
Catholic Chicago

Catholic Chicago Radio

First and Fourth Monday Monthly: 8 – 9 a.m.
Second and Fourth Thursday Monthly: 8 – 9 a.m.

Fr. Greg Sakowicz, rector of Holy Name Cathedral, is the host of this lively discussion program that presents news and information about the Archdiocese of Chicago, while exploring topics of faith from the Catholic perspective. Co-hosting with Fr. Sakowicz is Mark Teresi, assistant to the rector at Holy Name Cathedral.

REFLECT/Domestic Violence

Friday, July 22, 2011
Host: Graziano Marcheschi. In the first half-hour of today’s program we hear about REFLECT, a unique retreat developed just for singles of a "seasoned" age. Guests: Libby Richart and Mike Garr. In the second half-hour offers some good insights on what causes domestic violence and how to reduce it in our society. Guests: Frank Hannigan; Rita Kattner; Fr. Chuck Dahm, OP.

Sisters of the Holy Family of Nazareth/World Youth Day, 2011

Friday, July 15, 2011
Hosts: Graziano Marcheschi and Wayne Magdziarz. Segment I: The Sisters of the Holy Family of Nazareth are celebrating 125 years of service in the Catholic Church. Joining our hosts in studio to talk about the wonderful work of this religious order are: Sr. Barbara Jean Wojnicki; Sr. Virginette Rypniewski; Sr. Maria Sophia Gerlach. Segment II: Youth Ministry Coordinator Tiffany Swann-Covington talks about Word Youth Day Chicago Style, August 20-21 at the Our Lady of Guadalupe Shrine in Des Plaines.

Bereavement Team/Dreams For Kids

Friday, July 8, 2011
Hosts: Fr. Greg Sakowicz and Wayne Magdziarz. Segment I: Catholic Cemeteries of the Archdiocese of Chicago has a bereavement team that assists parishes in setting up bereavement ministries. Guests: Eva Bustamante and Martha Tressler. Segment II: Tom Tuohy, President and Founder of Dreams for Kids discusses the work of his organization that makes dreams come true for children with physical and mental challenges.

Boys Town Chicago/Courage Project

Monday, June 27, 2011
Hosts: Fr. Greg Sakowicz and Graziano Marcheschi. Segment I: Guest: Fr. Bruce Wellems. Fr. Wellems will share with us the good word about new group homes for at-risk youth that he is helping to build in the Back of the Yards neighborhood, and how this inspiring project will help the effort to keep child welfare cases out of the courts. Segment II: Sr. Nancy Swanson. Sr. Nancy’s Courage Project at St. Germaine Parish in Oak Lawn is for single, pregnant women and for single mothers with young children. It’s unique for several reasons. Segment III: Tom Howard announces and explains the Justice and Life Youth Leadership Summit that will take place on July 25 and 26.

Healthy Relationships for Teens and Young Adults

Friday, June 24, 2011
Hosts: Fr. Greg Sakowicz and Wayne Magdziarz. On today’s Catholic Community of Faith broadcast we learn to balance the head and the heart as we learn about programs that help teens and young adults make and keep healthy relationships, and then we learn some very pleasant ways to balance work and prayer in the great outdoors this summer. Segment I: Elsie Radtke. Segment II: Dr. Mary Amore.

New Bishops and Rev. Robert McLaughlin Faith Foundation

Friday, June 17, 2011
Hosts: Fr. Greg Sakowicz and Graziano Marcheschi. The first half-hour is spent with the Archdiocese of Chicago’s newly named bishops, Rev. Andrew Wypych and Rev. Alberto Rojas. The second half-hour is spent with Dr. Jack Lynch with the Rev. Robert McLaughlin Faith Foundation.

