
On the Way

On They Way

Third Wednesday Monthly: 8 – 9 a.m.

On The Way is sponsored by the Office for Evangelization and Missionary Discipleship (OEMD).  Previously entitled, Mission of Love, On The Way focuses on spreading the "Good News" through the lens of evangelization and discipleship. Topics will include ways people and communities are evangelizing, discipleship happenings in the Archdiocese of Chicago, and how we encounter Christ in our world.
Host: Elizabeth Jennings White, Director of the OEMD 

Rite of Christian Initiation (RCIA) and World Mission

Wednesday, February 21, 2024
Host Beth White first spends time talking to the Director of Divine Worship, Todd Williamson, about the Rite of Christian Initiation (RCIA) and then Beth has a conversation with the Director of the Global Mission Office, Megan Mio, about World Mission.

Evangelization & USML

Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Day of Renewal Reflections

Wednesday, October 18, 2023
Host Beth White talks with Mary Hermanson and Elizabeth Kos about the recent Archdiocesan Day of Renewal.

The OEMD Team - Accompanying Parish Leaders

Wednesday, August 16, 2023
Host Beth White talks with Evangelization Coordinators about the Office of Evangelization and Missionary Discipleship.

Evangelization and the Black Catholic Conference

Wednesday, July 19, 2023
Host Beth White talks to her guests about Evangelization and the Black Catholic reality.

St. Josaphat Parish – the First Fruits of Renewal

Wednesday, May 17, 2023
This episode of On the Way features St. Josaphat Parish – the First Fruits of Renewal. Host Beth White is joined by Fr. Francis Bitterman, pastor, Mary Jane Sullivan, Pastoral Associate, and Sean O’Dea, Director of Evangelization. St. Josaphat Parish participated in wave one of Renew My Church and started their spiritual renewal effort in 2018. On this episode, you will hear how Fr. Francis and Mary Jane got started – the struggles, the learnings. And hear from Sean who joined the team a year and a half ago because the needs of the community continue to expand as ministries and leaders grow. Their story is inspiring and shows the need for a clear vision, strong leadership, and a commitment to evangelization.

Encountering Christ in the Liturgy

Wednesday, April 19, 2023
Host Beth White spends time talking to the Director of Divine Worship, Todd Williamson, about Encountering Christ in the Liturgy in this great season of Easter.

Witnesses to Renewal – Voices from Parishes

Wednesday, March 15, 2023
Host Beth White talks to her guests Mary Hermanson and Sean O'Dea about evangelization at the parish level.

Spiritual Renewal: Building the New Reality

Wednesday, February 15, 2023
Host Beth White talks to her guests Tim Weiske and Katie Bak about Spiritual Renewal: Building the New Reality

Building a Foundation for Evangelization

Wednesday, January 18, 2023
Host Beth White talks to her guests Jose Coronel and Shannon Schmidt about building a foundation for evangelization.

Reflecting RMC and Spiritual Renewal

Wednesday, November 16, 2022

A Conversation about Spiritual Renewal

Wednesday, October 19, 2022
Host Beth White leads a discussion about spiritual renewal with her guests, Michael Tom and Fr. Matthew Heinrich.

Our Lady and Evangelization

Wednesday, August 17, 2022
In honor of the Feast of the Assumption, this month’s On the Way is dedicated to a conversation about Our Lady. Host Beth White is joined by José Coronel and Alicja Pozywio, both from the Office for Evangelization and Missionary Discipleship. They discuss how Mary points us towards Jesus and is a role model for all evangelization efforts. José shares the history and Mexican cultural understanding of Our Lady of Guadalupe, and Alicja does the same for the Black Madonna, also known as Our Lady of Czestochowa, who is very important to the people of Poland. Common themes in the conversation are the way in which Our Lady meets people where they are at, hears them, letting them know they belong to her son, all of which leads them into a deeper faith.

The Source of Hope

Wednesday, July 20, 2022
Host Beth White talks to Kevin Pease, Director of IPS Scripture School at Loyola University, about HOPE.

First Fruits of Evangelization

Tuesday, June 14, 2022
On the Way welcomes Brian Romer Niemiec, Lifelong Formation Coordinator for Vicariate Two, for a conversation with Co-Hosts Beth White and Jenn Delvaux about the first fruits of evangelization work in parishes in his vicariate. Jenn Delvaux has worked with a number of parishes in Vicariate Two and together with Brian and Beth, they discuss tangible signs of renewal. At the end of the show, Beth and Jenn share a personal note. Jenn Delvaux is leaving her role in the Archdiocese and this is her last show as Co-Host. To close out their time together, Beth asks Jenn to reflect on her learnings from walking with parishes during these last five years.

