapaterre Misson, a Haitian founded NGO and its U.S. charity counterpart, Children Hispaniola. Fr. Rodlin explains how he was inspired to help the rural community of Sapaterre and eventually engaged others in this work too. Megan asks about the accomplishments of this mission and their future plans.

Migrant Faith and Mission

Wednesday, November 9, 2022
Megan meets with Fr. Michael McAndrew, a Redemptorist priest and missionary who engages in ministry with Hispanic communities especially those who are migrants. He travels all over the US to offer pastoral and spiritual care to people on the move. Megan asks Fr. Mike to share stories about some of the people he has met, and serious reasons why they fled their home countries. He explains that this reality should open our eyes and call us to respond in love for our neighbors.

Microfinance and Community Development In Uganda

Thursday, September 15, 2022
Megan interviews Deacon Don Grossnickle and Deacon Jerry Brennan of Our Lady of the Wayside Parish in Arlington Heights. They share the mission work of Microfinance Alliance Africa Projects Foundation. The MAAP Foundation works to lower maternal and infant mortality rates in Uganda through microfinance projects and collaboration with the local Catholic parishes and clinics in rural areas. In the extended interview, they continue the conversation to talk in more depth about how the MAAP Foundation works on the ground in Uganda and provides opportunities to develop the whole community.

Mission with the Most Vulnerable in Cameroon

Thursday, August 18, 2022
This month Megan meets Sr. Jacqueline Manyi Atabong, a Sister of St. Therese of the Child Jesus from Buea, Cameroon. She is the founder of the SEV Foundation, which stands for Support and Empowerment of Vulnerable Persons, a charitable, religious, socio-pastoral, socio-economic and educational organization. Megan asks Sr. Jackie to share about her ministry experience as a nurse, with the imprisoned and released, and care for women and children who are displaced and traumatized by the violent conflict in Cameroon. Sr. Jackie shares how she finds hope and trust in the midst of all this turmoil and brokenness.

Mission Immersion in Piura, Peru

Thursday, July 21, 2022
This month Megan meets three lay missionaries who recently participated in a mission immersion trip in Piura, Peru. She talks with Linda Shea, Lisa Filip and Patti Gleason. This mission trip was organized by ministry leaders at Our Lady of Humility and St. Patrick Parish in Beach Park/Wadsworth. The trip is a key part of a larger mission relationship with Santisimo Sacramento Parish in Peru that has been developing for nearly 20 years!

Mission Education with Young People

Thursday, June 16, 2022
This month Megan talks with Barbara Escobar, the Maryknoll Mission Educator-Promoter for the Chicago and Midwest Region. Barbara tells Megan a little about herself and her ministry background before talking more specifically about her current work with Maryknoll Mission Education. Barbara describes mission education and formation opportunities that Maryknoll offers to both teens and young adults. In the extended interview Barbara also speaks about formation opportunities for adults and mission immersion trips as well.

New Missionary Priests

Thursday, May 19, 2022
This month Megan sits down with two recently ordained and graduated priests, Fr. Falasiko Matovu and Fr. Peter Walusimbi. These two are from the Diocese of Kiyinda-Mityana in Uganda. They have been attending the University of St. Mary of the Lake/Mundelein Seminary for the last five years, with the support of the Global Mission Office. Megan asks them to share some treasured memories from their studies and formation and to share about their experiences of ordination back in May 2021 in Uganda.

Mission in Ukraine

Thursday, April 21, 2022
Megan interviews Fr. José Murcia Abellan, pastor of Mary, Mother of Mercy Parish in Chicago, and Alejandro Guevara, currently in formation at the Diocesan Missionary Seminary, Redemptoris Mater in Vinnitsa, Ukraine. Megan asks them about the faith of the people in Ukraine and the role of the church as well. Fr. José and Alejandro share how the people have been impacted by the war as well. Megan asks them to reflect on the vocation of the missionary priest and God's Mission in Ukraine at this time.

Comboni Priest on Mission

Thursday, March 17, 2022
Megan meets Fr. Godwin Kornu, a Comboni priest for over 20 years, who is originally from Ghana. He has ministered in Chad and Ghana as a parish priest and recently joined the Comboni Mission Center in La Grange Park, IL.