Youth Ministry

Friday, June 10, 2011
Host: Graziano Marcheschi. On July 1 the Archdiocese of Chicago begins the "Year of Teens and Young Adults", the first focus of it’s five-year Strategic Pastoral Plan: Reflect Christ’s Light. So, it’s appropriate that we talk about summer service projects designed for teens and young adults and about Catholic scouting that serves a portion of this same age group. The first segment is about summer service trips. Guests: Dan Lawler; Rudy Gomez; David Heimann. The second segment is about scouting. Guest: Bill Tworek.

Social Justice

Monday, June 6, 2011
Hosts: Fr. Greg Sakowicz and Graziano Marcheschi. Segment One guest is Tom Howard who talks about the work he is doing to increase the capacity of parishes and vicariates to do the social ministry of the Church and, in particular about how he’s doing that this week in Palos Heights. Segment Two guest is Deacon John Green. Deacon John talks about his new book, Streetwalking with jesus: Reaching Out in Justice and Mercy.

Memorial Day--Honoring Those Who Serve Our Country

Friday, May 27, 2011
Host: Graziano Marcheschi. Today’s show honors those who serve our country. Guests: Dan Olipra; Caesar Hill; Bert Smith; Fr. Matt Foley

Bereavement Counseling/Parish Operations Office

Friday, May 20, 2011
Hosts: Fr. Greg Sakowicz and Wayne Magdziarz. Segment I: Bereavement Counseling. The first guest on this show is Amy Florian, nationally-recognized liturgist and bereavement consultant who works as a teacher, trainer, and grief coach. Amy is a Fellow in Thanatology (the study of death and grief) in the Association for Death Education and Counseling and the founder of Corgenius. She is an adjunct professor at Loyola, Dominican and Xavier universities. In addition, she is the author of over 90 articles and two books. Segment II: Parish Operations Office. If you want to know more about parish financial management, stay with us because in segment II of this program we have three guests who will enlighten us on this subject. Guests: Taffie Iwaniki; Debbie Finley; Lauren Zitlow

Pope John Paul II Beatification

Monday, May 2, 2011
Hosts: Fr. Greg Sakowicz and Graziano Marcheschi. This program is dedicated to the Beatification of Pope John Paul II. Guests: Fr. William Woestman; Jan Lorys; Sr. Joan McGuire; Rabbi Herman Schaalman.

Holy Name Cathedral Young Adult Board/Ecumenical Discussion of Anglican Church

Friday, April 29, 2011
Host: Graziano Marcheschi. Segment I: Holy Name Young Adult Board. Guests: Eleanor Strong; Boldi Lassu. Segment II: Discussion of Anglican Church. Guest: Fr. Thomas Baima

Formation in Ministry and Strategic Pastoral Plan

Monday, April 25, 2011
Hosts: Fr. Greg Sakowicz and Wayne Magdziarz. Segment I: Formation in Ministry. Guests: Megan Deichl; Deacon Dennis Brown; John Ellgas. Segment II: Strategic Pastoral Plan. Guest: Msgr. John Canary

Forgiveness and Reconciliation.

Friday, April 15, 2011
Hosts: Fr. Greg Sakowicz and Wayne Magdziarz. Segment I: Guests Dr. Troy Martin and Joan McKamey talk about forgiveness. Segment II: Fr. Ron Lewinski talks about reconciliation.

Faith and the Environment/New American Bible

Friday, April 8, 2011
Hosts: Fr. Greg Sakowicz and Graziano Marcheschi. Segment I: Faith and the Environment. Guests: Mark Potosnak; Dan Misleh. Segment II: Mary Elizabeth Sperry.