Fat Luther, Slim Pickens and A Catholic Response to the War in Ukraine

Wednesday, April 20, 2022
This month our host, Jenn Delvaux, speaks with Marcia Lane-McGee and Shannon Wimp Schmidt about their book, Fat Luther, Slim Pickin’s. Shannon and Maria shared themes from their book on Easter, Esther, and a (really brief) primer on the Black Church. As they told the story of the genesis of their podcast, Plaid Skirts and Basic Black, along with the process of writing their book they shared personal stories, great joy, and even more laughter. In the final segment of the hour, Sr. Kasia Banasiewicz, a coordinator in the Office for Evangelization, joined to share a few stories from family and friends in Poland helping to welcome Ukrainian refugees. Those who are able to do so, are encouraged to support the relief efforts via the Archdiocesan website and utilize some of the resources to pray for the refugees and all those affected by the war.

Going Inward Should Always Lead us Outward

Wednesday, March 16, 2022
In honor of women’s history month, Beth White, welcomes Vinita Hampton Wright, author, retreat leader and retired book editor, to On the Way to discuss her newest book,Set the World on Fire: A four-week personal retreat with the female doctors of the Church. This book is scheduled for release on March 25, 2022 through Ave Maria Press. Vinita discusses the way in which these four very important women influenced our common understanding of God and were incredible contributors to the theology of the Church. This book is designed to help all on their deepening spiritual journey. Beth and Vinita also discussed how going deeper inward should lead us into an outward movement. To celebrate St. Patrick’s Day week, On the Way welcomes Fr. Ken Simpson, Administrator of Old St. Pat's Catholic Church in the West Loop of Chicago. Old St. Pat’s hosted Shamrock’n the Block, a new event with rooted in their long tradition of block parties. The event gathered more than 2,000 on parade day. Fr. Ken and Beth discussed how these types of gatherings are wonderful ways to have a presence in the larger community, to engage parishioners as hosts of the party, and to intentionally invite and encourage guests to join upcoming parish offerings. In addition to these social events, Old St. Pat’s has a long history of being focused on the spiritual development of their adults and offers many opportunities to grow in their relationship with Christ and His Church. All are welcome to explore.

Renew My Church -- Building the New Reality

Wednesday, February 16, 2022
On the Way welcomes Fr. Jason Malave, Cardinal’s Liaison for Renew My Church, for a conversation with Co-Host Beth White about where we as an Archdiocese in the process. He shares his perspective on the hope that Building the New Reality brings to us. Fr. Jason also shares his own personal story about how this process has impacted him as a priest and as a disciple. In the second half of the show, Co-Host Jenn Delvaux interviews author Paul Jarzembowski about his new book, Hope from the Ashes: Insights and Resources for Welcoming Lenten Visitors. Ash Wednesday and Lent bring many people to our parishes and faith based events, some we don’t see at other times of the year. They discuss how these are opportunities to evangelize, accompany, and help people develop a sense of belonging. Paul and Jenn explore why this season brings people back to church, why we should creatively reach out, and some practical steps each of us can take.

Building a New Reality Together

Wednesday, January 19, 2022
Host Elizabeth White interviews Dr. Angela Swan, Director of the Office of Human Dignity and Solidary for the Archdiocese of Chicago, about the work of her office and the role of missionary disciples. Over the course of their conversation, they touch on a few of the many areas within the Office of Human Dignity and Solidarity that involve the work of missionary disciples on the local, diocesan, and even national level. Dr. Swain shares her thoughts on the importance of missionary discipleship and the role they play in justice issues, advocacy, and service. During the second half of the show, Beth is joined by co-host Jenn Delvaux and they discuss some of the building blocks of the Office for Evangelization and Missionary Discipleship’s work in the Building the New Reality of Renew My Church. The conversation highlights how much listening, accompaniment, and learning about each faith community is involved with the process and the key role that leadership, especially missionary disciples, play in laying the foundational elements of renewal.

