
The Light Snow

Young Adult Ministry (YAM) was the Archdiocese of Chicago’s outreach service to women and men in their twenties and thirties, married and single. YAM director Darius Villalobos and YAM coordinator Pablo Padilla led discussions on a wide range of topics that connected faith with everyday life for young adults.

Year In Review

Tuesday, December 28, 2021
As the world gets ready to ring in a New Year, Catholic Charities looks back on 2021 with gratitude for all that has been accomplished, despite the ongoing impact of the pandemic on our work. Join Katie Bredemann as she welcomes two members of Catholic Charities Executive Leadership Team, AMI NOVORYTA, Chief Program Officer and GINA CLEGGS, Senior Vice-President of Operations and Innovations to discuss the Year In Review and the agency’s hopes for 2022 under the leadership of our President and CEO, Sally Blount.

Fiesta de la Sagrada Familia

Friday, December 24, 2021
Lectura y reflexión del Evangelio según 1 San Juan 3, 1 -2.21 - 24 del domingo, 26 de diciembre de 2021. Viernes, 24 de diciembre de 2021

Christmas Music

Thursday, December 23, 2021
Enjoy these live performances of music of the season.


Wednesday, December 22, 2021
In this broadcast of Focus on the Liturgy, Todd Williamson (ODW), Danielle Noe (LTP) and Timothy Johnston (Archdiocese of Washington) all gather for a discussion about the Great Solemnity of Christmas and the Christmas Season. The three discuss the liturgies, scriptures and symbols of this well-loved Christian Holiday.

Mundelein Architecture was a Response to Society

Tuesday, December 21, 2021
Host Joyce Duriga talks with Denis McNamara about how Cardinal Mundelein wanted the architecture of Mundelein Seminary to be a response to American society.

Twelve Ideas For Christmas

Tuesday, December 21, 2021
It’s Christmas week, and as we all wait in awe and anticipation for the birth of Jesus, we look forward to time with loved ones in celebrating this blessed, holy day. As families prepare to break out familiar Christmas carols this week, we take a new look at a familiar Christmas song in Catholic Charities’ “Twelve Ideas For Christmas.” Join Katie Bredemann and Phil Zepeda for this special Christmas show.

Public Policy Issues Important to Catholics

Monday, December 20, 2021
Host: Bob Gilligan. Segment I: Migration and Refugee Resettlement Services. Guest: Christopher Ross. Segment II: Discussing the Dobbs Decision. Guest: Dr. Steven Jacobs. Segment III: Promoting the Upcoming March for Life Chicago. Guest: Kevin Grillot.

Cuarto Domingo de Adviento

Friday, December 17, 2021
Lectura y reflexión del Evangelio según San Lucas 1, 39 – 45, del domingo, 19 de diciembre de 2021. Viernes, 17 de diciembre de 2021

Hope and Trust in Mission

Thursday, December 16, 2021
This month Megan talks with Rev. Wilson Paulose, a priest currently ministering in the Diocese of Camden, New Jersey but who is originally from the Diocese of Rayagada, India. He serves as a mission appeal speaker for his home diocese as well as pastoral minister in New Jersey. Megan asks Rev. Paulose to share his own journey over this past year since he was infected with COVID and recovered, as well he has been grieving the loss so many back home in India. Nonetheless he maintains great hope and trust in the love and mercy of God through it all.

Interview with David and Karen Groppel

Thursday, December 16, 2021
This month we interviewed David and Karen Groppel from the Twin Cities, MN, who have four children. As devout Catholics, they make their Faith the foundation of their marriage and family, and truly build their marriage of the Rock. They offered us some interesting insights which we will discuss in our next show.

Our Mission Sends Us Out

Wednesday, December 15, 2021
Host Elizabeth White concludes the eight-part series about the qualities of a parish with a culture of evangelization with Mission. Joyce Duriga, Editor for Chicago Catholic, shares stories about people who go out on mission, who use their gifts in the world as a way to share Christ’s love. Joyce also tells her own story about what brought her to a career in Catholic journalism. To read the stories Joyce references, visit Kate Lynch, Director of Religious Education, and Mark Neuhengen, Director of Evangelization and Parish Ministry at St Teresa of Avila join the second half of the show. They offer ways in which they engage and empower parishioners to use their gifts in the parish as well as in their neighborhood. They talk about how this isn’t always easy, but necessary if we want to form missionary disciples. Beth, Kate and Mark also talk about Renew My Church and the way in which the parish of St. Teresa has actively engaged and embraced this process for renewal.