The Port Ministries/Friends of the Poor

Monday, April 4, 2011
Hosts: Fr. Greg Sakowicz and Wayne Magdziarz. Segment I: The Port Ministries. Guests: Mary Armato and David Krug. Segment II: Friends of the Poor. Guests: Anna Kawa; Mary Anne Downing; Olga Kolata

Undocumented Immigrants/Conversation w/Fr. Robert Barron

Monday, March 28, 2011
Hosted by Fr. Greg Sakowicz and Wayne Magdziarz. In the first segment of this show Elena Segura, Director of the Office for Immigrant Affairs and Immigration Education joins us in studio with a couple of religious sisters. One of the topics will be jail ministry to undocumented immigrants. We have a large group of religious sisters who visit people in detention. The Sisters and Brothers of Immigrants (representing 57 religious orders) will have a conference in April on various issues of immigration. Fr. Robert Barron joins our hosts in segment two and gives an update on The Catholicism Project and talks about his Word on Fire ministry, including topics of his blog and his efforts to bring the message of the Catholic Church to a secular media audience.

World Catholicism Week

Friday, March 25, 2011
The Center for World Catholicism and Intercultural Theology at DePaul University is hosting "World Catholicism Week 2011". There will be events held from April 11-14. One of the main events in Chicago will be a celebration of the life of Blessed Chiara Luce Badano, a Focolare member and the first teenager of the XXI century to be beatified. Guests for this segment are Tom Masters, Gina Citron and Adam Kelley. The second segment of the show is a conversation with Graham Ward, the Samuel Fergusson Professor of Philosophical Theology and Ethics at the University of Manchester in England. During World Catholicism Week he will give a talk entitled "Urban Studies in the Mirror of World Catholicism".

Called and Gifted/Grants Management for Catholic Extension

Friday, March 18, 2011

Chi-Town Jazz Festival/Redeemed! Lenten Concert

Friday, March 11, 2011
Hosts Fr. Greg Sakowicz and Graziano Marcheschi spend the first half-hour of this show talking with Fr. John Moulder of St. Gregory the Great Parish in Chicago who is once again organizing the Chi-Town Jazz Festival. It will be held March 22 to March 26 at various jazz venues in Chicago and the suburbs. The Chi-Town Jazz Festival began in 2010 and involves the collective effort of the jazz community to support hunger relief in Chicago. It showcases an array of outstanding jazz artists in some of the Chicago area’s finest jazz venues. Through the generous contributions of musicians donating their time and talent, and clubs and concert halls donating their space, the funds raised directly benefit the Greater Chicago Food Depository and Catholic Charities who work together for hunger relief. In the second half-hour our hosts are joined by Neil Windt, Music Director at St. Patrick Parish in Lemont, who will discuss "Redeemed!", a Lenten concert presented by the St. Patrick Music Program. There are great expectations attached to this event as it is the first one to be opened to the community at large in Lemont and beyond. The hope is that it will be an ANNUAL event, connecting the parish and it’s music with the local community.

Operation Rice Bowl/"Carrying the Cross of Jesus"

Monday, March 7, 2011
Hosts Fr. Greg Sakowicz and Graziano Marcheschi join Adrienne Curry in a discussion about Operation Rice Bowl, the official Lenten program of Catholic Relief Services. In the second half-hour Fr. Birtto Berchman discusses the talk he will give to jump start the Lenten season. His talk is called "Carrying the Cross of Jesus".

Holy Name Cathedral Lenten Missions/La Pieta Replica at Holy Family Parish

Friday, February 25, 2011
Hosts Fr. Greg Sakowicz and Graziano Marcheschi talk with Fr. Thomas Loya during the first half of the show about the upcoming Lenten Missions he will be conducting at Holy Name Cathedral during Lent this year. Fr. Terry Keehan and Colin Collette join our hosts in the second half of the show to talk about the life-size replica of La Pieta that is on display for the next 3 months in the narthex of Holy Family Parish in Inverness. Cardinal George participated in the unveiling ceremony and Mass this past Wednesday.

St. Joseph College Seminary Groundbreaking/Shamrocks for Kids

Friday, February 18, 2011
Hosts Fr. Greg Sakowicz and Graziano Marcheschi talk with Fr. Peter Snieg and Tony Cascino about the groundbreaking ceremony to be hold on Monday, February 21 on the Loyola University Lake Shore campus for the new St. Joseph College Seminary. The second half-hour is a discussion with Rich Daniels about the Shamrocks for Kids event that benefits the Mercy Home for Boys and Girls.

