
The Light Snow

Young Adult Ministry (YAM) was the Archdiocese of Chicago’s outreach service to women and men in their twenties and thirties, married and single. YAM director Darius Villalobos and YAM coordinator Pablo Padilla led discussions on a wide range of topics that connected faith with everyday life for young adults.


Tuesday, August 10, 2021
In recent months, a primary goal for Catholic Charities South and Southwest Regions has been to reconnect in-person with clients, whenever possible to listen and offer assistance to them. Join Katie Bredemann as she welcomes Regional Director Christopher Torres, Project Manager Carol Petersen and Advisory Board Member Christine Collins to discuss this, and other great things happening in Catholic Charities South & Southwest Regions this summer, in support of our clients.

Catholic Schools Today, August 9, 2021

Monday, August 9, 2021
Hosts: Melissa Link and Roni Facen. Segment I: Matthew D. Welter joins our hosts and gives an update about Archdiocese of Chicago Catholic Schools. Segment II: St. John Brebeuf students weave mats for homeless. Guests: Rebecca Giannelli; Adam Taylor. Segment III: Welcoming the new Archdiocese of Chicago Superintendent of Catholic Schools, Greg Richmond.

Décimo noveno domingo del tiempo ordinario

Friday, August 6, 2021
Lectura y reflexión del Evangelio según San Juan 6, 41-51, del domingo, 8 de agosto de 2021. Viernes, 6 de agosto de 2021

Ministry at the Border in San Diego, CA

Thursday, August 5, 2021
Sister Christina Fuller, OSF (Evanston, IL) and Sister Kim Marie Wolf, OSF (Frankfort, IL), both members of the Franciscan Sisters of the Sacred Heart ( share their experience at an undisclosed facility near the U.S. border in San Diego to “do works of neighborly love.” Prepared to use some of their Spanish language resources, instead they were surprised to meet mostly Brazilians from Central Brazil who spoke Portuguese. In the end, their loving presence without judgment and the value of “familia” crossed the language and cultural barriers to connect with sisters and brothers in Christ.

Exhumations of the Dead—Why? What is that all about?

Thursday, August 5, 2021
Join Deacons Richard Hudzik and Dave Brencic as they explore what some might find to be a strange, even macabre, topic. However, this show’s guest, Chicago Deacon David Keene, PhD, fills us in on the purpose of exhumations, why it is done in connection with persons who are being investigated for sainthood and what it means to have a body that is “incorrupt.” Deacon Keene brings his academic training in historical archaeology to bear on making sense of this topic. Deacon Keene also addresses the spiritual dimensions of what it means to participate in an exhumation. There is a connection with the dead, with their history and their dignity that moves all who participate and observe what is actually a prayerful experience.

Laudato Si and Immigration Ministry

Wednesday, August 4, 2021
On the August episode of Fully Alive, Dawn and Ray welcome Michael Terrien, Laudato Si Ecumenical and Interreligious Liaison, to discuss Care for Our Common Home and the Laudato Si encyclical. During the second half of the show, Mauro Pineda, from Immigration Ministries, joins to share some of the workings of the Archdioceses Pastoral Migratoria Ministry.


Tuesday, August 3, 2021
Catholic Charities has a long history of serving veterans in need. Today, our veteran services include a comprehensive program to help veterans find and maintain employment, through job readiness training, resume writing assistance, mock interviews, and job placement counseling. Join Katie Bredemann as she welcomes Bernie Gresham and Mitch Siegel to discuss how Catholic Charities is helping veterans achieve their career goals in Cook and Lake counties.

"These Streets Are Holy" - The 2021 Sunrise Prayer Service.

Monday, August 2, 2021
Hosts: Fr. Greg Sakowicz and Mark Teresi. On Saturday, August 7, 2021, the Black Catholic Deacons of Chicago, in collaboration with many priests, deacons and laity from various communities, will pray together for non-violence and peace - the healong of our families, schools and communities. Guests: Deacon Alfred Coleman, Deacon LeRoy Gill, Teresa Gill

Décimo octavo domingo del tiempo ordinario

Friday, July 30, 2021
Lectura y reflexión del Evangelio según San Juan 6, 24-35, del domingo, 1 de agosto de 2021. Viernes, 30 de julio de 2021

The Polarization of Traditional and Progressive Catholics/The St. Pope John Paul II Newman Center

Thursday, July 29, 2021
Host: Mark Teresi. Segment I: Dr. Linda Couri talks to Mark about the polarization of "traditional" and "progressive" Catholics. Segment II: Becca Siar and Fr. Tim Anastos from the St. Pope John Paul II Newman Center discuss campus ministry.