Winter Clothing Needs

Tuesday, December 14, 2021
One of the best things about living in Chicago is the change of seasons. But in December, the change of seasons can be dreaded by those who do not have the funds for, or access to warm clothing. Join Katie Bredemann as she welcomes Sharon Tillmon, Department Director of Catholic Charities Family Stabilization Services to discuss the vital role that our Clothing Rooms play in our wrap-around services to help clients stay warm in the winter, and reach their greatest possible levels of self-sufficiency.

Catholic Schools Today, December 13, 2021

Monday, December 13, 2021
Hosts: Melissa Link and Ronnie Facen. Segment I: Catholic Schools Celebrate Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe. Guests: Scott Ernst; Velia Delgado; Andrea Guevara; Leah Reynoso. Segment II: Saint Patrick High School Makes St. Robert Bellarmine Student Honorary Basketball Captain. Guests: Mary Beth Nelson; Paul Csongradi

Tercer Domingo de Adviento

Friday, December 10, 2021
Lectura y reflexión del Evangelio según San Lucas 3, 10 – 18, del domingo, 12 de diciembre de 2021. Viernes, 10 de diciembre de 2021

Simbang Gabi Novena

Wednesday, December 8, 2021
We learn more about the quincentennial of the Philippines and the annual Simbang Gabi Novena. The annual 9-day novena is back in-person this year. We hear about the opportunity to learn more about catechesis and evangelization through this this novena. Our guest is Fr. Tirso Villaverde. 

Our Lady’s December Feast Days

Tuesday, December 7, 2021
Besides the Nativity of our Lord, there are two very special feast days in December that feature Our Blessed Mother: The Feast of the Immaculate Conception and The Feast of our Lady of Guadalupe. Join Katie Bredemann as she welcomes Reverend Gerard Kelly, C.M., Chaplain of Catholic Charities to explain the importance of these feast days and discuss how both days give us great reason for hope, even as the effects of the pandemic continue to present challenges for all.

Group raising money to repair Nativity scene in Daley Plaza

Tuesday, December 7, 2021
Members of the God Squad‚ a team of volunteers from Chicago-area parishes, assembled the Nativity at Daley Plaza on Nov. 27, 2021. The annual tradition, now in its 36th year, is the only traditional display of the Nativity Scene in downtown Chicago’s public square. The group has launched a fundraising campaign to restore the statues and replace the major portions of the scene, some of which are over 30 years old.

Catching Up With Vicki Quade and Late Nite Catechism

Monday, December 6, 2021
Hosts: Fr. Greg Sakowicz and Mark Teresi. Vicki Quade, creator of Late Nite Catechism, joins our hosts to talk about Christmas traditions, movie and theater reviews, and her new book.

Segundo Domingo de Adviento

Friday, December 3, 2021
Lectura y reflexión del Evangelio según San Lucas 3, 1 – 6, del domingo, 5 de diciembre de 2021. Viernes, 3 de diciembre de 2021

Maryknoll John Siyumbu’s Vocation Journey

Thursday, December 2, 2021
John Siyumbu, MM (Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers Maryknoll Society) got to know the Maryknoll Missionaries in Kenya, east Africa, and manages to bring about a major change in this community’s policies. This past October, John was ordained a transitional deacon, and will be ordained as a priest next year. He is currently finishing his formation studies at the Catholic Theological Union (CTU) and hopes to graduate in May 2022. Tune in and be inspired by his vocation journey.

Santa Claus and Chancellor

Thursday, December 2, 2021
Join Deacons Richard Hudzik and Dave Brencic in their conversation with Deacon Dan Welter. Deacon Dan, an Archdiocese of Chicago deacon, has an interesting resume. He is not only a retired Cook County judge, current Chancellor, but he also serves as a department store Santa Claus. We will talk with Deacon Dan about the good news he has seen in the department store—where he serves not only the children, but the parents and the store employees as well. To conclude the conversation, to show another dimension of Deacon Dan, we talk with about his duties as Chancellor for the Archdiocese of Chicago—who and what a chancellor is and does.