Parish Leadership Day 2011 and World Marriage Day

Monday, January 31, 2011
Hosts Fr. Greg Sakowicz and Graziano Marcheschi spend the first half-hour of this program talking about Parish Leadership Day with Rita Kattner, Dennis Marks, and Jim Boyd. This year’s Parish Leadership Day will take place on Saturday, February 26 at Maria High School. The second half-hour of the program explores "World Marriage Day" with the director of Family Ministries, Frank Hannigan.

Multi-Parish Pastoring/Seeking the Truth of Things

Friday, January 28, 2011
Hosts Fr. Greg Sakowicz and Wayne Magdziarz host. The first half of the show is about "pastoring multiple parishes". Guests are Rita Kattner, Fr. Patrick Lee, and Fr. Fredde Washington. The second half of the show is a conversation with Al Gini, author of the book Seeking the Truth of Things: Confessions of a (Catholic) Philosopher.

Bears and Packers Chaplains/Catechism Shows

Friday, January 21, 2011
Hosts Fr. Greg Sakowicz and Graziano Marcheschi host this show before the big Bears/Packers NFC Championship game. For the first 20 minutes they talk with Fr. Nick Marro, long-time chaplain for the Chicago Bears, and Fr. Jim Baraniak, chaplain for the Green Bay Packers. In the second part of the show Fr. Greg and Graz talk with Vicki Quade, producer of all those Catechism shows that have entertained audiences for years.

Respect Life Month/School on Wheels

Friday, January 14, 2011
Hosts Graziano Marcheschi and Wayne Magdiarz. First segment discusses January as Respect Life Month. Guests: Margie Manczko Breen and Emily Warpinski. Segment Two is about School on Wheels. Guests: Debbie Brandt; Mary Peranteau

Annual Catholic Appeal/Week of Prayer for Christian Unity

Monday, January 3, 2011
Host Graziano Marcheschi spends the first half-hour talking with Ray Coughlin and Barbara Shea Collins about the 2011 Catholic Appeal. Graz spends the second half-hour with Sr. Joan McGuire discussing the upcoming Week of Prayer for Christian Unity.

Christmas Music

Friday, December 24, 2010
Fr. Greg Sakowicz and Graziano Marcheschi host this show of Christmas music.

Art and Faith of the Creche Art Exhibit/Catholic Blessing of Civil Marriages

Friday, December 17, 2010
Hosts Fr. Greg Sakowicz and Graziano Marcheschi discuss the Art and Faioth of the Creche exhibit at the Loyola University Art Museum during the first half hour with Lisa Stuchly. In the second half hour Fr. Dan Brandt talks about the second annual marriage ceremony at his parish, Nativity of Our Lord, of couples seeking to have their civil marriages blessed by the Catholic Church. This year nearly 20 couples, who have been married from one to 40 years, will participate in the ceremony to be held on New Years Eve.

Catholics Come Home/Infancy Narratives of St. Matthew

Friday, December 10, 2010
Host Wayne Magdiarz spends the first half hour with Nancy Polacek, Director of Catholics Come Home Chicago. Beginning December 17 and continuing through January 17, The Archdiocese of Chicago and the Joliet and Rockford dioceses will preswent approximately 1,000 television commercials in three languages that will appear on commercial, cable and Polish and Spanish language television stations. In addition, CTA Red, Brown and Blue Line trains and north side busses will also be featuring Catholics Come Home ads. The second half hour is a discussion with Fr. James McIlhone about the Infancy Narratives of St. Matthew’s Gospel.