Our Mission Sends Us Out

Wednesday, December 15, 2021
Host Elizabeth White concludes the eight-part series about the qualities of a parish with a culture of evangelization with Mission. Joyce Duriga, Editor for Chicago Catholic, shares stories about people who go out on mission, who use their gifts in the world as a way to share Christ’s love. Joyce also tells her own story about what brought her to a career in Catholic journalism. To read the stories Joyce references, visit Kate Lynch, Director of Religious Education, and Mark Neuhengen, Director of Evangelization and Parish Ministry at St Teresa of Avila join the second half of the show. They offer ways in which they engage and empower parishioners to use their gifts in the parish as well as in their neighborhood. They talk about how this isn’t always easy, but necessary if we want to form missionary disciples. Beth, Kate and Mark also talk about Renew My Church and the way in which the parish of St. Teresa has actively engaged and embraced this process for renewal.

Why Witness Matters

Wednesday, November 17, 2021
Continuing on the theme of the eight qualities of a culture of evangelization, co-hosts Elizabeth White and Jenn Delvaux talk about the importance of mission. Joseph Malham, iconographer and author, joined the conversation to talk about his journey and his role as an artist in residence at St. Gregory the Great church, which is part of Mary, Mother of God parish. Through his gifts and talents, Joe witnesses to God’s love and grace. To find out more about Joe and his works visit

Personal Prayer

Wednesday, October 20, 2021
Beth White and Jenn Delvaux from the Office for Evangelization and Missionary Discipleship take a deep dive into personal prayer. They talk about why it is important for evangelization - you have to know who you are evangelizing. And they share a list of resources to help you develop or grow your prayer live (visit for the list). The second half of the show features Alessandro DiSanto, one of three founders of a Catholic Meditation app called Hallow available at or your favorite app store. This app was developed here in Chicago to help Catholics explore the richness of our Catholic prayer options.

Evangelization, Engagement, and Parish Renewal

Wednesday, September 15, 2021
Today Jennifer Delvaux hosts a discussion on Evangelization, Engagement, and Parish renewal. She is joined by Michelle Farrell, Evangelization Lead at Immaculate Conception – St. Joseph, and Mike Bentley, Evangelization Lead at St. Catherine of Alexandria. The three discuss the importance of engaging individuals as leaders led by the Holy Spirit as part of evangelization and parish renewal. Michelle and Mike share how they have used soft entry points and invitations to lift up and engage new leaders.

Inviting and Saint Mary Magdalene

Wednesday, July 21, 2021
As they continue to explore the eight qualities of a culture of evangelization, co-hosts Beth White and Jenn Delvaux talk about the power of an invitation. They discuss who to invite, how to consider what you want for someone and not from them, and how to make the invitation. They also note that by inviting, you are letting the other person know that they belong and that you have the power to invite them. Sr. Barbara Reid, OP, President of Catholic Theological Union and New Testament Scholar, joins On the Way to share Biblical understanding of St. Mary Magdalene just before her July 22nd Feast Day. Sr. Barbara shares the many misconceptions about St. Mary Magdalene and the ways in which the authors of the Gospels spoke of her in their stories. Sr. Barbara also shares what St. Mary Magdalene, a great evangelizer, offers to us today – a woman who is persistent in sharing her story, who knows she is called, and who is courageous in the midst of controversy. For more information about Sr. Barbara Reid and Catholic Theological Union, visit

Listening to Gen Z and Catholic Women

Wednesday, June 16, 2021
Co-hosts, Elizabeth White and Jennifer Delvaux lead a conversation about the importance of listening in building a culture of evangelization. The first guest of the show, On the Way, is Dr. Josh Packard, Executive Director of Springtide Research Institute. Josh shares with Jenn the insights gained through their 2020 research project with young people aged 13 to 25. This generation is lonelier than any other generation. Key to their connection and thriving is having authentic, caring adults in their lives who will listen to them without an agenda. The results of their listening to Generation Z is available in their study, “The State of Religion and Young People” which is available at Kerry Weber, Executive Editor of America Magazine joins On the Way. Co-host Beth White discusses the magazine’s 2018 study with The Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate (CARA) that sought to ask Catholic women about their faith life. Up until this point, there was not one research project that only asked Catholic women questions about their faith. In this interview, Kerry shares the importance of listening to women and how they self-identify. All 1500 women self-identified as Catholic whether they actively participated in the faith or not. Listening to these women and seeking ways to be more relevant in their lives is a critical part of walking with them. To learn more about this study, follow this link:

Walking with People with Mental Illness and their Families

Wednesday, May 19, 2021
Beth White, host for On the Way, is joined by Doug Beach, Chair of NAMI FaithNet. Doug discusses Mental Health Awareness month, the resources of the National Alliance on Mental Illness (, and the tools available through the faith focused area of NAMI, FaithNet. As a ministry, they work with churches, parishes, synagogues, and mosques to heighten awareness and knowledge about mental illness to take away the stigma and to equip communities to walk with those who need support. Deacon Thomas Lambert joins On the Way host Beth White from the Archdiocesan Commission on Mental Illness to discuss the local efforts in the Archdiocese to support parishes in their desire to walk with those with mental illness in the community. On their website ( there are resources for personal, group, and communal prayer, homily suggestions, and practical things a parish can do to create a welcoming, inclusive community. The Commission is available to provide a five-part series on mental illness in interested parishes to better prepare the community on how to support those struggling with their mental health.