The Difference Theology of the Body Makes

Wednesday, December 1, 2021
Dawn and Blanca welcome Father Charlie Plavonach from St Leonard’s in Berwyn to discuss his experience with Theology of the Body and how important it is for Men and Women to work together in God’s Plan. On the second half of the show, Jose Carlos Sandoval, a parishioner at St Leonard’s joins the discussion to share his conversion story and how TOB set his life on the right path. They also discuss an event at The Athenaeum on Friday December 3rd—The Theology of Our Lady of Gaudalupe.

The Inspiring Johnson Family

Tuesday, November 30, 2021
Throughout its history, Catholic Charities has been tremendously fortunate to have caring corporate partners, benefactors, trusted advisors and volunteers who believe in the mission of the agency as much as our leaders and employees do. When all of the members of one family fill all of these roles, we are especially blessed, and grateful. Join Katie Bredemann as she welcomes Emile, Shari, Andrew and Caitlin Johnson to discuss their many contributions to the work of Catholic Charities, and their family ethos about giving back that inspires many people.

Faith and Fitness

Monday, November 29, 2021
Hosts: Fr. Greg Sakowicz and Mark Teresi. Michele Sotak and Fr. Lou Cameli spend the hour talking about the connection between faith and physical fitness.

Primer Domingo de Adviento

Friday, November 26, 2021
Lectura y reflexión del Evangelio según San Lucas 21, 25 – 28. 34 - 36, del domingo, 28 de noviembre de 2021. Viernes, 26 de noviembre de 2021

Thanksgiving, 2021 and a Food Pantry Update

Tuesday, November 23, 2021
Catholic Charities is delighted to welcome guests back into 721 N. LaSalle Street on Thursday, November 25th, for the traditional Thanksgiving Day luncheon. This is one of our many efforts to continue to fight hunger and celebrate the holidays with our guests. Join Katie Bredemann as she welcomes Andrew McKernin, Manager of Volunteer Relations, and Sharon Holmes, Supervisor of our eight Food Pantries to discuss how Catholic Charities will be offering a safe and festive Thanksgiving Day meal. We also will discuss the challenges of keeping Catholic Charities food pantries stocked over the winter months, and easy, very helpful ways that the public can support those who are facing food insecurity.

An Update on Covid-19/The Current Labor Shortage in Health Care and Other Areas

Monday, November 22, 2021
Hosts: Fr,. Greg Sakowicz and Mark Teresi. Dr. Edward Gordon gives an update on the Covid-19 pandemic and spends time discussing the current labor shortage in health care and other areas.

Solemnidad de Nuestro Señor Jesucristo, Rey del Universo

Friday, November 19, 2021
Lectura y reflexión del Evangelio según San Juan 18, 33 - 37, del domingo, 21 de noviembre de 2021. Viernes, 19 de noviembre de 2021


Thursday, November 18, 2021
Co-hosts Fr. Britto Berchmans and Sandy Labouvie unpack their previous interview with guests Bob and Patti Nowak.

Missionary Discipleship

Thursday, November 18, 2021
Megan sits down with Jenn Delvaux, the Senior Evangelization Coordinator for the Archdiocese of Chicago Office of Evangelization. They discuss what the phrase “missionary disciple” meanings and its origins. Jenn and Megan compare notes for what a missionary disciple looks like if he/she is active in the parish community and if she/he is active in local or global mission. They talk about what this has to do with Renew My Church here in the Archdiocese of Chicago and what it could mean for a complete culture change in the Catholic Church.