Spiritan U.S. Province Celebrates 150 Years

Thursday, February 17, 2022
Megan talks with Fr. Chris Promis, retired Spiritan missionary priest, and Anne Marie Hansen, a Spiritan Lay Associate. They describe the mission and ministries of the Spiritan congregation of priests, brothers and lay associates. They also reflect on some local Chicago connections. And Megan asks about the 150th Anniversary of the Congregation of the Holy Spirit's U.S. Province taking place in 2022-2023.

Barefoot Counselors in Sri Lanka

Thursday, January 20, 2022
Megan meets with Deacon Michael McNulty of Divine Mercy Parish in Winnetka and Dr. Michael McNulty who grew up in Divine Mercy and now has a PhD in the field of clinical social work. Megan asks this father and son about how they came to know and collaborate in mission with Fr. Paul Satkunanayagam, a Jesuit priest ministering in his home country of Sri Lanka. Dr. McNulty speaks about his help to train "barefoot counselors," and Dcn. McNulty speaks about how the people of Divine Mercy have continued to send support for Fr. Paul's ministry of healing and peace-making.

Hope and Trust in Mission

Thursday, December 16, 2021
This month Megan talks with Rev. Wilson Paulose, a priest currently ministering in the Diocese of Camden, New Jersey but who is originally from the Diocese of Rayagada, India. He serves as a mission appeal speaker for his home diocese as well as pastoral minister in New Jersey. Megan asks Rev. Paulose to share his own journey over this past year since he was infected with COVID and recovered, as well he has been grieving the loss so many back home in India. Nonetheless he maintains great hope and trust in the love and mercy of God through it all.

Missionary Discipleship

Thursday, November 18, 2021
Megan sits down with Jenn Delvaux, the Senior Evangelization Coordinator for the Archdiocese of Chicago Office of Evangelization. They discuss what the phrase “missionary disciple” meanings and its origins. Jenn and Megan compare notes for what a missionary disciple looks like if he/she is active in the parish community and if she/he is active in local or global mission. They talk about what this has to do with Renew My Church here in the Archdiocese of Chicago and what it could mean for a complete culture change in the Catholic Church.

St. Patrick Fathers and World Mission Sunday

Thursday, October 21, 2021
Megan talks with Fr. Michael Madigan, Society Leader in the USA for the St. Patrick's Missionary Society. The Society, also known as the St. Patrick Fathers, has more than 200 members from a variety of local faith communities who minister in nine countries in Africa, including Zambia and Nigeria, as well as Brazil and Grenada in the Caribbean. Fr. Madigan shares about his missionary experiences and memories in various parts of Africa. Megan also asks Fr. Madigan to share his reflections on the World Mission Sunday celebration, which takes place this Sunday, October 24. #StPatrickFathers #WorldMissionSunday

Fr. Alphonse Twizerimana, PhD Student in Educational Leadership

Thursday, September 16, 2021
Megan interviews Fr. Alphonse Twizerimana, a priest of the Diocese of Ruhengeri, Rwanda who currently lives at St. Josephat Parish in Chicago while he studies for a PhD in educational leadership at DePaul University. He is the former director of a boarding school in Rwanda and shares about his experience as a missionary and educator prior to his arrival. Megan asks about how he understands the relationship between education and mission. He is both a teacher and a student while living here in Chicago as well.

Mission in Haiti

Thursday, August 19, 2021
Megan talks with Renate Schneider, President and Founder of Haitian Connection, a nonprofit organization that coordinates programs in education, building houses for women and children, microcredit, entrepreneurial development and mental healthcare outreach. Renate has lived and worked with communities in Haiti for over 20 years. Knowing that Haiti is experiencing turmoil and struggle due to the assassination of their president, Megan invited Renate to share about her friends and colleagues in Haiti and what they are telling her about the situation. Renate also describes her work through Haitian Connection and how this has changed her life.

Holy Spirit Missionary Sisters and Virtual Appeals

Thursday, July 15, 2021
Megan interviews representatives from the Holy Spirit Missionary Sisters. Her guests are members of a team that developed and produced virtual appeal materials for the Missionary Cooperation Plan. Megan asks them to talk about how they decided to focus on the Sisters ministering in Jamaica and the process to develop an appeal text, a bulletin insert and a video in English, Spanish and Polish. They discuss all the work involved and how the video medium enhances the message.

