On the Way focuses on two books by two different authors to help us grow as individuals and as communities of disciples. We cannot give what we do not have and continuing to grow in our relationship with Jesus is a focus of this show. The first guest who joins Beth White, is Joshua Danis, the National Director of Alpha in the Catholic Context. Josh has written a book, “Living the Fruit of the Spirit: How God’s Grace Can Transform Your World,” out of his experience of having people encounter Jesus. Written prior to the pandemic, this book, which is available through Word Among Us Press, focuses on the ways in which we can grow in the fruits of the spirit so that we can attract and witness to the Gospel with our lives. By reflecting on love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control, we can all grow in these fruits throughout our journey. To get your copy of the book visit
The Word Among Us. Our second guest is Fr. Robin Ryan, CP, Associate Professor of Systematic Theology at Catholic Theological Union in Chicago. Fr. Robin, who has taught Christology for years, has developed a book to help readers connect head knowledge of Jesus with heart knowledge. His newest book, “Gazing on His Face: A Christ-Centered Spirituality,” will be available through Paulist Press later this fall. The book starts with reflecting on our friendship with Christ and uses different titles of Christ to help us get to know who Jesus is in Scripture, Tradition, and in our own lives. While waiting for his newest book, you may consider a more dense, but timely book, “
God and the Mystery of Human Suffering: A Theological Conversation Across the Ages..”