Anti-Racism and the Black Catholic Initiative

Wednesday, April 21, 2021
Clarissa Aljentera from the Office for Lifelong Formation joins Beth White, host, for On the Way to discuss anti-racism, her upcoming course at Boston College, and ways the Archdiocese is proactively trying to have very important conversations and ultimately put into practice, issues around race and diversity, specifically through a newly formed Racial Justice Circle and a novena for racial justice being prayed by employees of the pastoral center. Clarissa also suggests a few resources that might help listeners to continue their own journey of learning more. Cliff Barber, Chief Strategy Officer for Renew My Church and Director of the Boston Catholic Initiative joins host, Beth White, to talk about the Black Catholic community in the Archdiocese of Chicago. They discuss the impact of parish closures and unifications in the Black Churches, primarily on the Southside of Chicago. Cliff shares his hope for the future even in the midst of great grief. The Black Catholic Initiative includes all Black Catholics in the Chicagoland area. The goal is to support and bring these Catholics together in creative ways. A new website will be launched in the coming months.

Renew My Church – A Year in Review

Wednesday, March 17, 2021
On the Way focuses on the Archdiocesan renewal movement, Renew My Church (RMC). Beth White and Jenn Delvaux, co-hosts, are joined by Rick Moreno and Valerie Jennings, two Parish Vitality Coordinators. Valerie, who serves vicariate six, shares the steps or phases parishes enter for the purpose of bringing about renewal. She also shares how parish communities work towards unification – new name, ministry unification process, prayer, etc. Rick, who serves in vicariate four, shares the vision of building the new reality, the final phase of RMC. And each share their hopes for the future. Jenn Delvaux, who serves as the Senior Coordinator in the Office for Evangelization and Missionary Discipleship (OEMD), and Beth, the director of OEMD, continue the conversation about renewal through the lens of evangelization. Jenn speaks of the intentional process of walking with pastors and leaders of evangelization in parishes. The main goal is to form missionary disciples and establish a culture of evangelization in parishes. Jenn and Beth discuss and define the various components of that culture – hospitality, listening, inviting, relationships, empowerment, prayer, witness, and mission.

Ash Wednesday Conversations

Wednesday, February 17, 2021
The Tolton Spirituality Center has been a fruit of the pandemic. Beth White, the Host of On the Way, interviews Fr. Gerard Jordan, OPraem, about the newly announced Center to serve the parishes of the Archdiocese of Chicago. With a $1 million grant from the Lilly Foundation, this new initiative will lead the way in healing and building vitality in parishes. Fr. Gerard shares the ways in which Fr. Tolton was not deterred by racism or struggle and how his experience can help all of us as we face the challenges of the pandemic, “isms” in our society and Church, and the outcomes of parish communities uniting under a new roof. Beth White interviews Fr. James Martin, SJ, about his newest book, “Learning to Pray: A guide for Everyone.” The two discuss the genesis of the book that he worked on for about a decade. Fr. Jim shares that he wrote if for his 20-something self who had no idea how to pray. After thirty years of being a Jesuit, walking with people at all stages of their faith journey, Fr. Jim sees the importance of having an honest conversation about what does and does not happen in prayer. There is not a right way to pray, just different ways. And at the heart of all prayer, is God reaching for us.

Spiritual Practices and the Role of Catholic Faith in Public Life

Wednesday, January 20, 2021
To kick off the first show of the new year, co-host Jenn Delvaux discusses spiritual practices and the role of Catholic faith in public life. For the first half of the show, Laura Lies, Spiritual Director and founder of Streams of Grace, joins Jenn to discuss how and why we should draw closer to God despite so much uncertainty for the new year ahead. Laura offers useful advice on how people can actively listen to God in their lives and how we can accompany those in our lives who seek an encounter with Christ. For the second half of the show Jenn is joined by Dr. Steven Millies, Associate Professor of Public Theology at Catholic Theological Union (CTU) and Director of The Bernadin Center at CTU. Jenn and Dr. Millies discuss Public Theology and how we as Catholics are called to act and live out our faith in our daily lives.