The Liturgy of the Eucharist, part I

Wednesday, July 28, 2021
In this broadcast of Focus on the Liturgy cohosts Timothy Johnston (LTP) and Todd Williamson (ODW) return to a period series that addresses the four main parts of the Mass. In the past, Timothy and Todd have explored the first two parts of the Mass: the Introductory Rites and the Liturgy of the Word. In this show they break open and discuss third main part of the Mass: the Liturgy of the Eucharist. They explore the rites that are part of this liturgy and unpack the texts that we pray during the Liturgy of the Eucharist. Specifically, Timothy and Todd address from the preparation of the Altar and gifts through the Eucharistic Prayer.


Tuesday, July 27, 2021
Noreen Russo has worked at Catholic Charities for 15 years. Rising to leadership positions in a number of key service areas, Noreen always has her focus on clients’ immediate needs, and working with colleagues across the agency to offer clients hope for a brighter future. Join Katie Bredemann as she welcomes Noreen Russo, Associate Director of Board Relations and Mission Engagement to discuss her many contributions toward furthering the mission of Catholic Charities.

Interview with Cardinal Blase Cupich/Little Village Street Masses

Monday, July 26, 2021
Hosts: Fr. Greg Sakowicz and Mark Teresi. Segment I: Cardinal Blase Cupich joins us live from Rome. The Cardinal is currently at the Vatican working on a project for the Holy Father. Segment II: Joyce Duriga, Editor of Chicago Catholic, talks about her article in the latest edition of Chicago Catholic that tells the story of a strong family tradition at a Melrose Park parish. Segment III: Fr. Don Nevins, Pastor at St. Agnes of Bohemia, talks about street masses in in an effort to bring the Gospel message of peace and hope to the streets of the Little Village neighborhood.

Décimo séptimo domingo del tiempo ordinario

Friday, July 23, 2021
Lectura y reflexión del Evangelio según San Juan 6, 1-15, del domingo, 25 de julio de 2021. Viernes, 23 de julio de 2021

Institute for Pastoral Leadership/Celebration of Mundelein

Thursday, July 22, 2021
Hosts: Fr. Greg Sakowicz and Mark Teresi. Segment I: The Institute for Pastoral Leaership at the University of St. Mary of the Lake/Mundelein Seminary serves the ongoing education and formation needs of the ordained, both priests and deacons, as well as the initial and ongoing formation of the laity and vowed religious. Guest: Dr. Linda /Couri. Segment II: This year's Celebration of Mundelein event culminates this evening with a free online presentation of the 2021 Celebration of Mundelein! The broadcast will feature the presentation of the As Those Who Serve Award to Bishop Ronald Hicks, musical performances, interviews with Mundelein seminarians and more. Guests: Bishop Ron Hicks; Tonise Paul

Inviting and Saint Mary Magdalene

Wednesday, July 21, 2021
As they continue to explore the eight qualities of a culture of evangelization, co-hosts Beth White and Jenn Delvaux talk about the power of an invitation. They discuss who to invite, how to consider what you want for someone and not from them, and how to make the invitation. They also note that by inviting, you are letting the other person know that they belong and that you have the power to invite them. Sr. Barbara Reid, OP, President of Catholic Theological Union and New Testament Scholar, joins On the Way to share Biblical understanding of St. Mary Magdalene just before her July 22nd Feast Day. Sr. Barbara shares the many misconceptions about St. Mary Magdalene and the ways in which the authors of the Gospels spoke of her in their stories. Sr. Barbara also shares what St. Mary Magdalene, a great evangelizer, offers to us today – a woman who is persistent in sharing her story, who knows she is called, and who is courageous in the midst of controversy. For more information about Sr. Barbara Reid and Catholic Theological Union, visit


Tuesday, July 20, 2021
Seniors are very important to us at Catholic Charities. We continue to listen to the needs expressed by our seniors, and respond with comprehensive services that help seniors live independently and access additional resources, as needed, in their homes and communities. Join Katie Bredemann as she welcomes Mary Ann Bibat, Catholic Charities Vice-President, Senior Services to discuss how our senior programs continue to enhance the lives of seniors throughout Cook and Lake counties.