World Youth Day/Kateri Center of Chicago

Monday, December 6, 2010
Hosts Fr. Greg Sakowicz and Wayne Magdiarz discuss the upcoming World Youth Day in August, 2010 with Tiffany Swan-Covington, Maria "Cooky" Perez-Eraci and Kathy Oko. The second half hour is about the Kateri Center of Chicago with Georgina Roy, Jody Ozawagosh, George Real Bird and William Buchholtz.

Adoption/Catolico 25th Anniversary/Food Pantries

Monday, November 29, 2010
Host Graziano Marcheschi talks adoption with guests Peggy Lynch, Linda Nguyen and Jim Finnegan in the first segment. The second segment is about the 25th anniversary of the Archdiocese of Chicago’s Spanish language newspaper, Catolico with Editor Alejandro Castillo. The final segment explores the food pantries of Catholic Charities with Esmeralda Zepeda.

Newman Center/Haiti Outreach

Friday, November 19, 2010
Hosts Fr. Greg Sakowicz and Wayne Magdiarz. The first segment is a discussion with Fr. Steve Bauer, chaplain of the John Paul II Newman Center at UIC. Two students also share the many offereings of this Newman Center on a large "secular" campus and how they impact the lives of students both now and long after they leave the campus. Fr. Bauer is also the director of the Integritas Institute, so he also includes information on the many lectures they offer to students on a variety of ethical issues AND their big Bioethics Conference that is coming up in early 2011. In the second segment Deacon Gerry Keenan of Sacred Heart Parish in Winnetka discusses his parish’s outreach to Haiti, where they are currently focused on educating young people. They’ve built a secondary school where young people are formed as moral and secular leaders in a country where there is little real leadership and less hope.

Chicago Catechetical Conference/

Monday, November 1, 2010
Hosts Graziano Marcheschi and Wayne Magdiarz talk with guests Lois DeFelice and Joe Paprocki about the upcoming Chicago Catechetical Conference. The second half hour is about a new software application that is free and a potentially major weapon in the fight against child abductions. Robert Donnelli discusses his new inovation called

Mission of Our Lady of the Angels/Author Gary Graf

Friday, October 29, 2010
Hosts Fr. Greg Sakowicz and Wayne Magdiarz talk with Fr. Bob Lombardo, CFR, about the Mision of Our Lady of the Angels. The second half hour is a conversation with Gary Graf about his latest book titled And God Said, "Let’s Eat!!"

Domestic Abuse

Monday, October 25, 2010
Hosts Fr. Greg Sakowicz and Graziano Marcheschi talk about the issue of domestic abuse. Guests: Rosi Viquez; Beverly Ann Stewart; Teresa Gielczynski; Carmen Patlan

Pursuit of Sainthood for Augustus Tolton

Friday, October 22, 2010
Hosts Fr. Greg Sakowicz and Graziano Marcheschi talk with Bishop Joseph Perry and Dr. Andrea Ambrosi for the first half-hour of the program. Fr. Greg and Graz also talk with Joyce Duriga of the Catholic New World about what the next issue will feature, listen to an interview with Bishop Gustavo Garcia-Siller on his appointment as Archbishop of San Antonio, Texas, and interview Roman Szabelski of Catholic Cemeteries about Catholic Cemetery Sunday (November 7)

Office for Black Catholics/Month of the Rosary

Friday, October 15, 2010
Hosts Fr. Greg Sakowicz and Graziano Marcheschi spend the first half hour discussing the 25th Anniversary of the Office for Black Catholics with Adrienne Curry, Devin Jones, Mary Norfleet-Johnson and Tiffany Swann-Covington. The second half hour is all about the Moth of the Rosary with Lucas Amato.

Fr. Robert Barron/Pathways Inclusion in Worship Ministry

Friday, October 8, 2010
Hosts Fr. Greg Sakowicz and Graziano Marcheschi spend the first half-hour talking with Fr. Robert Barron about his latest media projects including his new program on WGN television. The second half-hour is spent with Joanne Meyer of Pathways Inclusion in Worship Ministry. The ministry is part of the Pathways Awareness Foundation that works to create access and inclusion in worship.