Christmas Traditions Done Virtually

Wednesday, December 16, 2020
On the Way focuses on Christmas traditions and things we’ve learned about this year. Miguel Salazar, Senior Coordinator for Immigration, is the first guest and joins co-hosts Beth White and Jenn Delvaux. He shares with listeners the history of Mexican Posadas and the 15th Annual Posada for Immigration Reform held on December 18th. To learn more about the Chicagoland Posada visit: The second half of the show is dedicated to Christmas music and the reality of singing in 2020 with guest Wendy Silhavy, Senior Coordinator in the Office for Divine Worship. At the encouragement of the Cardinal, she has organized a virtual choir from throughout the Archdiocese who will sing at Midnight Mass from Holy Name Cathedral on WGN and Catholic Chicago. This Mass will be a special celebration of the entire Archdiocese as much of it is being pre-recorded due to the pandemic. She also discusses with the hosts the lessons they have learned from 2020, like how much we do take singing at Mass for granted.

Advent Offering and the Power of Gratitude

Wednesday, November 18, 2020
On the Way focuses on the seasons which are upon us, Thanksgiving and Advent. The first guest who joins Beth White is Kevin Pease, director of Loyola University’s IPS Scripture School to discuss an upcoming Advent Retreat, “When They Saw the Star,” that is available to everyone for free. The retreat takes place over three weeks – two hours a week – on Zoom. For more information visit here. Kevin also shared about how to get involved with the IPS Scripture School. On the second half of the show, Beth White was joined by Michelle Shaffer, Associate Director of the Institute for Lay Formation at University of Saint Mary of the Lake. Michelle and Beth discussed gratitude as we look towards Thanksgiving in the midst of a pandemic. Michelle shared some research about how gratitude is incredibly beneficial for us psychologically, physically, and spiritually. Even though these are really hard and challenging times for all of us, it is important that we find a few things each day for which we can be grateful.


Wednesday, September 16, 2020
On the Way focused on hospitality and how we can live this crucial aspect of our faith out during the pandemic precautions. Hospitality is even more important now as people are left without usual connections to communities and relationships. The stress and fatigue of the pandemic, particularly for those in at risk communities and working in front line fields, invite us to reconsider how to be hospitable. The first guest to join host Jenn Delvaux is Jane Angha, Director of Ministry Blueprints, a company that teaches, trains and equips people, parishes and teams in hospitality, welcome and innovation. The discussion explores the foundations of hospitality and the need for it in the unique circumstances we are in now. The second guest is Kathy McNichols, the Pastoral Associate and Director of Religious Education at Incarnation Parish in Crestwood. With examples from Kathy’s parish and Jane’s ministry, creative ways to live your call to hospitality are shared.

New Books to Help Us Grow In Our Relationship With Jesus

Wednesday, August 19, 2020
On the Way focuses on two books by two different authors to help us grow as individuals and as communities of disciples. We cannot give what we do not have and continuing to grow in our relationship with Jesus is a focus of this show. The first guest who joins Beth White, is Joshua Danis, the National Director of Alpha in the Catholic Context. Josh has written a book, “Living the Fruit of the Spirit: How God’s Grace Can Transform Your World,” out of his experience of having people encounter Jesus. Written prior to the pandemic, this book, which is available through Word Among Us Press, focuses on the ways in which we can grow in the fruits of the spirit so that we can attract and witness to the Gospel with our lives. By reflecting on love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control, we can all grow in these fruits throughout our journey. To get your copy of the book visit The Word Among Us. Our second guest is Fr. Robin Ryan, CP, Associate Professor of Systematic Theology at Catholic Theological Union in Chicago. Fr. Robin, who has taught Christology for years, has developed a book to help readers connect head knowledge of Jesus with heart knowledge. His newest book, “Gazing on His Face: A Christ-Centered Spirituality,” will be available through Paulist Press later this fall. The book starts with reflecting on our friendship with Christ and uses different titles of Christ to help us get to know who Jesus is in Scripture, Tradition, and in our own lives. While waiting for his newest book, you may consider a more dense, but timely book, “God and the Mystery of Human Suffering: A Theological Conversation Across the Ages..”