Public Policy Issues Important to Catholics

Monday, July 19, 2021
Host: Bob Gilligan. Segment I: On the Fulton decision of the US Supreme Court and foster care services by faith-based organizations. Guests: Thomas Olp, Vice President and Senior Counsel, Thomas More Society, Steve Roach, Executive Director of Catholic Charities, Diocese of Springfield in Illinois. Segment II: On the Hyde Amendment and federal funding of abortions. Guest: Greg Schleppenbach, Associate Director for Secretariat of Pro-Life Activities, USCCB. Segment III: Cuban-American bishops’ recent call for humanitarian aid to the people of Cuba. Guest: Rhina Guidos, Reporter/Editor at Catholic News Service

Décimo sexto domingo del tiempo ordinario

Friday, July 16, 2021
Lectura y reflexión del Evangelio según San Marcos 6, 30-34, del domingo, 18 de julio de 2021. Viernes, 16 de julio de 2021

Holy Spirit Missionary Sisters and Virtual Appeals

Thursday, July 15, 2021
Megan interviews representatives from the Holy Spirit Missionary Sisters. Her guests are members of a team that developed and produced virtual appeal materials for the Missionary Cooperation Plan. Megan asks them to talk about how they decided to focus on the Sisters ministering in Jamaica and the process to develop an appeal text, a bulletin insert and a video in English, Spanish and Polish. They discuss all the work involved and how the video medium enhances the message.

Engaging Young Adults as part of Theology On Tap

Wednesday, July 14, 2021
This program will take a look at how the Young Adult Engagement Team has been working with young adults today and through the Covid 19 pandemic. We speak with Pablo Padilla about the annual summertime event and how it might look a little different this year.


Tuesday, July 13, 2021
Catholic Charities Tuesday Night Suppers offer guests the opportunity to come to 721 N. LaSalle Street and be served a hot meal. Many of these guests are homeless or nearly homeless. Due to our wonderful restaurant partners and some incredibly dedicated volunteers, the Tuesday Night Suppers continued every week throughout the pandemic, on a To-Go basis. Join Katie Bredemann as she welcomes Program Manager Emily Lewis & volunteer Peggy White to discuss how the Tuesday Night Suppers keep offering nutritious meals, and friendship to our neighbors whom we have the privilege to serve.

Catholic Schools Today, July 12, 2021

Monday, July 12, 2021
Hosts: Melissa Link and Roni Facen. Segment I: Phyllis Cavallone joins our hosts and gives an update about Archdiocese of Chicago Catholic Schools. Segment II: The Good Shepherd Catholic Schools building in Little Village will be reopened for the 2021-22 school year to house an expansion of neighboring Epiphany Catholic School's preschool and kindergarten programs. Guests: Scott Ernst and Andrea Guevara. Segment III: A pair of iconic Catholic institutions in Oak Park have announced a five-year partnership to share resources and facilities for future students. Fenwick High School and St. Catherine of Siena-St. Lucy School have announced a new five-year agreement that calls for both schools to share a vision of more diversity, equity and inclusion for future students. Guests: Sharon Leamy and Ray Moland.

Décimo quinto domingo del tiempo ordinario

Friday, July 9, 2021
Lectura y reflexión del Evangelio según San Marcos 6, 7-13, del domingo, 11 de julio de 2021. Viernes, 9 de julio de 2021

Vocations/Theology on Tap in Evanston

Thursday, July 8, 2021
In the first segment, hosts Vince Gerasole and Mark Teresi sit down to discuss vocations with Fr. Tim Monahan. The second half of the program our hosts will be joined by several guests to take us in-depth about a Theology on Tap program that's going on in Evanston. Segment 1: Quo Vadis Retreat Segment 2: UCYM – Theology on Tap in Evanston

Echo Chicago Mini – A Theology of the Body Experience for Young Adults

Wednesday, July 7, 2021
On Today’s Fully Alive, Dawn and Ray welcome Brian Butler, Executive Director of Dumb Ox Ministries and Founder of Echo – Theology of the Body Retreats for Young Adults and Teens, during the first half of the show. Marcos Martinez, Ministry Leader for Iskali – A Catholic Ministry Organization that supports Latino young adults, joins them during the second half of the show to share his experience with Echo and the Chastity Education Initiative, and how Echo led to his life in ministry.