Why Witness Matters

Wednesday, November 17, 2021
Continuing on the theme of the eight qualities of a culture of evangelization, co-hosts Elizabeth White and Jenn Delvaux talk about the importance of mission. Joseph Malham, iconographer and author, joined the conversation to talk about his journey and his role as an artist in residence at St. Gregory the Great church, which is part of Mary, Mother of God parish. Through his gifts and talents, Joe witnesses to God’s love and grace. To find out more about Joe and his works visit

The 32nd Annual St. Nicholas Ball

Tuesday, November 16, 2021
Catholic Charities St. Nicholas Ball is among the largest, most glamorous events of the Christmas season in Chicago! Benefactors, families and friends look forward each year to this gala that raises crucial funds for our programs and services. Join Katie Bredemann as she welcomes Angel Gutierrez, Vice President of Institutional Advancement, along with the 2021 Co-Christmas Gift CoordinatorS of Lake County, Steve and Christy King to preview this fabulous evening, and the ways that the work of Catholic Charities in Cook and Lake counties leads the way for the planning of the St. Nicholas Ball.

FIRE Foundation Helps Educate Students With Special Needs

Tuesday, November 16, 2021
Guests are Darlene Duggan, vice president of the FIRE Foundation of Greater Chicago, and Michael Kendrick, principal of St. James School in Arlington Heights

Public Policy Issues Important to Catholics

Monday, November 15, 2021
Host: Bob Gilligan. Segment I; Repeal of the Parental Notification of Abortion Act. Guest: Rep. Chris Bos, 51st District. Segment II: Healthcare Right of Conscience Act. Guest: Patrick Cacchione. Segment III: Visas for Religious Workers. Guest: David Spicer, J.D.

Trigésimo tercer domingo del tiempo ordinario

Friday, November 12, 2021
Lectura y reflexión del Evangelio según San Marcos 13, 24 - 32, del domingo, 14 de noviembre de 2021. Viernes, 12 de noviembre de 2021

Twice a Daughter: A Search for Identity, Family and Belonging/Courage to Forgive

Thursday, November 11, 2021
Host: Mark Teresi. Segment I: Julie Ryan McGue is an identical twin and an adoptee. Her writing centers on finding out who you really are, where you belong, and making sense of it. Segment II: Fr. J. Michael Sparough produced and directed a 33-minute documentary titled “Courage to Forgiv.” It is the story of Cardinal Bernardin’s reconciliation with his accuser, Steven Cook and a moving tribute honoring the Cardinal with a message of forgiveness.

Adult Confirmation

Wednesday, November 10, 2021
Guests: Jeanne Lassandrello and Kathy McNicholas

74th Annual Celebration of Giving, Part 2

Tuesday, November 9, 2021
Are you looking for a way to make your Christmas season especially meaningful this year? Look no further than Catholic Charities 74th Annual Celebration of Giving! Join Katie Bredemann as she welcomes Jim Wogan, Barbara Campbell and Diane Kennedy to learn more about the 2021 Celebration of Giving and discuss how this joy-filled tradition unites individuals and families, colleagues, neighbors, and strangers, spreading Christmas cheer throughout Cook and Lake counties.

Catholic Schools Today, November 8 2021

Monday, November 8, 2021
Host: Melissa Link. Segment I: Greg Richmond, superintendent of Chicago Catholic schools, gives an update on archdiocesan schools. Segment II: Catholic High School Entrance Exam. Guests: Kristy Kane, Mike Madera. Segment III: Prince of Peace School in Lake Villa Earns National Blue Ribbon Award. Guest: Dr. Stephanie Stoneberg.

Trigésimo segundo domingo del tiempo ordinario

Friday, November 5, 2021
Lectura y reflexión del Evangelio según San Marcos 12, 38 - 44, del domingo, 7 de noviembre de 2021. Viernes, 5 de noviembre de 2021

Profession of Vows in Consecrated Life

Thursday, November 4, 2021
Sister Joni Luna, S.P., a Sister of Providence of St. Mary of the Woods, IN, describes her journey during a time when success in life began to feel empty, at which time she felt a shift in her values. She talks about how that sense of restlessness led her to respond to the call to religious life. Sr. Joni recounts her preparation time and the moment of professing perpetual vows, and how these experiences continue to deepen her spiritual life. Currently serving as her community’s Vocations Director, Sr. Joni invites others to explore God’s call in their lives. For more information, contact Sr. Joni at [email protected] Link to article on Sr. Joni’s final Vows (and Sr. Jessica’s First vows) Sr. Joni's final Vows More about Sr. Joni

Living Liturgically in November--honoring our dead and their memories

Thursday, November 4, 2021
Join Deacons Richard Hudzik and Dave Brencic in their conversation with two well-known figures in the Archdiocese of Chicago—Father Larry Sullivan, Director of the Archdiocese Cemetery System, and Todd Williamson, Director of the Archdiocese Office for Divine Worship. The four conversation partners offer ideas about how to honor our dead and pray throughout the month of November. Family-friendly tips on how to revere our past and pray in the present and how to bring children into this process were discussed. Also, our two guests brought to light some of the highlights of what the Archdiocese’s cemetery system has to offer all of us.