Racism and Storytelling

Friday, June 19, 2020
On the Way focuses on our heightened awareness of racism and how our diocesan newspaper is evangelizing. Host Beth White is joined by Ryan Lents, Director of Human Dignity and Solidarity, to share resources that are available to help us become more aware of and counter racism. Beth and Ryan, in particular, discussed “Open Wide Our Hearts,” the 2018 USCCB pastoral letter against racism. This document and many other resources are available at In addition, the Office for Human Dignity and Solidarity is offering peace circles to help us have open dialogue about racism in our culture and Church. You can learn more here. The second part of the show featured Joyce Duriga, Editor of Chicago Catholic. Joyce has been with the local archdiocesan newspaper for 13 years and sees God at work in and through people throughout our archdiocese. She shared the many ways in which listening and storytelling are evangelizing. Joyce is also the author of “Augustus Tolton: The Church is the True Liberator,” a biography of the first known African-American priest in the United States. She has written an article about what Fr. Tolton would think about today’s events. To read that article, learn more about our local newspaper and how to become a subscriber, visit:

Reaching Outward During a Pandemic

Saturday, May 16, 2020
On the Way focuses on how our parishes and Archdiocese are reaching outward in love during the pandemic. Host Beth White is joined by Michael MacKenzie, Director of Internal Communications, to talk about the various ways the Archdiocese if communicating with the pastors, principals, parish teams, and Archdiocesan employees during this time of uncertainty. He also shares the many creative ways parishes are reaching outward in their communities to bring hope and help. For all of the latest information visit: Cathy Walz, Director of Pastoral Accompaniment, joins Beth to talk about two Archdiocese of Chicago offerings – “A Call to Prayer” and Grief Groups. For those who would like to pray with someone during this time, “A Call to Prayer” is available from 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. every day. After hours voicemail and email prayer intentions are also available ([email protected]) . Grief Groups are for those who have recently lost a loved one and want to gather with others to share their journey and pray together.

Community and Connection – COVID-19

Wednesday, April 15, 2020
On the Way focuses on how we are continuing to provide a sense of community and connection while we are under a “stay at home” order. Host Beth White is joined by co-host and Senior Coordinator for the Office for Evangelization and Missionary Discipleship, Jenn Delvaux, and Michelle Shaffer, Associate Director of the Institute for Lay Formation at University of Saint Mary of the Lake. Together they discuss how the Archdiocese of Chicago has pulled together parish leaders to offer Alpha Online. Several parishes with experience offering “in-person” Alpha have members of their teams serving as hosts and helpers for this online version. If you or anyone you know is interested, visit to register. Tom Howard from St. Mother Teresa of Calcutta Parish and Kim Haggerty from St. Mother Theodore Guerin Parish join Beth White to share the ways in which their parish communities have reached out to their parishioners and beyond. From old fashioned phone trees, to online devotions, to weekly meetings with catechists to brainstorm, parishes are finding creative ways to build community and reach outward in love.

Caring for Ourselves and Neighbors and Praying Together – COVID-19

Wednesday, March 18, 2020
During this time of uncertainty with COVID-19, On the Way focuses on how we care for our ourselves and our neighbors and how we can stay together in prayer. Host Beth White is joined for the first half of the show by Ryan Lents, Director of the Office of Human Dignity and Solidarity, to discuss ways in which you or someone else can get support for food, clothing, and mental health needs during this time- call Catholic Charities at (312) 655-7700. They also discuss ways in which we can continue to support our local restaurants and reach out to our neighbors (to donate food or clothing call (312) 655-7525). If you are interested in volunteering, please contact Andrew McKernin, Volunteer Relations Project Manager for Catholic Charities at (312) 655-7557 or [email protected]. The second half of the show, Todd Williamson, Director of the Office for Divine Worship, joins Host Beth White to discuss the cancellation of liturgical celebrations, and how we can stay together in prayer even as we are asked to “social distance.” Todd reminds listeners that we are indeed the Body of Christ and shares ways we can connect through the Sunday Mass from Holy Name Cathedral and daily Mass offered at St. James Chapel at the Quigley Center (Online Masses). Gathering together with your family in your home or through one of several virtual gathering tools (Zoom, Teams, Facetime, etc.) or simply by phone, we can continue to pray together. Look for Lenten Resources and other timely tools to help you pray on