Author/Speaker Matthew Kelly/Crisis Nursery

Monday, October 4, 2010
Hosts Fr. Greg Sakowicz and Graziano Marcheschi talk with renowned Catholic speaker and New York Times bestselling author, Matthew Kelly. He will be holding a one-day retreat titled "Living Each Day with Passion and Purpose" at St. Mary the Annunciation in Mundelein on Saturday, October 23. The second half-hour is spent talking with Amy Kendal-Lynch, program director of Crisis Nursery, a Maryville Academy facility located on the northwest side of Chicago. They offer what she calls a preventative program for children 6 years of age and younger in Cook and Lake counties.

Focusing on Vocations

Friday, October 1, 2010
Fr. Brian Welter, Director of the Vocations office, interviews Fr. Paul Asenmacher and Fr. Steve Grunow about vocations.

Green Bay Packers Chaplain/Upcoming Election

Monday, September 27, 2010
Hosts: Graziano Marcheschi and Wayne Magdiarz. Segment I: Fr. Jim Baraniak, chaplain for the Green Bay Packers, talks about what it is like to be the chaplain for a professional sports team. Segment II: Bob Gilligan of the Catholic Conference of Illinois discusses the candidates for Governor of Illinois.

Justice Day/100 Year Anniversary of St. Patrick Church

Friday, September 24, 2010
Hosts: Fr. Greg Sakowicz and Graziano Marcheschi. Segment I: CCHD Director Rey Flores talks about "Justice Day" 2010 scheduled for Saturday, October 2 at Our Lady of Sorrows Basilica. Segment II: St. Patrick Church in Lake Forest celebrates the 100 Anniversary of it’s Old Church located at 991 S. Waukegan Rd. in Lake Forest. There will be a 2-day celebration October 2-3. Guests: Fr. Larry Dunn; Jim Buzzard

Missionaries of the Poor Music Ministry/Pilgrimage and Faith Art Exhibit

Friday, September 17, 2010
Host: Wayne Magdiarz. The first half-hour is spent with guest Fr. Brian Kerr discussing the music ministry of Missionaries of the Poor. The second half-hour is a look at the Pilgrimage and Faith: Buddhism, Christianity and Islam Art Exhibit with Jonathan Canning

Remembering 9/11 - Vocations

Friday, September 10, 2010
Hosts Fr. Greg Sakowicz and Graziano Marcheschi spend the first half-hour talking with Fr. Thomas Baima, Professor of Systematic Theology at the University of St. Mary of the Lake about a paper he authored titled "Remembering 911". Also joining the discussion is Dr. Scott Alexander, associate professor of Islam at the Chicago Theological Unions. The second half-hour is a discussion on vocations with Fr. Brian Welter.


Friday, September 3, 2010
Hosts: Fr. Joe Noonan and Fr. Brian Welter. Vocations Office Co-director Fr. Joe Noonan passes the torch to incoming Director, Fr. Brian Welter. They also talk about vocations formation with guest James Wallace.

Archdiocesan Pastoral Council/Catholic Relief Services

Monday, August 30, 2010
Hosts Fr. Greg Sakowicz and Wayne Magdiarz discussthe Archidocesan Pastoral Council with Rita Kattner, Mary Ann Rosso and Steve Kubiczky. In the second half hour the discussion turns to relief for victims of flooding in Pakistan with Catholic Relief Services director, Adrienne Curry.

Faith and Marriage

Friday, August 27, 2010
Host Graziano Marcheschi interviews employees of the Family Ministry Office about Faith and Marriage. Guests are Frank Hannigan; Elsie Radtke; and Kim Hagerty.

Totus Tuus/Vocations

Friday, August 6, 2010
Hosts: Fr. Joe Noonan and Fr. Brian Welter.