Mission in India During the Pandemic

Thursday, June 17, 2021
Megan interviews Fr. Benjamin Chinnappan who is Executive Director of Dalit Solidarity, a nonprofit organization that envisions a society in India where the oppressed Dalit population has access to quality education, healthcare and economic development. Fr. Ben is originally from the southern region of India and speaks of his own personal experience seeing his home country in a crisis. He describes how his organization has attempted to alleviate some of the suffering by providing food, medicine and personal protective equipment. He and Megan discuss how the Church has responded and how we, the Church in the USA, can send our support through prayer, advocacy and financial donations.

Solidarity and Equipping for COVID

Thursday, May 20, 2021
Megan interviews Georgia Winson, President and Executive Director of Hospital Sisters Mission Outreach. This medical surplus recovery organization distributes medical supplies and equipment to hospitals and clinics around the world. Georgia shares about her work. Later in the show they are joined by Fr. Stan Chu Ilo, Research Professor of World Christianity and African Studies at DePaul University, Chicago and Sr. Mary Paul Asoegwu, Director of Development Ministry for the Daughters of Divine Love. They discuss a specific project called Equipped for COVID that will distribute donated medical supplies, equipment and PPE to southeast Nigeria's Catholic hospitals and clinics.

Mission During a Pandemic

Thursday, April 15, 2021
Megan interviews Fr. Jason Torba, Pastor of St. Ferdinand Parish and Marta Robak, lay leader and parishioner. St. Ferdinand Parish and other communities in the Archdiocese of Chicago have been supporting the work of the Missionaries of the Poor (MOP) Brothers for many years. Fr. Torba and Marta share the story of how this relationship began and how it became a regular commitment. Megan then asks how the pandemic challenged their plans. They explain how the MOP Team, parish leaders and the Brothers worked together to come up with creative and new ways to continue. Fr. Torba and Marta also share stories of hope and generosity. They are proud of all that has been accomplished and how everyone came together to give, and grow in their faith during a pandemic.

Holistic Healing and Mission

Thursday, March 18, 2021
Megan talks with Sr. Joanne Bierl, a Medical Missionary of Mary sister and Area Leader for the Americas. In this hour-long interview, Sr Bierl introduces her international congregation of women religious that seeks to share Christ’s healing love by bringing health services to people of different cultures around the world. Megan asks how the Medical Missionaries understand holistic healing, what that looks like in different settings and how that wisdom can help us get through this pandemic.

125 Years of Mission

Thursday, February 18, 2021
Megan interviews Fr. Mark Weber, a Divine Word Missionary priest who is currently Rector of the Divine Word Theologate in the Hyde Park neighborhood of Chicago. Fr. Weber shares some wonderful stories and memories of the Society of the Divine Word as they are celebrating 125 years of mission in North America. He describes ways that SVDs have ministered right here in the Archdiocese of Chicago and highlights how North American priests and brothers, and Divine Word Missionaries from all over the world, have continued the good work of Christ's Mission to proclaim the Gospel all over the globe.

Catalysts for Change in Mission

Thursday, January 21, 2021
Megan talks with Josh Goralski Founder and CEO of Unlocking Communities, a non-profit social enterprise working to provide Haitian church communities the tools and resources necessary to be their own catalysts for economic, social and environmental change. Josh explains where the idea this work came from and how community members in Haiti called for sustainable forms of transformation and growth. He connects this work with the principles of Catholic Social Teaching.

Mission with the Most Vulnerable

Thursday, December 17, 2020
Megan talks with Cathy Douglass co-founder of the Guardians of the Visitation, an lay association that collaborates and supports the work of the Sisters Servants of the Visitation (SSV), an international missionary women's congregation. Megan shares recorded messages from Sr. Rubi Arellano, SSV who works with poor and vulnerable children in the Philippines. Cathy describes how she first met Sr. Rubi, got involved and what the Guardians have been able to accomplish so far.