Respect Life Ministries and Chastity Education.

Wednesday, November 3, 2021
Today on Fully Alive, Dawn introduces Blanca Rodriguez, Respect Life Coordinator in the Respect Life Office. They talk about what brought Blanca to share ministry at the Archdiocese during the first half of the show. In the second half of the show, Dawn and Blanca discuss many of the upcoming events that will be presented in 2022 by Respect Life Ministries. In addition, they talk about the upcoming CCHD collection and how the funds will be used to help break the poverty cycle by helping low-income people participate in decisions that affect their lives, families and communities.

Jesuit Father Arnold Damen

Tuesday, November 2, 2021
In the first installment of this new podcast series, Chicago Catholic editor Joyce Duriga interviews local historian Ellen Skerrett about new research she has uncovered about Jesuit Father Arnold Damen, pastor of Holy Family Church on Roosevelt Road and Ignatius College, and the vital aid he gave to Catholic immigrants who lost everything in the Chicago Fire. Skerrett also talks about anti-Catholicism of the day and how it impacted the narrative of the Great Chicago Fire, including what was believed about the fire's origins and Mrs. O'Leary. Skerrett is an expert on local Catholic history and is co-author or author of several books. She also curated the historic exhibit to St. Frances Xavier Cabrini at the national shrine in Lincoln Park.

74th Annual Celebration of Giving

Tuesday, November 2, 2021
In 1947, parents who adopted children from St. Vincent’s Orphanage in Chicago joined together to purchase gifts for children who had not yet been adopted. Today, in the same building, at 721 N. LaSalle Street, Catholic Charities continues this heartwarming tradition of providing gifts to those who would otherwise have nothing to open Christmas Day. Join Katie Bredemann as she welcomes Emily Lewis and Judy Kendzior to discuss how The Celebration of Giving connects, and brings joy to thousands of individuals and families throughout Chicago and its suburbs each year.

The Impact of the Chicago Fire on Catholics

Tuesday, November 2, 2021
Host Joyce Duriga sits down with Ellen Skerrett to talk about Fr. Damen and the impact of the Chicago fire on Catholics.

Celebrating 75 Years of Sainthood

Monday, November 1, 2021
Host: Mark Teresi. Mother Cabrini's Feast Day begins the Jubilee Year in Honor of the 75th Anniversary of the Canonization of Mother Cabrini. Guests: Sr. Joan McGlinchey, Fr. Dominic Grassi, Fr. Ramil Fajardo

Trigésimo primer domingo del tiempo ordinario

Friday, October 29, 2021
Lectura y reflexión del Evangelio según San Marcos 12, 28 - 34, del domingo, 31 de octubre de 2021. Viernes, 29 de octubre de 2021

Inside the Light: Understanding the Message of Fatima and the Broken Mary Project

Thursday, October 28, 2021
Host: Fr. Greg Sakowicz. Sr. Ângela de Fátima Coelho, author of Inside the Light: Understanding the Message of Fatima and postulator of the cause of Saints Jacinta and Francisco Marto (two of the visionaries of Fatima) joins Fr. Greg via Zoom, all the way from Portugal. Joining Sr. Ângela on the program is Chicago radio legend and founder of the Broken Mary Project, Kevin Matthews.

Late Ordinary Time and the Feasts of All Saints and All Souls

Wednesday, October 27, 2021
In this broadcast of Focus on the Liturgy, cohosts Timothy Johnston and Todd Williamson address these last weeks of Ordinary Time. As the liturgical year winds down, Timothy and Todd talk about the Last Times, the Return of Christ in Glory and in particular, the great Feasts of All Saints, All Souls and Christ, the King of the Universe.