February 2020

Wednesday, February 19, 2020
Today host Beth White and co-host Jenn Delvaux welcomed Beth Knobbe, Community Engagement Manager, and Olga Canelas, Program Director from Honduras for the first half of the show. Olga shared the work she is doing with CRS to help with food security and literacy to students in Honduras. Both Beth and Olga talked about the CRS program Rice Bowl and how it can help deepen one's Lenten journey. In the second half of the show, Juan Pablo Padilla and Maria Aranda from the Young Adult Engagement Team discussed their work to engage the young adult community and specifically how they are using Alpha to help young adults encounter Jesus and be formed as leaders in their ministry. For more information about CRS Rice Bowl visit their website at If you want to know about the Archdiocese’s Young Adult Engagement team visit their website at

January 2020

Tuesday, January 14, 2020
Co-host Jenn Delvaux and Evangelization Coordinator Jose Coronel start off the new year by talking about the Epiphany. The team sits down with James Erler, the Parish Vitality Coordinator for vicariate three. They discuss the Baptism of Christ and reflect on the ways we can reach those who enter our parishes and our lives that are not Catholic. For the second half of the show, Jenn and Jose talk with Todd Williamson, Director of the Office for Divine Worship, to discuss the ways in which God moves in our lives, and how he speaks to us throughout our faith journey.

Bishop Alberto Rojas

Wednesday, December 18, 2019
On a very special episode of On the Way, host Beth White and Evangelization Coordinator Jose Coronel sit down with Bishop Alberto Rojas. Bishop Rojas, who has been serving as the auxiliary bishop of the Archdiocese of Chicago for over eight years, has recently been appointed as coadjutor bishop of the Diocese of San Bernardino, California by Pope Francis. On this hour-long episode, bishop discusses his first encounter with Jesus in Mexico, his ministry work in Chicago, and the importance of evangelization as he looks forward to the next chapter in his life. If you are interested in learning more about Bishop Rojas, read about his life’s work here in Chicago Catholic

Advent: Preparing our parishes and ourselves

Wednesday, November 20, 2019
On the Way focuses on how to make the most out of Advent this year. Co-hosts, Beth White and Jenn Delvaux, are joined by Fr. Sammie Maletta, Pastor, and Kahlil Hattar and Louie Cain, Pastoral Associates, from St. John the Evangelist Parish in St. John, Indiana. They share how they intentionally use Advent as a time to prepare for receiving guests at Christmas by encouraging parishioners to see themselves as hosts, the ones who receive the guests. Their goal is for everyone who worships with them to feel “loved on” from the time they arrive on their campus to when they leave, hoping to give them a reason to return. They share concrete, practical ways that all of us can be welcoming. On the second half of the show, author and Managing Editor at Loyola Press in Chicago, Vinita Hampton Wright discusses Advent and how to prepare our hearts for the joy that the season brings. She shares excerpts from her newly published book, “Small Simple Ways,” a daily prayer resource and her online Advent retreat by the same name available on starting the first Monday of Advent.


Wednesday, October 16, 2019
As we prepare for the Feasts of All Saints and All Souls, this month radio co-hosts Beth White and Jenn Delvaux tackle some interesting subjects. Fr. Richard Fragomeni, Professor of Liturgy and Preaching at Catholic Theologian Union, and Fr. Bill Vollmer, Associate Pastor at Holy Name Cathedral, join us to discuss the Catholic understanding of death, dying, and eternal life. We also explore ways in which bereavement ministries in parishes and the funeral liturgy can be opportunities to be Christ to those who are grieving and help them connect with the community during the time of loss.

Happenings in the Archdiocese

Wednesday, September 18, 2019
On this episode of On the Way, co-hosts Beth White and Jenn Delvaux take a look at upcoming archdiocesan events. Chelsea Piper, from the Young Adult Ministry Office at the Arch, and Nancy Holpuch, the Youth Minister at St. Edna Parish, discuss Holy Fire and the ways in which this event brings young participants closer to God. Fr. Timothy O’Malley joins us for the last half hour to discuss his ministry that is a 2019 Noche de Gala award winner. Fr. Tim is the Spiritual Director for Camino de Emaús, a weekend retreat hosted by Most Blessed Trinity parish. Camino de Emaús is being awarded the St. John Paul II Evangelization Award at Noche de Gala.

Back to School

Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Our first episode of “On the Way” focuses on back to school! With summer winding down and coming to an end, many Catholic schools have started classes already. With each new school year, there is an opportunity to evangelize. Melissa Link, OCS Director of Catholic Mission and Culture, joins the program to discuss her important role within the Archdiocese and the greater community. Amanda Thompson, the Director of Catholic Campus Ministry at DePaul University, also joins us to discuss how Catholic universities can bridge the gap between young adults going to and returning from college.