Solidarity and Mission

Thursday, November 26, 2020
Megan speaks with Jodi Grahl, Director of General and Gynecologic Surgery and Pacemaker Programs, and Rachel McDonnell, Director of Development, for Solidarity Bridge, a medical mission organization that partners with communities in Bolivia and Paraguay to increase access to safe, affordable surgery and other essential health care. They discuss the work of Solidarity Bridge and how the pandemic has affected communities in Bolivia. They also learn about how the medical mission has adjusted their lifesaving work to continue in this challenging time.

The Call of Mission

Thursday, October 15, 2020
Megan talks with Sr. Mary Paul Asoegwu, Daughter of Divine Love and Director of Development Ministry, and Fr. Stan Chu Ilo, Research Professor of World Christianity at DePaul University. They discuss this challenging year with a global pandemic, deep-seated social issues such as racism and now a national election. What is the mission we have been called to in this time? Sr. Mary Paul and Fr. Stan present two ways Catholics can respond: World Mission Sunday and Pope Francis' new encyclical, Fratelli Tutti: On Fraternity and Social Friendship.

Franciscan Mission in Jamaica

Thursday, September 17, 2020
Megan speaks with Fr. Colin King, a Franciscan Friar on mission in the Diocese of Montego Bay in Jamaica. Fr. Colin is a pastor of two parishes and recently was named vicar of education for this rural diocese as well. He describes life in the Caribbean, and how COVID-19 has affected the local communities. He shares some of the ongoing ministry and social service needs. Megan inquires about what it means to be a Franciscan missionary. How does the life of St. Francis inform being a missionary disciple?

Overcoming Division Through Mission

Thursday, August 20, 2020
Megan Mio, Coordinator in the Mission Office, talks with the Rt. Rev. Dr. Trevor Alexander, Senior Pastor of True Vine Church and Protestant Chaplain at the University of the Incarnate Word in San Antonio, TX. They discuss two forms of division: the separation of Christian churches and the reality of racism. Bishop Trevor speaks about his ecumenical ministry at the University and his passion for global mission. Noting that racism impacts our faith and daily lives, he also reflects on how to struggle with the sin of racism.

Raising Awareness for Mission

Thursday, July 16, 2020
Megan talks with Brother Charles Nuwagaba a member of the Brothers of St. Charles Lwanga, also known as the Bannakaroli Brothers. Bro. Charles is studying at Loyola University to pursue a masters in pastoral counseling. The Brothers of St. Charles minister in Uganda, Kenya and Tanzania. They offer ministries of education, healthcare, agricultural services, and economic development with children and marginalized communities. Bro. Charles describes how his studies impact his ministries and how COVID-19 has affected communities in East Africa. He also explains about how he has raised awareness for mission through becoming a finalist for the 2019 Opus Prize, an annual faith-based humanitarian award, and participating in the summer Mission Coop.

Racism and Mission

Thursday, June 18, 2020
Megan talks with Dr. Mike Gable, Director of the Mission Office in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati and Professor of Theology at Xavier University. Dr. Gable shares how he understands the reality of racism using the works of U.S. Catholic Bishops and drawing from his personal experiences as a lay missionary and as a pastoral minister. He reflects on the Church's social teachings and the life of Jesus Christ as a key way to connect work to combat the sin of racism and our common call to mission.

Pastoral Care as Mission

Thursday, May 21, 2020
Megan speaks by phone with Fr. Pius Kokose, Pastor of St. Stanislaus Bishop and Martyr in Posen. Originally from Ghana, Fr. Pius spent 10 years as a missionary in Paraguay but is now a diocesan priest. In addition, he serves as a part-time hospital chaplain at the University of Illinois at Chicago Hospital. He shares about his experience ministering at the hospital with patients and medical staff. Megan finds connections between this type of pastoral care and global mission. Fr. Pius also tells about the pastoral care he offers his parishioners and community in this time of pandemic.

Mission in the Time of Pandemic

Thursday, April 16, 2020
Megan talks with Sr. Alice Vandenoever, a Maryknoll Sister who was sent to the Philippines to teach and later work with non-profit service organizations in the urban setting of Manila. They discuss how a global health emergency like the current pandemic will likely affect our brothers and sisters in mission areas. Sr. Alice provides a realistic picture of what life is like for many communities struggling with poor sanitation and little access to healthcare.
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