Tuesday, July 6, 2021
LOSS is a Catholic Charities non-denominational program that supports individuals who are grieving the loss of a loved one by suicide. For more than 40 years, LOSS has been offering a safe, non-judgmental environment where survivors can find community, direction and resources for healing. Join Katie Bredemann as she welcomes Deborah Major and Emily Tegenkamp to discuss how the LOSS program was able to stay connected, and provide support to the entire LOSS Family throughout the pandemic.

Décimo cuarto domingo del tiempo ordinario

Friday, July 2, 2021
Lectura y reflexión del Evangelio según San Marcos 6, 1-6, del domingo, 4 de julio de 2021. Viernes, 2 de julio de 2021

God’s Call Never Ceases; Ministry with the Navajo Nation

Thursday, July 1, 2021
Today’s guests are Sr. Kathleen Branham, OSF, Vocation Director and Sr. Marlene Kochert, OSF from the Sisters of St. Francis, Oldenburg, IN. Sr. Kathleen tells her vocation story from having a miraculous healing as a child to experiencing homelessness to rising to financial heights and eventually choosing instead what is “home” as a consecrated religious. Meanwhile, in New Mexico, Sr. Marlene feels she is “home” serving as Pastoral Minister at St. Mary Mission and at other missions in the Diocese of Gallup. She has been at Tohatchi for 23 years and wears many hats. Visit St. Mary Mission on Facebook to find out more and how to get involved. To contact Sr. Kathleen, visit Oldenburg Franciscans, email [email protected] or call (513) 504-4276 cell.

Our Little Brothers and Sisters—Nuestros Pequeños Hermanos

Thursday, July 1, 2021
Join Deacons Richard Hudzik and Dave Brencic as they explore the good work of NPH—Nuestros Pequeños Hermanos—a child welfare charity that serves children and their communities in Central and South America and in Haiti and the Dominican Republic. In this episode of Diakonia—A Call to Service—NPH’s chief executive officer, John Deinhart, and the US Midwest Region Director, Chuck Allworth, explain the who, what, where and why of this ministry of education, healthcare, nutrition and nurturance for some of our “least brothers and sisters” (think of Matthew 25:40). Learn how you can support this good work of NPH, how you might connect your own parish to their ministry—all of that is available to you at the NPH website at Information on how to contact either John Deinhart or Chuck Allworth is also available at that website. NPH has a stirring story of caring for our vulnerable brothers and sisters.


Tuesday, June 29, 2021
Catholic Charities programs operate throughout Cook and Lake counties under the direction of six regional directors. They have worked tirelessly over the past year to keep their vital services going for people in need. Join Katie Bredemann as she welcomes Adriana Kelly, Director of Catholic Charities North & Northwest Suburban Regional Office, to discuss recent developments serving clients in the North Suburban and the Far North City areas of Cook County.

The Long Goodbye/The 40th Annual Chesterton Conference

Monday, June 28, 2021
Hosts: Fr. Greg Sakowicz and Mark Teresi. Segment I: The Long Goodbye is a ministry for men whose spouse is suffering with dementia. Guests: Deacon John Lorbach, Jim Ansley. Segment II: The Society of Gilbert Keith Chesterton is coming to Chicago! The 40th annual Chesterton Conference will be in Lisle, IL this coming July 29-31. It's an in-person and a virtual event. Guest: Dale Ahlquist

Church Sponsored Vaccination Efforts/Old St. Patrick's Church Music Ministry

Thursday, June 24, 2021
Hosts: Fr. Greg Sakowicz and Mark Teresi. Segment I: Fr. Michael Pfleger, Pastor of St. Sabina Church, tells Vince Gerasole about church sponsored efforts to vaccinate residents in neighborhoods of color. Segment II: Mark Scozzafave and Dominic Trumfio share highlights of the music ministry at Old St. Patrick's church.