Summer of Evangelization

Wednesday, July 17, 2019
This month on Mission of Love, co-hosts Jenn Delvaux and José Coronel, explore different parish led summer events happening throughout the archdiocese. Michael Silhavy, a parishioner at St. Mary Parish in Riverside, joins the team in the first half hour to discuss St. Mary’s Brass on the Grass summer music festival and how music can be a great tool for evangelization. For the last half hour, Jenn and José chat with Ceyclia Jablonska about the upcoming Polish Marian Pilgrimage, a historic mission that begins in Chicago and ends in Merrillville, Indiana. For more information on Brass in the Grass visit St. Mary’s website at To learn more about the Polish Pilgrimage and/or to register, please visit their website

A Soft Entry Point – Witnesses to Alpha

Wednesday, June 19, 2019
Part of the process of helping parishes change their culture to one that prioritizes evangelization is to invite them to use a new soft entry point tool – a way to enter the faith community in a low-key manner that is focused on faith. One such tool is Alpha. Co-hosts Beth White, Director of the Office for Evangelization and Missionary Discipleship, and José Coronel, Evangelization Coordinator, discussed with guests their experience with Alpha. Charlie Thomas, a recently retired lawyer, is coordinating Alpha at St. John of the Cross in Western Springs who has completed a pilot and season one. He shares how he got involved and how this experience has helped him grow. Aida Rodrigues is the volunteer Evangelization Coordinator at St. William Parish where they just finished their pilot Alpha. She shares how this tool works and how it has helped her personally.

Vitality Day: Hospitality and Welcoming

Wednesday, May 15, 2019
On this month’s episode, co-hosts Jenn Delvaux and José Coronel from the Office for Evangelization and Missionary Discipleship (OEMD), reflect on the success and feedback from those who participated in OEMD’s previous Evangelization Days. Irene Saldaña, a parishioner of St. Mary of Czestochowa, joined the show to talk about her experience at these Evangelization Days. Irene relates what she learned at these events with what she is doing through a catechetical program, S.I.N.E. (Sistema Integral para la Nueva Evangelization), in her parish. Jenn and José also discuss what’s to come in OEMD’s upcoming Vitality Days, which are complimentary workshops that focus on welcoming and hospitality in the parish context. Adam Janke, the Program Director for Saint Paul Street Evangelization, joins the program to discuss hospitality and why it’s important for the future of the Church. For more information about our Vitality Days, please visit our website at, To learn more about Saint Paul Street Evangelization, visit their website at,

Holy Week: Faith is Remembering

Wednesday, April 17, 2019
This month co-hosts Beth White and Jenn Delvaux, from the Office for Evangelization and Missionary Discipleship, examine the ways in which Holy Week is evangelizing for Catholics. For the first half hour of the program, Sandra Mota and David Ramirez, coordinators for Via Crucis Viviente De Sur Chicago (South Chicago Way of the Cross), discuss how this annual Good Friday tradition gives witness to the larger neighborhood of who Jesus is to Christians. Consisting of a live re-enactment of the path Jesus took towards his crucifixion through the streets surrounding the parishes, more than 1,000 people are drawn into the experience. Todd Williamson, Director of the Office for Divine Worship at the Archdiocese of Chicago, also joins us for the last half hour to explain the Triduum, the shortest liturgical season that marks the end of Lent and precedes the Easter season. For more information about South Chicago Way of the Cross visit St. Michael the Archangel- South Shore website here:

Belonging To A Greater Community

Wednesday, March 20, 2019
A sense of belonging is one of the greatest human needs. Trying to create an environment where this can happen is not an easy task. Co-hosts Beth White and Jenn Delvaux from the Office for Evangelization and Missionary Discipleship were joined by three very special guests that spoke about this matter. Courtney Christensen, the Communications Strategist for The Young Adult Engagement Team at the Archdioceses of Chicago, was with them for the first half-hour to speak about the importance of reaching and connecting to today’s millennials. Our co-hosts also spoke with Sue Lehocky, Director of Religious Education, at Divine Mercy in Winnetka and Gabriel Lerma, the Director of Alpha in Chicago. They shared their experience of Alpha and how it helps parishes “create a space where people can be introduced to the Kerygma” to ultimately help change the culture of the faith community providing a sense of welcoming and belonging for all. For upcoming events from The Young Adult Engagement Team visit their website at For more information about Alpha, visit their website at
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