Wednesday, June 23, 2021
In this broadcast of Focus on the Liturgy, Timothy Johnston (LTP) and Todd Williamson (ODW) talk about the letter from Cardinal Robert Sarah in 2020, then prefect of the Congregation of Divine Worship and Discipline of the Sacraments, about how we should return to public, communal worship once the Covid-19 Pandemic is over. Cardinal Sarah highlight’s 6 key points to our Sunday Liturgies, which Timothy and Todd unpack: The Word of the Lord, the Sacrifice of the Cross, the Banquet of the Eucharist, the Community of Christ, the House of the Lord, and the Day of the Lord.


Tuesday, June 22, 2021
Catholic Charities Child Care Programs offer a safe, educational environment for children to come to, often while their parents are at work. At these centers, our primary population of low-income, working mothers find much-needed Child Care assistance, and have the opportunity to learn about Catholic Charities Case Management that can help them as they strive for greater self-sufficiency. Join Katie Bredemann as she welcomes Diane Rodriguez to discuss how the Child Care centers are faring after the pandemic, and the new opportunities that they are offering this summer.

Public Policy Issues Important to Catholics

Monday, June 21, 2021
Host: Bob Gilligan. Segment I: The pitfalls of legal marijuana. Guest: Deacon Ernest "Ernie" Martinez. Segment II: Tax Credit Scholarships. Guest: Anthony Holter, Ph.D. Segment III: Update on Physician-Assisted Suicide laws across the country. Guest: Barbara Lyons. Segment IV: Voices of Immigration. Guests: Mary Lou Matheke, Mauro Pineda.

Décimo segundo domingo del tiempo ordinario

Friday, June 18, 2021
Lectura y reflexión del Evangelio según San Marcos 4, 35-41, del domingo, 20 de junio de 2021. Viernes, 18 de junio de 2021

Mission in India During the Pandemic

Thursday, June 17, 2021
Megan interviews Fr. Benjamin Chinnappan who is Executive Director of Dalit Solidarity, a nonprofit organization that envisions a society in India where the oppressed Dalit population has access to quality education, healthcare and economic development. Fr. Ben is originally from the southern region of India and speaks of his own personal experience seeing his home country in a crisis. He describes how his organization has attempted to alleviate some of the suffering by providing food, medicine and personal protective equipment. He and Megan discuss how the Church has responded and how we, the Church in the USA, can send our support through prayer, advocacy and financial donations.

Listening to Gen Z and Catholic Women

Wednesday, June 16, 2021
Co-hosts, Elizabeth White and Jennifer Delvaux lead a conversation about the importance of listening in building a culture of evangelization. The first guest of the show, On the Way, is Dr. Josh Packard, Executive Director of Springtide Research Institute. Josh shares with Jenn the insights gained through their 2020 research project with young people aged 13 to 25. This generation is lonelier than any other generation. Key to their connection and thriving is having authentic, caring adults in their lives who will listen to them without an agenda. The results of their listening to Generation Z is available in their study, “The State of Religion and Young People” which is available at Kerry Weber, Executive Editor of America Magazine joins On the Way. Co-host Beth White discusses the magazine’s 2018 study with The Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate (CARA) that sought to ask Catholic women about their faith life. Up until this point, there was not one research project that only asked Catholic women questions about their faith. In this interview, Kerry shares the importance of listening to women and how they self-identify. All 1500 women self-identified as Catholic whether they actively participated in the faith or not. Listening to these women and seeking ways to be more relevant in their lives is a critical part of walking with them. To learn more about this study, follow this link:


Tuesday, June 15, 2021
The Voice of Charity is delighted to welcome back several Home Depot executives who have generously donated materials, and volunteer efforts this spring to completely renovate the landscaping at Catholic Charities House of Good Shepherd, our domestic violence shelter for women and children who have escaped unsafe circumstances in their homes. Join Katie Bredemann as he/she welcomes Gary Hutchinson, Joe Dandan and HGS Development Director Nancy Haws to discuss the impact of this wonderful project, and how giving back to the community is inherent in the Home Depot corporate philosophy.

Catholic Schools Today, June 14, 2021

Monday, June 14, 2021
Hosts: Dr. Jim Rigg and Mark Teresi. Segment I: Dr. Jim Rigg gives an update about Archdiocese of Chicago Catholic Schools. Segment II: St. Rita graduate and author, Kyle James. Guests: Kyle James; Takeshi James. Segment II: Farewell to Dr. Jim Rigg as Superintendent of Chicago Catholic Schools.

Décimo primer domingo del tiempo ordinario

Friday, June 11, 2021
Lectura y reflexión del Evangelio según San Marcos 4, 26-34, del domingo, 13 de junio de 2021. Viernes, 11 de junio de 2021

A Religious Sister's Mission Trip to Uganda

Thursday, June 10, 2021
Hosts: Fr. Greg Sakowicz and Mark Teresi. Sr. Kathleen (Katie) Mitchell joins us for the full hour to share her vocation story, her time at the University of St. Mary of the Lake/Mundelein Seminary, and her recent trip to Uganda.

Summer Mission Cooperation Plan

Wednesday, June 9, 2021
Megan Mio from the Missions Office talks about the importance of the Summer Appeal, and the importance of missionaries sharing their experience in the time of Covid-19, and how we are called to support our global Church.


Tuesday, June 8, 2021
Catholic Charities St. Leo Campus for Veterans is a safe, supportive housing option for veterans in the Auburn Gresham Community. St. Leo’s is just one of the ways Catholic Charities offers support to the 20,000 veterans who come to us for assistance each year, as they work to become as self-sufficient as possible. Join Katie Bredemann as she welcomes David Dempsey, Program Director for St. Leo’s and Kimberly Brown, a veteran and St. Leo’s resident to discuss the ways in which St. Leo’s has continued to help veterans and their families this year.

Chicago Catholic Healthcare Outreach

Monday, June 7, 2021
Hosts: Fr. Greg Sakowicz and Mark Teresi. Today on Catholic Chicago we host a panel of health care experts to discuss the outreach of Chicago's Catholic health systems to the communites that they serve. Guests: Fr. William Grogan; James Sifuentes; August J. Querciagrossa; Dennis Ryan

The St. Vincent de Paul Society—spiritually transforming those who serve and who are served.

Thursday, June 3, 2021
Co-hosts Deacon Richard Hudzik and Deacon Dave Brencic interviewed two individuals who have a heart for responding to those in our communities who are facing economic or other stresses of life—those who need food, clothing, shelter, or help with utility bills, or employment. Chicago Deacon Jesse Blanco and Mr. Michael Syslo, vice-president of the Archdiocese of Chicago St. Vincent de Paul Society, spoke about the organization of the Society, its spiritual history in the charism of Blessed Frederic Ozanam, as well as the current work of the more than ninety parishes in the Archdiocese with active St. Vincent de Paul groups. Deacon Jesse spoke of his transformative experiences as spiritual guide for the Society at St. Frances of Rome, as well as in nearby parishes. Further information about what the Society does and how you might help can be found at national entity’s website or from your parish’s local chapter.

Getting to Know Brother Michael Gosch, CSV

Thursday, June 3, 2021
In this interview, we get to know Br. Michael Gosch, CSV, Assistant Provincial as well as the Director of Housing and Programs for Viator House of Hospitality. Br. Michael talks about his background, the Viatorian community, and ministry. To find out more about the Viatorians, visit To volunteer or support Viator House of Hospitality that provides a safe home to young immigrant men seeking asylum in the U.S., go to:

Yvonne Florczak Seeman/Echo Chicago

Wednesday, June 2, 2021
During the first half of today’s Fully Alive, Dawn and Ray interview Yvonne Florczak Seeman. They take some time to discuss the all the incredible things Yvonne is doing in the prolife community. The second half hour Dawn and Ray took some time to let everyone know about ECHO Chicago.


Tuesday, June 1, 2021
For nineteen years, Catholic Charities After Supper Visions program has been helping vulnerable individuals in Chicago grow in their skills as photographers. Incredible talent that has been discovered, and all who participate find support and encouragement from dedicated volunteers. Join Katie Bredemann as she welcomes Fr. Wayne Watts, Associate Administrator for Catholic Charities and Noreen Russo, Associate Director of Mission Engagement to preview a very special After Supper Visions virtual event on Friday, June 4th celebrating all of the artists’ achievements.